The long awaited return of Girls’ Generation is finally here! At 00:00 KST on the 19th of October, digital copies of Girls’ Generation’s third album, “The Boys” went on sale on various music portals such as iTunes. At the same time, the much anticipated music video of Girls’ Generation’s title track, “The Boys” was uploaded onto YouTube via SMTOWN’s channel.
The English version of “The Boys” can be purchased via Amazon here, or it can be bought from iTunes here. The full Korean album can also be purchased here. Soshified has also organised a project to support Girls’ Generation’s third album, and will be doing a bulk order in collaboration with HwaSuEunHwa. You can participate in this project by checking this thread out. Remember to support Girls’ Generation by getting your copy of the album!
Source: www.amazon.com, [email protected], www.itunes.apple.com
Written by: [email protected]
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this song is so awesome~
Finally!!!!!!I hope Sooyoung is OK. Every single second when I watch this MV, I feel like today is the luckiest day of year 2011.In just 5 minutes 20second,but I already know that it’s going to be the best song,MV I ever seen and hear.GLOBAL GENERATION hwaiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I push the like button, favorite button and reaction button(incredible) during a commercial before The Boys MV even started. At 1st listen I had a neutral feeling towards the song and after I’m loving it. Even if the song was not to my liking I still would’ve push those 3 buttons. I really can’t seem to dislike something when it comes to you girls, that’s just the way my heart is. I guess it’s good to have some people to disagree and be honest, it helps for the girls. Honest feedback will help them to push harder next time. Anyway I’m glad for SSF pink subs because now I understand the meaning of the song and it’s better than the English. Well hope KSONEs do their part and have this song reach higher on music shows and charts. AS EXPECTED OF SNSD! Thanks ssf for news update. :D <3
I think this song is great :)
can’t wait to get hold of the album!
5 mins 20 secs of pure awesomeness.
Was completely in awe while watching both of the MVs yesterday night..
As for the album itself, no complains from me..
Just got taken aback a bit when I realise Vitamin is Vita500 song.. Hahaha. :P
Listened to both versions… I didn’t like the song at first. I thought it sounded just average. Maybe bcoz I had high expectations after their successful Jap album.
But after listening to it again for a few times, the song is pretty good. Yeah, it lacked the catchy hooks/riffs we usually hear in their songs, overall its a good song. IMO Taeyeon and Seohyun’s vocals were amazing! I wonder if they’d come up with any club remix? Getting more plays in clubs all over the world certainly won’t do any harm ;)
Can’t wait to listen to the other songs of the album. ‘The Boys’ showed how much they’ve grown as singers, I’m practically dying to find how the other songs sounds like.
SNSD jjang!
Finally! i think i will die from the anxiety
more people should know them and with this album they will love them
SNSD is a really really fantastic group! God they are awesome!
GO soshi!
To be quite dead honest, Tiffany, if you’re reading this, here is some of that “constructive criticism” you want:
I loved the MV. it was pure SMEX LOL. The girls looked amazing, the MV was HQ THANK GOD and I love the girls so so much I bought the single the minute it came out.
The song….I don’t like it…lyrical wise it’s pretty American so it’s ifne, but theres just some parts that are a bit…..iffy…..
The members have defintely improved vocal wise so I’m happy with that. I’m glad the English actually wasn’t too bad (although I am dissapointed by the lack ot Tiffany LOL) musically like the verses were quite well done and really good!
Now the rap……They weren’t too bad, I mean they were the chorus…but the one that probably bugged me the most was the middle one. It kind of went from “sexy, elegant, R&B” to “HARDCORE POWERFUL GIRL” and it just was a bit awkward. THe rap itself is quite good but the placement is….well MEH…maybe it owuld have been better at the beginning?
Overall, I kind of like it. It’s…not too bad…but not the greatest either?
Anyways, that’s just my own, opinionated review of it.
P.S. I still don’t like Teddy Riley >.> No matter what he’s done or what he’s accomplished, he’ll always be bad news to me. EG) RANIA.
Ok, I have to say after reading the comments I thought the song was gonna be really bad, so surprisingly I thought it was a lot better than everyone was saying. I like the song. Do I crazy love it? No, but I do like it. So yeah, it’s not the most awesome song, but neither do I think most of Beyonce’s songs are all that great that were massive hits. But that’s just me.
As far as other comments saying it’s too American pop sounding and not K-pop sounding. Well, they are trying to make it into the American market, so they have to have a sound that’s somewhat safe to appeal to the US market. It’s not until a group is a bigger hit that they can afford to take risks. But if anything, it’s really put K-pop on notice. I’d say once people start watching the new video on youtube, they can’t help but click over to all the other GG’s videos, shows, etc. and they’ll be gaining a lot more new fans. I mean, c’mon, that’s how most of us foreigners became fans.
