The United States Fund for UNICEF is helping children and their families in the Philippines receive shelter, clean water, nutrition, and vaccines. UNICEF’s emergency response can be supported online or by calling 1-800-367-5437. You can donate directly to UNICEF in the Philippines, under Soshified’s “#WishesForPH” project on Crowdrise (only credit cards accepted). Soshified is also accepting donations for the Philippines on Paypal. A webpage for Soshified’s “WishesForPH” project can be found at
A tropical country made up of more than 7,100 volcanic islands, the Philippines is hit by an average of 19 typhoons a year. In addition, it is vulnerable to earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, and landslides. Ongoing conflict in some areas also puts children’s lives at risk.
Super Typhoon Haiyan, also known as “Yolanda”, hit the Philippines with wind speeds up to 235 mph. Before any cyclone is dubbed Category 5, it must have at least 156 mph wind speeds.
Haiyan has far exceeded that minimum requirement.
The super typhoon followed on the heels of a 7.2 earthquake that devastated the Philippines a few weeks before, leaving more than 195 dead, over 50,000 homes destroyed, and 350,000 displaced. Now, two days after Haiyan first landed, more than 10,000 have been killed and over 600,000 have been displaced.
Google Person Finder has launched a page to help find missing persons in the aftermath of the storm. Google Crisis Map is also providing additional evacuation and relief information. Sharing these sites as well will further aid the victims of this latest super typhoon.
Imagine if all of your friends donated just one bottle of water each. How many friends do you have on Facebook — and how many bottles of water would you get if every single one of them made a donation?
Join Soshified in sending aid to the Philippines, a country that would surely do the same for any other nation if the tables were turned. Besides making a donation, you can help Soshified trend #WishesForPH on Twitter to spread the word about the Philippines’ predicament and support global relief efforts. As “SONE” means “wish” in Korean, the project name and hashtag represent the generosity and efforts of SONEs for the Philippines.
With the holiday season just around the corner, the season of giving is upon us — help Soshified show the Philippines how much we care.
미국 유니세프 단체에서는 필리핀에 거주하고 있는 아이들과 가족들을 위해서 대피소, 식수, 영양분과 예방접종 주사를 맞을수 있도록 도움을 주고 있습니다. 유니세프의 응급후원은 온라인이나 전화로 (1-800-367-5437) 도와주실 수 있습니다. 유니세프에 직접적으로 후원금을 보내고 싶으시다면 Crowdrise (크래딧 카드만 허용)를 통해 저희 소시파이드에서 진행하는 #WishesForPH 프로젝트에 지금 참여하실 수 있습니다. 소시파이드 Paypal을 통해서도 참여하실 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 여기서 보실 수 있습니다.
몇주전 찾아온 태풍 하이옌은, 7.2 강도의 지진과 함께 필리핀에 거주하고 있는 모든 주민을 절망에 빠트리면서, 당일, 195명의 사망자와, 5만채의 집, 3만5천명의 난민피해자가 발생했습니다. 이틀이 지난 지금 현재, 1만명의 사망자와 60만명의 난민이 발생됬다고 보고되었습니다.
지금 소시파이드와 함께 필리핀에 후원금을 보내는 일에 참여하십시오. 또한, 후원금을 보내는 동시에 소시파이드에서 진행하는 #WishesforPH 트위터 트랜딩 프로젝트에 참여해서 지금 필리핀에서 일어나는 일들에 대해서 전세계 사람들이 알고, 또 그들을 후원하는데 동참할 수 있도록 도와 주십시오.
so proud of you all my fellow SONEs….
Thank you so much sone,,
It means a lot. I am from the philippines far from the tragedy but its really depressing to see what happend to them. Godbless!
On behalf of my countrymen, THANK YOU SO MUCH SOSHIFIED & SONES! :”””>
I’m so blessed to be part of this fandom. BEST decision I ever made. ♡
#WishesForPH (Y)
*crying* Wow, thank so much for helping. God bless us all.
Philippines fighting!
just having this posted means a lot for us. thank you so much.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! for my fellow sones… words can’t really express how thankful we are (PHsones) for this help… thank you…thank you…thank you..^_^
Thanks for organizing this, I’ve chipped in some ^^, hope the Philippines people get their resources they need for a quick recovery.
thank you so much!!^^
one of the main reasons why i love this fandom is how together and caring everyone is! Soshi is proud of us because of the good deeds we don, and we wouldn’t be this close if it weren’t for them!
Soshified thanks for taking this opportunity to save lives, let’s pray for the people in the Philippines, may they stay safe, and hopefully this will all end soon for them
thanks! what happened was really devastating! after the war in zamboanga…earthquake in bohol and now this supertyphoon, some of the people seems to be hopeless, they looked like zombies…i don’t know… i’m not a victim but my heart cries out for my countrymen…T_T…guys, i’m so grateful with this forum, initiating to help the victims…thank you so much! this is so much appreciated!^^
IS THERE A DEADLINE TO THIS BECAUSE I WON’T BE ABLE TO DONATE UNTIL THIS COMING FRIDAY WHEN I GET PAY? SSF what you’re doing is making me cry. my heart goes out to all the PH-Sones and all the other peeps facing difficulties right now. y’all stay strong and keep the faith. God bless! i love and very proud of Sone family. like Soshi like Sone ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :’D
As a Filipino, this movement makes me so much prouder to be a sone. Thank you, soshified. Thank you, thank you.
same here!!^^
Soshified thank you for organizing this project. I will donate right now. My prayers go out to the Philippines.
Pray for the Philippines
#PrayforthePhilippines thank you fellow sones :) i’m not affected cause i’m from zamboanga city but i’m still thankful cause you’re helping them
This is one of the reasons why I am proud to be part of this fandom. Thank you so much Soshified International. You have our deepest gratitude. :’)
Guys! You don’t know how much this means to us PHSONEs.
Thank you for helping us out in times of disaster.
This is very heart warming. You guys are daebak!
I love this fandom so much! Proud to be part of it.
thank you so much my fellow sones, i have friends there in tacloban that are directly hit, barely escaping death :( it really means a lot to me and other PH sones (or not) that SSF and SONES are helping us :) THANK YOU ^^
Thank You SOSHIFIED and SONEs helping all around the world for our country it is a big help for us.
Thank you very very much :)) Hope GOD bless you all :))
PROUD SONE because this fandom is a family helping each other :))
Thank you so much for your donations. PhSOnes are really touched and happy.
I hope God will give you more blessings. :)
Fighting!! :))
Thank you Soshified, project leaders and to all SONE. PHSones are touched for all the help the we got from everyone more espcially from this fandom. Words cannot express all the gratitude the we received.
I’m so proud of this fandom..
thank you very much :))) I’m glad Sone exists! :D thank you!!
PH Sones and citizens… Fighting! Stay strong!
thank you so much sones!
this is a very very big help for our country!
realllyyy proud being a sone!
we thank u from the bottom of our hearts
Im proud to be a sone.
Thank you to all of you sone for helping our country because of this filipinos will never loose hope.
On behalf of the Philippine members of SSF, and PH-SONEs all around, thank you so much for putting in the time and the effort to open a channel for donations to help our fellow countrymates. Thank you so much!
One more reason why I love this fandom so much. Things like this, makes me proud to be a SONE.
PS. I hope the Girls notice this, so that they can see and they can be proud of the fans and their big hearts.
Thank you!
…….Pray for the Philippines!!! Thanks you for the people who help and for the people who donated.