Founded on 1 February 2008, Soshified is the largest international fan community dedicated to Girls’ Generation (also known as 소녀시대, SNSD, So Nyuh Shi Dae, SoShi, 少女時代) with over 300,000 members and worldwide staff members. A one-stop portal for all things Girls’ Generation, Soshified is the authoritative source for the latest news and media about the top South Korean girl group, including high quality pictures, video streams and in-house English-subtitled videos. Soshified sees an average of 1 million visitors, of which 221,000 are unique, and 10 million page views per month from around the world.
Over the past few years, Soshified has participated actively in a myriad of projects, including donation drives for charity, global meet-ups and fan support projects for Girls’ Generation.
Milestones and achievements of Soshified:
- February 1st: Establishment of our fanforum.
- First meet-up in Los Angeles to support Girls’ Generation at the 6th Annual Korean Music Festival.
- A total of 13 gift projects were organized throughout the year, including birthday gifts, 1st Anniversary, Christmas projects, as well as other side projects.
- Second meet-up for the 7th Annual Korean Music Festival in Los Angeles.
- Soshified raised a total of US$8,400 for the following charities: Hansarang Baby Care Center for Disabled Babies, The House that Opens Tomorrow (Food Market in Incheon) and YMCA’s Youth Center in Seoul
- Girls’ Generation 2nd Anniversary Fan Project: A Soshified passport was made for the girls, and a total of 904 messages were sent in from 62 countries.
- Soshified donated a total of US$10,580 to the following international charities: Red Cross Haiti relief fund, Charity: Water and Make-a-Wish Foundation.
- SMTown Los Angeles meet-up saw over 1000 people in attendance and was covered by several Korean media outlets.
- Girls’ Generation 3rd Anniversary Fan Project: Pictures with the Forever9 logo on it were sent in from SONEs around the world. A video compiled of these clips was made and posted on YouTube and made it on Korean news. Video can be found here.
- Soshified’s Japan Relief Fund Project raised a total of US$45,500 for the victims of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. This was achieved through a 3-week donation drive from 12 March to 31 March, 2011 by 480 members from 32 countries.
- The Los Angeles meet-up organized alongside SM USA saw over 500 fans in attendance when seating capacity of the venue was only for 280. Subsequent meet-ups were held in Seoul, London and Paris, the latter of which was in conjunction with SM’TOWN in PARIS and saw a congregation of European SONEs.
- Over 200 people from approximately 26 countries participated in the Intel Visual Dreams project. SONEs across the globe took pictures with the Intel posters at famous landmarks, venues and buildings from their country.
- In partnership with the Korean Tourism Organization (KTO), Soshified organized a “field trip” with approximately 100 members in participation. Highlights included the attending of Girls’ Generation 2nd Tour Concert and MBC studio recordings. The field trip was heavily covered by the Korean media and Soshified members were featured in several Korean entertainment news broadcasts and newspapers.
- Girls’ Generation 4th Anniversary Fan Project: A 30-second digital billboard advertisement was played on top of the Aroma Wilshire Center in the heart of the Wilshire Center Area of Los Angeles. It was played throughout the whole day from 1 August to 8 August, 2011. A link to the video played can be found here.
- Girls’ Generation Runs New York: in October, Soshified hosted the girls’ first US fan meeting at the Best Buy Theater in Times Square with over 2000 fans.
- Girls’ Generation Takes Over New York: in January we showed our support to the girls’ promotions of The Boys in New York with a fan contest. Fans came in large numbers to JFK Airport, the David Letterman Show, Live with Kelly, and the fansigning event at Best Buy in Manhattan.
- SM’TOWN Anaheim in May: Soshified made its presence known with another new trademark pink t-shirt and fan goods.
- Girls’ Generation 5th Anniversary: this important anniversary came with much fanfare, not just with gifts for the girls, but with a touching commemorative video, a photobook taking SNSD on a trip around the world to see their international fans, and the debut of the Girls’ Generation Timeline, presented by Soshified.
- Most importantly, the Girls’ Generation 5th Anniversary Charity Project raised a total of US$15,103 for the Korean Retinitis Pigmentosa Society.
- KCON USA in Irvine, CA in October: Soy of SSF fame was invited to speak at a panel on successful fan forums, and Soshified ran one of the most popular booths at the convention.
- KCON USA in Los Angeles, CA
- Original Productions: Soshified started producing videos, podcasts and news wraps for it’s YouTube channel.
- KCON USA in Los Angeles, CA
- KCON USA in Newark, NJ
- KCON USA in Los Angeles, CA
Contact us:
Press and Media Inquiries – [email protected]