Actor Lee Dongwook garnered attention after revealing his affection for Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon.
On Septemeber 13th, Boom starred on the SBS show “Strong Heart”, where he attempted a surprise phone call to Lee Dongwook, star of the recently ended popular weekend drama “Scent of a Woman”.
When Lee Dongwook was told that all the members of Girls’ Generation were in the studio, he chose Taeyeon as his favorite member. Sunny acted as if she was Taeyeon and held a conversation with him. Lee Dongwook captured people’s attention by readily accepting Sunny’s proposal of eating together sometime.
After it was revealed that it was a hidden camera, Lee Dongwook expressed his sadness, causing laughter in the studio.
Source: StarNews
Translated by: [email protected]
Edited by: [email protected], [email protected]
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i miss snsd in variety show :(
i should watch this show,
can wait to see a pink sub
lol Sunny you bad girl impersonating Taengoo and having Lee Dongwook hopes up and that Boom needs a slap for tricking people. SNSD and Boom together is madness! I love them both together on shows since they always be liven things up on set with their crazy selves. As always men can’t resist beautiful SoShi. I want to see this too with pink subs. Thank you ssf! :)
Haha, I heard about Sunny impersonating Taeyeon but I didn’t hear the full story behind it. I can’t wait to watch this episode!
kyaaa !! when will i be able to watch this? i miss snsd in variety shows.
HAHA thats so cool!! but its so great to see the girls attracting so much attention!! yeah!! lets keep our luv for the girls strong, and keep spreading that awesome soshi luv~
AW!!! I should watch this!! to see how sunny pretend our kid leader!!!
ROFL!! it should be interesting and fun to watch how Sunny pretended to be taeyeon!! :)