Fans of Girls’ Generation in Northern California recently released the first episode of “Running SONE”, a show based on the popular variety show “Running Man” and entirely recorded, edited, and produced by fans. “Running SONE” saw 26 participants and 10 “staff members” meet in the morning at San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park for a day filled with challenges and laughs. Complete with “Running Man”‘s trademark name tags, the show drew inspiration from many of the original show’s games while including a Girls’ Generation twist. Also similar to “Running Man”, “Running SONE” featured clever editing, a final chasing mission bordering on dangerous, a witty and talkative MC wearing green, an embarrassing punishment for the losing team, and lots of running.
In an interview, MC Tommy (tmyster@soshified) revealed several details of the planning and filming process. He explained that filming actually lasted for eight hours with three main video cameras and several DSLR cameras. A full week was needed to edit the episode, while planning took three months. Though only 20 to 25 people were expected to attend, 36 fans arrived to either join in the games or serve as staff members for what was, according to Tommy, “The biggest event we’ve ever hosted.”
While the idea of a “Running Man” event had previously been discussed, Tommy suggested that games be played and the entire event recorded in order create self-made version of the popular variety show. “When people realized that we were going to be filming our own ‘variety show’, everyone hopped on board, and those who couldn’t make it were bummed, but supportive,” Tommy said.
A member named Ralph (coffeeprincesj@soshified) served as the show’s PD and editor. With Tommy, he reviewed all of the recorded footage to brainstorm ideas and proceeded to edit the episode. “Ralph did all of the editing, and it only took him a week,” Tommy said. Ralph also created the show’s logo, a combination of the original “Running Man” logo and the “Run Devil Run” silhouette, as suggested by Tommy.
Tommy also hinted at the “Running SONE”‘s future, saying, “We are in the midst of planning for our Halloween edition, so stay tuned for that!” He explained, “This time around, we want it to be more personal and bring out the characters of our participants, like they do in ‘Running Man’. With that, there will be less participants, but more variety.”
Finally, Tommy gave a shoutout to his fellow fans from Northern California, saying, “I would just like to say ‘thank you’ to all of the Norcal SONEs who helped me make this event happen: from the main cast, to the staff, to the participants. It has really been an honor and privilege to organize and MC such a successful event. I’m looking forward to seeing how far ‘Running SONE’ can get. Thank you for all of the love and support. Norcal SONEs Fighting!”
A big thanks to Tommy for participating in the interview. Check out episode one of “Running SONE” below.
Source: [email protected]
Written by: bhost909@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9@soshified
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wowwww it’s great….It’s looks fun…
Dang, this is DAEBAK!
ahhh why didnt i get notified about thisss i was just at that park too
This was awesome! I wish something like this would happen near me. Running Sone Boston, anyone? ^.^
I’m so sad and pissed at the same time I worked that day … Oh well, if there’s an episode 2 I best to be in it~ hey, norcali soshified sones who want to join, you gotta be apart of out normal soshified sones Facebook group, yo! :)
Wait I live there!!! How can I be apart? I didn’t know anything about this :( I’ve been trying to find other people who love GG as much as I do!
I absolutely loved this! To be honest, I thought “ah..maybe this will be clearly fan-like and not really match up to Running Man” but I was wrong. It was very well done and I actually found myself thinking of ways to do more with it! Things like “Running SONE Chicago” and “Running SONE Ontario” – in essence, making this something that all SONEs in cities do – like making Running SONE a huge show!!
And I really do want this to be Korean Subbed and sent to SNSD for something. Like when maybe 5 or 10 episodes are made, they get put on DVDs and put in a nice case and sent to SNSD so that the girls can also enjoy
Actually back in 2011, The Media Production Crew and I were thinking about making Running Man USA. We had the equipments such as Production Cameras, lavender mics, tripods, editing software, writers, sound crew, camera crew, we just lack hosts. So maybe if anyone want to come together and make Running Sone NYC, would be awesome we got the equipment we just need people. LOL a whole series of Running Sone around the global sounds like a great idea.
Great job!! You guys not only make SNSD proud, You make Sone proud too!! ^^
WOW tht surprises me! it seems so much fun <3
KEKEKE great idea woohoo SONES JJANG! :p
Can i join? but im only 13 XD so….
This is so much fun! I want to join but too bad I’m not from the state -.-
It must be hard to do all the filming and editing.
Great job everyone who took part in the event! Looking forward to your next episode!
Cool! Great job to all those who spent months preparing for Running Sones!
wish i knew so many sones! hahaha
Northern California?? WOW!