During the radio, DJ Choi Hwajung asked them, “It has been a while since you last made a comeback, so do a lot of new groups have difficulty in approaching you?” In response to this Girls’ Generation said, “Honestly, many new groups feel uncomfortable being around us and they always make a 90-degree bow.”
DJ Choi also asked, “Then how about just accepting their bows in a friendly manner?” Sunny replied very humbly, “Actually, its only been 4 years since we’ve debuted and so it’s more appropriate to bow back to them in an equal fashion instead of accepting their bows.”
In addition, DJ Choi asked Girls’ Generation, “Who is your favourite male junior recently?” Taeyeon said, “I really like Infintite. It’s good to see them and they’re always working hard.” After which, DJ Choi followed up the question with “Who is your second favourite?” and Taeyeon wittily responded, “Can I say Infinite again?”.
Source: http://news.sportsseoul.com
Translated by: [email protected]
Edited by: [email protected]
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Another reason for me to like her @_@
who is better….INFINITE or BOYFRIEND pls reply….:D
I love Infinite too. haha. I’m glad that they like them as well. I wonder who each member likes in the group, I’m so curious. hehe
Taeyeon wittily responded jejeje i loved SNSD FIGHTING!!!!!
They never seem to lose their humility, and that is one of the reasons I love them so much. It’s so hard to believe how many groups they are seniors to now. I mean Seo baby is older than like half of the debuted girl groups today, that just seems so insane to me. They’ve come suck a long way, achieved so much, and haven’t let it go to their heads, it makes me proud to call myself a SONE.
They chose Infinite as their favorites too! Even if it’s just Taeyeon who likes them, it still makes me happy, because, if they are my girls, Infinite are my boys!
Witty leader! I wonder who their favorite Girl Juniors are. . .
i like “the Boys” comeback cuz Taengoo is so gorgeous! and hehehe instead of asking ”Who is your second favourite?” the follow-up question should be, “Who is your favorite Infinite member?” that would be more interesting… hehehe i hopeshe says Woohyun…
Waah! :D Taeyeon is so cute XD ”Who is your second favourite?” and Taeyeon wittily responded, “Can I say Infinite again?”.
modesty, such an admirable quality…
and perhaps the quality of snsd that
makes me love them the most. they
are some of the most talented, most
beautiful, and most kind-hearted women
i have ever seen. they have every chance
to use their fame to build themselves up
and seperate themselves from their fans,
other musicians. instead they work as hard
as possible to remain on the same level,
to remain one with all of us. :-)
Taengoo!!! You’re so witty! keke. And you have a good eye and taste for music. Infinite is a hard working group. :3 I’m looking forward to meeting witty Taengoo soon. kekeke. :3
She may be dorky at times, but this time she really shows a mature yet witty response! Good job Taengoo <3
Awww, taeyeon is so dorky. Well its good seeing the girls supporting other groups :)
“can i say infinite again?”
kekeke… dorky leader <3
Hehe oh Taeyeon how cute and nice of you to say that
I agree with her thought infinite is such a good group
My heart just died when Taeyeon chose infinite. Not once, but twice ;) Both groups worked hard and should be acknowledged for that.
I really do hope to see some tiny bit of interactions between the 2 groups in the future!!
Haha,the 11th of November???If I’m NOT MISTAKEN,it’s just the 7th of November today!And “The Boys” were released this year!I think that needs to be corrected.Anyway,the girls are so humble!They are so NICE!=)
Infinite must now be in tears and rejoicing. lol
I was also like, “What about SHINee?” but knowing the SM bond, I think they see SHINee as friends rather than juniors. So, cool! :)
I’m so glad Infinite got recognised! I honestly have been following them since their debut when I heard that Epik High helped produce their album. Out of all the newer boy bands, Infinite has the most accurate choreography I’ve ever seen – powerful and synchronised. They’ve worked so hard so here’s hoping to their success. lol Taeng’s so cute
Ohhh looks like Infinite have a a new and very important fangirl ;)
I’m sure the boys would be extremely pleased to hear the news.
If it was me, I’d be in tears jumping up and down with joy! xD
hahaha….. ”Who is your second favourite?” and Taeyeon wittily responded, “Can I say Infinite again?”.lol…..
i thought its super junior ? :( :)
Super Junior are their senior rather than their juniors.. :)
lol. I was expecting them to say shinee. oh well… guess that would have been too obvious and biased.
Oooohh… SHINee got burned… :P
:D :D :D I seriously couldn’t stop smiling when I found that Soshi chose infinite as their current favourite hoobaes.Infinite is so talented,hardworking & humble so of coz,it’s no surprise that Soshi chose them~ I ship Soshi x Infinite!! <3
woah ..mm yup wow its hard for me to come to terms with the fact that they are seniors already!! but they really have left an awesome example for all rookie groups to follow ^^ infinite must be ‘over the top’ to hear that they are the girls fave! haha so nice to hear that….mmm but i like the fact that their juniors treat them with so much respect…youve come along way girls, and theres still so much more to go! stay well and keep strong girls, SNSD fighitng!
More like Taeyeon like infinite a lot..I like infinite top! You can see their hard work thru their performance.