Member Since 12 Sep 2010Offline Last Active Jan 13 2014 06:41 PM
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forever9TTJHYYHSS → jacqg
the rated r one is on.
or its up on the fanfics. forum. *the PG-13 one*
Mar 03 2011 05:23 PM
or its up on the fanfics. forum. *the PG-13 one*
jacqg → forever9TTJHYYHSS
Hi ummmm I don't beta fics in terms of grammar and whatnot but I can comment on your storyline structure and other things. Also, I don't know where your fic is.
Mar 03 2011 04:10 PM
forever9TTJHYYHSS → jacqg
check out my fic. and remember to comment.:DD
and wanna help me beta some fics?
posting my fic up soon. by tonight;D
Mar 03 2011 03:54 PM
check out my fic. and remember to comment.:DD
and wanna help me beta some fics?
posting my fic up soon. by tonight;D
forever9TTJHYYHSS → jacqg
i just finsished the PDF. version of implied consent.
REALLY good.
nearly cried.>:)
keep WRITING>:DD please?:D
Feb 24 2011 05:16 PM
i just finsished the PDF. version of implied consent.
REALLY good.
nearly cried.>:)
keep WRITING>:DD please?:D
ZeeYoung → forever9TTJHYYHSS
Honestly I've been searching on my setteing to change the displayname but i got nothing.
I'll ask my friend first okay.
Feb 22 2011 10:32 PM
I'll ask my friend first okay.
forever9TTJHYYHSS → ZeeYoung
LOL i think so :D haha thanks.
hmm. do you know how to change display name?
ive been a fan for a long time. just didnt go on soshified a lot :D
Feb 22 2011 03:47 PM
hmm. do you know how to change display name?
ive been a fan for a long time. just didnt go on soshified a lot :D