Today is SNSD’s the 1st anniversary, and I thank you again, all the fans who participated in Debut 1st Party♡, and the fans who weren’t be able to be at the time, as well.
You already know this if you attended but I want to tell you that the official fanclub name, the name you all have been waiting for, has been decided.
SNSD’s official fanclub name is “S♡NE(소원)”, and it means
‘I(people) want SNSD’, ‘SNSD and (their) fans are one’. *
SNSD’s symbol, heart(♡), is used to represent SNSD’s official fanclub members.
(Pronounced “So One”)
And, I want to clear up this since a lot of fans have misunderstanding on this matter.
SNSD and all the S.M. Artists do not have any official fan cafe(site).
Only the official fanclubs exist.
One more thing, after a proper registration for “S♡NE”, you can be “S♡NE”, and
right now the registration for “S♡NE” is not yet open.
I hope this is a good news for you fans who waited a long time for this, and
please do show many interest in applying for the official fanclub.
Please show support for the future activities of SNSD.
Thank you.
(From SNSD’s official webpage)
*One => 원 => 원하다 => Want
*The heart ♡ makes up for two ‘O’s
credits [email protected]/forums