One of Girls’ Generation’s latest endorsement deals is with Korea Yakult. In the spirit of the coming summer season, during the first week of June the company began revealing videos of each member promoting Yakult’s “LOOK” diet drink. Every girl has something slightly different to say about the product, so check out all the videos and their descriptions below:
Taeyeon starts by asking the viewers if they know that constant management is essential to dieting, which is the reason why “LOOK” is a good choice for a day to day diet routine. She also advises that some exercise helps improve the diet. At the end of the video, Taeyeon kindly asks viewers to experience “LOOK” for themselves.
Jessica observes that with summer quickly approaching, dieting season has begun. She encourages viewers to drink “LOOK” to help meet their diet goals.
In this CF, Sunny sympathizes with viewers, acknowledging that dieting can be difficult. But she encourages them to continue, saying that drinking “LOOK” once every day, along with exercising to fun music, will make the entire process quicker and less monotonous.
Tiffany starts by asking if viewers will be prepared when summer arrives. If they’re not, then “LOOK” is the way to go: it’s easy to get and easy to drink as well.
Throughout the video, Hyoyeon offers several tips for dieting. The first piece of advice she offers is to take pictures of your body while you are on a diet, which helps with keeping track of your progress and boosts motivation. She also advises that going out on weekends with family or friends, and even taking short walks helps with dieting. However, Hyoyeon says that the most important thing is to eat three meals a day and to make sure they’re balanced meals, and to not over eat. Hyoyeon ends the video by encouraging everyone to try hard, and that they can achieve a balanced and beautiful body.
Yuri cheers viewers on, telling them that despite all the hardships that come with getting in shape for the summer, the final result will be worth it. So don’t give up: by working out even a little bit everyday, a more beautiful self will begin to emerge.
Sooyoung, along with other Girls’ Generation members, is often asked how she keeps her figure with such a packed schedule. For her, drinking “LOOK” everyday along with exercising and eating well are all crucial steps to keeping her body healthy and slim.
Yoona spends some time discussing the ingredients of “LOOK”, which help suppress the intake of trans fats. She also explains how the drink can be delivered to the viewers.
Seohyun informs viewers that “LOOK” is promoting a twelve-week diet program. During that time period, participants may also receive support messages from Girls’ Generation. She encourages viewers who are curious about how much can change in twelve weeks to try the “LOOK” diet.
Source: [email protected]
Written by: moonrise31@soshified, SeraphKY@soshified
Contributors: ch0sshi@soshfied, dongie@soshified
Edited by: michaelroni@soshified
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OMG they’re look so cute >.<
great video, so cute of them
SNSD fighting
I would like 9 of those “LOOK” please. The ladies are beautiful. I bet by the end of the year this product is going to increase. Anything Soshi touch is always becoming gold for the product. Love it!!!
yakult came with a unique desing for their product it looks very sophisticated like a beauty product,they did a good job asking GG for their support,the girls look soo beautifull im sure many of us are encourage to do the dieting now… i’ll try .
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh………………………. >< I CANT WITH GIrls………………………………………. T_______T my weak heart….. help me……….
wahhh.. Taeyeonnn.. TIffanyyy.. Both of them are cuteee!!! >__<"a LOL.. SNSD jjang!!!
there’s a 12 week dieting program?
I should have tried it!
gorgeous leader !
If only that’s available here, I’d get a box. Yay, for Look! The cfs look great. SNSD fighting!
Yey for the Yakult CF’s! :D Nice to have new videos of the girls to watch over and over and over again! More CF’s to come! Soshi Fighting! :D
i wish they can also sell this yakult in the philippines.:) and i’ll be happy to buy:D
i love sunny’s video the best! sunny jjang <3
Nice videos. Love all of them but mostly Taeyeon ^_^.
SNSD is the best~
Sooyoung unnie’s acting was the most natural, I think. ^^ Hyoyeon and Taeyeon unnies’ were really good too!
As for me, Tiffany unnie’s was the cutest. *^-^*
And… to be honest, I’m a bit worried about YoonYul… Yoona unnie’s face looks even skinnier than usual… almost just skin and bones. And Yuri unnie seems… I don’t know… but… exhausted or depressed these days?? T__T Or am I the only one who thinks so? I hope they’re both alright though. <3
All of them looked really beautiful, as usual! ^___^ And I love that they are not trying to sell this product as if it was some magic juice that'll make you lose weight without having to do anything but rather as a supplement to a healthy diet and exercise. ^^
i’m so glad you posted what they said underneath xD
i love this, it’s very interesting^^ too bad LOOK isn’t here in europe or i would definitely try it :3
I love Sunny’s the most but they all look gorgeous in their videos ^^
i would drink this JUST because the girls are endorsing it love the girls sooo much keep up the good work
i really like the idea of having each of the girls talking
about it. they certainly cover the spectrum of means
of conveyance of the product, so it would be impossible
to not relate to one of the girls. i know they have done
this before, but maybe it’s just the concept and theme
of the ads that makes these individual interviews seem
more unique. i really like it!
Tiffany unnie is so beautiful.. Snsd are perfect ^^
I thought “LOOK” was a face cream. O.o Lolololol. After watching these videos, I’ve now found out it’s a drink. xD xD
guys, please vote for the girls here. i don’t know how many singers London will show, but at least make them number 5. we are sixth now
and also, vote for the girls too in Mnet 20′s choice:
you can vote for:
Yoona as the 20′s drama star for female
TaeTiSeo for 20′s trendy music
Sooyoung for 20′s style
Girls Generation for 20′s global star
Fashion King for 20′s click
The vote will be closed in 2 days, so don’t be late to support the girls
Yoona and TTS is leading now, so I hope they won’t slip at the last minute. Sooyoung is in number 3 now, I think we still make her sit in 2nd place, because chasing Gdragon is a little difficult. Girls Generation falls behind Suju just 0,2%, I Think it is very possible to chase them, so just vote and make sure they are the winner at last
Very Nice Videos