
Check on page 105 for a post by a user named Revolution Entertainment. His post is in red font. I can’t verify that this is true or know if you guys know about it already, so here it is anyway.

[quote]Dear Peace Concert Customer,
On Saturday March 29, 2008, it will be announced to the public that the 2008 Peace Concert will be postponed to a future date. Please note, the concert is NOT cancelled. We anticipate the artist lineup for the Peace Concert will be the SAME, if not, even better; we will NOT downgrade the artists. We apologize for this adjustment to our program and we hope that our guests will understand. We will be honoring the April 5th tickets for the new date. All guests who bought tickets for the 5th will be compensated with a â??giftâ? at the day of the concert.

This is Jennifer. Thank you for your hard work and your hard work will not go unnoticed. Those who volunteered at least 2 times for the concert on the 5th, you will receive all 4 passes of the VIP plus package and a staff seat. If you have not yet completed 2 events, then you will have the opportunity to complete your volunteer hours to receive the original benefit package. On April 3rd, if you have volunteered already, please text message me with your 1) name 2) phone number 3) event or poster 4) date you volunteered. All volunteers should have my cell number.[/quote]

What I’m wondering is if all the Korean artists have been notified of this already, and if they can still go with their tight schedules.