‘Cinderella Man’ Yoona’s Rising Acting Skills ‘Viewers Cry and Laugh’
[NewsEn Reporter Park Sunji]
Of all the actors from MBC’s Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘Cinderella Man’, Yoona’s acting is recieving a favorable reception by the viewers.
The third episode of “Cinderella Man”, which aired on the 22nd, shows Seo Yoojin(Yoona) endure troubles and tears as she takes the role of the head of her household, and her will to stand up again as she looks for work. Yoona’s emotional acting caught the viewers’ attention.
The unfortunate situation: After suddenly losing her father, Yoojin, who was studying abroad in Paris in a famous fashion school, becomes a merchant in Dondaemun. Her father’s only store being taken by moneylenders, and her mother’s hospital bills are problems that worry her daily.
Yoojin has to sell the remaining stock; but having lost her stall, and without the help of Oh Daesan(Kwon Sangwoo), she doesn’t have the courage to sell on the streets by herself. Hesitating and just sitting around, Yoojin gains some strength by drinking some alcohol and starts talking in a louder voice. She copies Daesan’s “Unnie~e, look at these clothes”, shouting and catching peoples’ attention, and she even does a comical rendition of Lee Hyori’s ‘U-go-Girl’.
Holding clothes in both hands, shouting “What kind of clothes should I wear today, how about this one or that one, don’t worry worry~”, and happily shaking her head, Yoojin catches the attention of the crowd and the viewers.
Again, in today’s episode, Yoona’s emotional acting moved the audience. After picking up her mother, who was just released from the hospital, they return home but start to cry because everything there reminds them of Yoojin’s father. Yoojin hardens her will and says firmly, “Don’t worry about anything, I will do my best. I’m not a child anymore. I’ll definitely stand up again and take you, Mom, with me to Paris.”
Seeing Yoojin struggle and in tears, fighting against the adversities to help her sick mother, is a situation that just tugs people hearts.
After that day’s broadcast of “Cinderella Man”, viewers left favorable comments of Yoona’s acting in the bulletin board. “We were crying and laughing in sync with Yoona’s acting.”; “Even though it’s only her second big role her acting skills have improved a lot, there’s no awkwardness at all.”; “Watching her dance crazily to U-Go-Girl was extremely cute.”; “Her crying scenes were the best.”; were some of the messages posted, showing a warm reception to Yoona’s delicate emotional acting.
On the other hand, the audience has lots of expectations of the love-line between Yoojin and Daesan, who dreams of being successful in Dongdaemun, and their growing relationship.
Translation: [email protected]
Editor: [email protected]
‘Cinderella Man’ Yoona’s Cute and Refreshing Charms Shine Brightly
[NewsEn’s Reporter Park Saeyeon]
SNSD Yoona’s cute and refreshing charms and rising emotional acting skills are captivating the audience.
Yoona is showing an enthusiastic performance as the tough and stubborn Yoojin in MBC’s Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘Cinderella Man’.
Yoona’s situation: Her father passes away while she was studying abroad in Paris and, furthermore, she has to pay her mother hospital fees. In spite of having lost her stall and being in a difficult situation, she works hard and bravely against the circumstances, catching the viewers attention.
On the previous episode, aired on the 22th, she shows us her cute and refreshing side as, after drinking soju and while dancing to Lee Hyori’s ‘U-Go-Girl’, Yoojin acts and touts people. She showed us, too, her serious and emotional acting by crying and hugging her mother, who just got released from the hospital.
On the meantime, ‘Cinderella Man’ Dongdaemun merchant Daesan(Kwon Sangwoo) starts his part-time job as a substitute prince while the rest of the cast, Seeun(Han Eunjung) and Jaemin(Song Chang-Ui), are still standing in the sidelines and waiting for the drama to unfold.
Translations: [email protected]