
On March 30th, Sooyoung uploaded a photo of a new pet on her Instagram account, which she frequently uses to show pictures of her dogs. Sooyoung spotted her new pet outside of KBS’s Shin-Gwan TV Hall and chose to adopt her, thinking she looked lost and needed a home.

Mori, Suri, and Cherri, Sooyoung’s three dogs, welcomed the new addition to the family. Though they were initially wary of her due to a striking resemblance to a lion, the dogs relaxed when it became clear she disliked eating meat.

In keeping with the pattern of her dog’s names, Sooyoung chose to name her new pet “Yuri”.

sooyoungmori sooyoungcherrisooyoungsuri
            “My name is @mori”         “Maknae, Cherri. @Che@rri”            “I’M @suri”

(Yuri: I am yuri)
(Yuri: Real maknae Yuri #yulyulk)

Sources: Sooyoung’s Instagram, SNSDTV1, SNSDTV2
Written by: bhost909@doggified

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