To. Hyoyeon: Another birthday, another year — and a lot can happen in those 365 or so days. Now is the time to look back on the falls that you’ve picked yourself up from, the hills that you’ve climbed over, the leaps that you’ve taken to touch the clouds. And can I be honest? I’m […]
Read more »Aug
Sixteen years is a long time. In an industry that’s always looking for the next big hit before the current one has even stepped onto the stage, few make it past the gauntlet of public scrutiny, and fewer are able to ride the favor of a nationwide audience for longer than it takes to be […]
Read more »Aug
Tiffany is someone who dreams big. Someone who imagines futures so grand that the world — maybe even the entire universe — has a hard time holding it all in. But that’s what having dreams entails: believing in things that scrape the farthest boundaries of possibility, things that remain intangible even when we have them […]
Read more »Jun
Dear Seohyun, I’m just going to be honest right off the bat here: you are simply amazing. Over these past 15 (almost 16!) years, you’ve grown from that adorable little maknae with a healthy fear of hamburgers (although, you took a bite out of one in the first episode of “Girls Go To School” — […]
Read more »May
Yoona has always been the center of attention, whether she’d asked for it or not. Even over a decade ago, as the face of the soon-to-be nation’s girl group, Yoona was never not in the spotlight. Her company placed her there, her members insisted that she belonged there, and the public eye made sure she […]
Read more »May
Ever since her debut, Sunny has been known as various things: the vitamin, the energy pill, the aegyo master of Girls’ Generation. And sure, labels are only labels at the end of the day, and bear no indication as to whether their claims are actually true. It’s standard practice now, to put each member of […]
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