[04.08.09] Meet SNSD in “Dungeon & Fighter”

Neople, the game developer of “Dungeon & Fighter”, and Samsung Electronics (represented by Lee Yoon-uh), who is in charge of the game, got popular group So Nyuh Shi Dae as PR models for the online action game, “Dungeon & Fighter”.

On April 1st, SNSD’s pictures suddenly appeared on the game’s official homepage which caught many people’s attention.

In 2007, SNSD appeared as invited singers at the “Dungeon & Fighter” festival which had been the start of SNSD’s affiliation with the game. The group was even invited to last year’s “Seria’s Happy Party”.

SNSD is planning to show their charms through the “Dungeon & Fighter” radio program as special DJs from the 8th to the 11th of April. The “Dungeon & Fighter” radio program will be broadcasted at 6:00 p.m. for about 10 minutes during the game.

Source: Inews24
Written by Goo Yoonhee@inews24
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