Girl Groups are the Trend! SoShi-4Minute-2NE1 Rise to Trend-Setter Status

SNSD, 2NE1, 4Minute… Girl groups seem to be setting the trend for the 2009 Summer. Whilst Girl Groups are occupying Korean music, they also seem to be setting the trend with what they are wearing.

SNSD, who recently returned to the music stage have showed a new Military and Marine look through their music video, and are leading the summer fashion trends. Despite the sweltering Summer heat, the long sleeve jackets that have long been associated with SNSD are steadily rising in popularity. Currently, the fashion industry is waiting on a ‘Marine-Look’ trend and are reported to be preparing stocks appropriately.

The items that appear within the music video are also gaining popularity. The drinks that SNSD are currently modelling appear in the music video, and with the help of SNSD’s fame it has been reported that 2.2 million bottles have been sold. This is due not only to SNSD’s fresh image, but the overall pink colour of the music video fitted well with the drink, and hence had these influences.

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credits: Newsen Entertainment Division…907021555131002
Translation: [email protected]