I think Teayon had the right understanding, expectations and balanced view of their first foray into the U.S. market (referenced here: http://soshified.com/2011/10/global-impact-felt-across-numerous-sources-following-the-boys-release).
So let’s see what happens.
My only question is why it seems Tiffany is not a lead vocal in the song. It seems Teayon & Jessica are which is fine, but I hope it’s not a pattern for the rest of the album. It would be a shame not to use more of her powerful vocals.
The more you listen to the song “The Boys” either Korean or English the more it will sink in. The same with there Japanese Album, at first I find it boring but as you listen to it, (Damn!) I get addicted to it. Hahaha! It’s just a matter of time, others who dislike it at first will eventually like it afterwards. Just keep on raping the replay button. I assure you, you will get addicted to.
Wow. I think the Girls did a fantastic job! The song is catchy and it really grows on you!
However, just a little disappointment is the MV. I was really hoping for a storyline or something.
I’m not saying the the MV is not fantastic..it’s AWESOME~
But if there was a storyline for this song it will be really really REALLY interesting to watch.
Just a tad disappointment there… otherwise, ROCK ON LADIES :D
Right now it’s Girl’s Generation! <3
i honestly thought i would never never say this. i love the girls to absolute death but….i think their collaboration with teddy riley was a bit of a disappointment. i dont blame the girls at all cause riley arranged and composed everything. i respect him too but he just didnt do that great of a job here. it’s not a bad song but when i listen to it, it doesnt remind me of SNSD. i hope the girls can stay true to themselves and to kpop
-sigh- IMO, the song is average. Not bad, but not good either. I’m still waiting for SM Ent to be like “LOL JK, here’s the actual song”
You guys should of been on the ssf shoutbox when we were counting down lol, everyone kept refreshing and spazzing, especially the dj, but the heavy criticism that soon followed the two songs/mvs was quite ridiculous IMO.
Yes, it’s hard to please everyone and everyone has their own unique taste. I’m happy with the song and each album will be unique to itself.
finally, release,.,.
I loved both versions of hte song cant wait to hear hte rest of hte album. i already watched both video over 10 time each. I love it.
damn on the Canadian iTunes, they are already in the New & Noteworthy. They are also currently at No.55 for “Top Songs” on Canadian iTunes…..SNSD HWAITING~
OMG, I see that too! Along with coldplay, sting, r.e.m.! woot!
This song is nomu nomu nomu nomu nomu goood! Happy Girls’ Generation Day!!!!
Can’t wait to see you at MSG!!!
The title song isn’t that bad, but I must say.. Hopefully in the future SNSD doesn’t meet up with Teddy Riley again to produce a song. I like the original vibes that I get from their previous songs, what makes it K-Pop. I wanted to get away from the American Pop because it does get quite repetitive and puts me off, but with other language songs such as J-Pop and K-Pop I don’t feel that ^^ So I’m hoping that SNSD stick with their original types of songs instead of trying to appeal it to the Americans. I mean who cares whether every American likes it or not, don’t change just to appeal to their likings ><"
And well as a Soshi fan, I really do enjoy their songs in this album.. Well from what I've heard of so far. But all I'm saying is please don't change and keep it to the original K-Pop sound.. Show the world the sound of K-Pop (: Hwaiting!♥
Oh and one more thing.. SNSD if you’re reading this, please don’t change okay? (:
I think I’ve died and this is heaven!
I liked the MV, not gonna lie there. That said, I’m agreeing with people who weren’t absolutely blown away by the song (I have yet to hear the rest of the album until it gets here…DAS RIGHT, I BOUGHT IT). It feels as though it has too much flair of generic American pop music these days which is why I switched to Kpop in the first place. No doubt a lot of work went into this album (if any of the girls read this, you guys are still blowing me away every time; if I hadn’t known better I would’ve thought Seohyun was a foreigner!), but as far as the title song is concerned, it’s hard to say I’m going to repeat it over and over. Like someone said, it’s hard to please everyone, and I’m sure I’m one of the outliers this time. I’m always wishing the success of the album over in the US of course and hope they’ll promote well. I’m so depressed I can’t go to SM Town Live or anything like that (especially the fanmeet in New York) but on a shameless selfish note, I’d like to see SNSD maintain their activities primarily in Asia. I feel like that is more style, and that the title track serves to prove this.
On a final note, I’m not bashing anybody or anything in any way! We all still love SNSD and us SONES have to stick together! Just expressing an opinion that is more common than I thought. As always, SNSD fighting and Soshified is the best thing ever ^_^
yea but you know it’s because the composer of this song was Teddy Riley right? that’s why it has an American feel lol because it was written by an American