This Friday night will certainly be a delightful and unforgettable one for Malaysian SONEs as Girls’ Generation finally set their feet in Malaysia for the Twin Towers @Live 2012. The concert will be held at Petronas Twin Towers KLCC, on the main road on March 23rd and 24th. The event is free and open to the public.

According to “The Star” and “New Straits Times”, the girls will be performing on Friday March 23rd. Following the trends in Malaysian concerts, international artists will not perform until the last few acts. Local singers will also be performing along with other international acts such as Orianthi, Nicole Scherzinger and American R&B star Kelis.

Although the announcement was made with only three days’ notice, Malaysian SONEs are excited to get a chance to greet Girls’ Generation. They are preparing a special paper event like those from the fan events for the 2nd Asia Tour. SONEs will hold up papers saying, “Finally, you’re here ♥”, after the girls finish their first song as a way to show their appreciation for Girls’ Generation finally coming to Malaysia after almost five years.

SONEs are more than welcome to grace the concert venue to show their enthusiastic support.

Sources:  thestar online, MSN Entertainment
Written by: amipi@soshified
Edited by: MoonSoshi9, LetsGo@soshified, bhost909@soshified, taengsoshi@soshified

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