Member Since 04 Dec 2009Offline Last Active Jul 02 2017 02:25 AM
It's like you are trying to make me do the bad things. She's my friend even if she isn't yours.
Updated 06 Apr · 0 comments
About Me
As proud SooSunatics,
We promise to bicker over each other's height
To feed one another whenever we are hungry,
To shoot a love scene next to the ocean, To comfort and protect each other,
To prove that having a difference in height is nothing,
And to always give in all our love to the Jangshin and Danshin.
We promise to bicker over each other's height
To feed one another whenever we are hungry,
To shoot a love scene next to the ocean, To comfort and protect each other,
To prove that having a difference in height is nothing,
And to always give in all our love to the Jangshin and Danshin.
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 1339
- Profile Views 5779
- Member Title Royal Shipper with spice of Taeny, Yoonhyun and Soosun~
- Age 33 years old
- Birthday November 30, 1991
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