Member Since 17 Jun 2010Offline Last Active Private
guys, i have a new fic, check it out!!
Updated 30 Nov · 0 comments
About Me
My FanFic:
Tiffany and the Seven Deadly Sins: Jeti Mainly
Journey with You: A Jeti YoonYul SunYeon HyoYoung Fic

It was you from the beginning: A YoonYul Fic

Waiting for You: A JeTi YoonYul Fic

[url=http://soshified.com/forums/topic/58420-ace-family-one-shot-collection/page__view__findpost__p__3414130]Ace family Collections
About me
I first heard of SNSD from their song "GEE" and since then I can't get enough of them. They are great singers and dancers and awesome and funny and dorky and so many words that it would take pages to express how I feel. They have great personalities and make you laugh when they act adorkable.
Favorite song: The one that got me hook "GEE"!!!!!!!
Favorite member: I love all the members but Yuri is my favorite because she makes me laugh the most.
Favorite pairing: Yoonyul, Jeti basically the ace family (But i have started to like Soosic because of an awesome fanfic. can you guess?)but Yoonyul is my number one.
I'm Asian, Chinese to be exact although I can't speak it very well. It's more chinenglish if that makes sense. But I'm good at understanding at least. lol. I'm a very picky eater although i'm better these days. The thing i like to eat most is chicken and anything Italian. I'm also a person who's stomach is half the size of a normal person. So if you want a buffet buddy, I'm not someone you should ask. I live in New York, The Big Apple. Awesome place but can get boring if you live there your whole life. So far I have. A current college student who need money to buy SNSD stu.... I mean schools books and pay tution.
Video games i play (I own a ps3, wii, psp, DS, ps2 and a game cube. use to have a n64 but it broke): The call of duty series (one of the best first-person shooters ever.) ninja gaiden series, mario games like galaxy, starcraft 1 and 2, final fantasy 7, 8, 10 and 10-x and dissida. (didn't play 13 cause i for some reason didn't like it), rayman rabbies (those stupid bunnies are hilarious), super smash brother series and so many other games that it would take me forever to list. These are just some of my personally favorites.
Things i like to do: playing video games, listen to music, sing, write, sleep, daydream(even in class) and acting random.
And of course to watch our girls continue to suceed and make us happy. SNSD Fighting!!!
As a video gamer, this video makes me really smile.
My Bias:

(Cause to me, they are real as real can be.)
My other favorites:

(Cause they are just as real. If YoonYul wasn't my bias, Jeti would be.)

(The most adorkable pair out there. Cause of them, i love being a dork now. well, mostly lol)

(Cute for their simple sweetness to each other. Did you see them in Hello Baby?! OMG the Titanic Scene!)

(I love the sweet potato couple. They are just so sweet and innocent)
My love forever and ever:

(Because you change my life. Stay forever and together. It's nine forever!)
Right now it's Girls's Generation!
Tiffany and the Seven Deadly Sins: Jeti Mainly
Journey with You: A Jeti YoonYul SunYeon HyoYoung Fic

It was you from the beginning: A YoonYul Fic

Waiting for You: A JeTi YoonYul Fic

[url=http://soshified.com/forums/topic/58420-ace-family-one-shot-collection/page__view__findpost__p__3414130]Ace family Collections
About me
I first heard of SNSD from their song "GEE" and since then I can't get enough of them. They are great singers and dancers and awesome and funny and dorky and so many words that it would take pages to express how I feel. They have great personalities and make you laugh when they act adorkable.
Favorite song: The one that got me hook "GEE"!!!!!!!
Favorite member: I love all the members but Yuri is my favorite because she makes me laugh the most.
Favorite pairing: Yoonyul, Jeti basically the ace family (But i have started to like Soosic because of an awesome fanfic. can you guess?)but Yoonyul is my number one.
I'm Asian, Chinese to be exact although I can't speak it very well. It's more chinenglish if that makes sense. But I'm good at understanding at least. lol. I'm a very picky eater although i'm better these days. The thing i like to eat most is chicken and anything Italian. I'm also a person who's stomach is half the size of a normal person. So if you want a buffet buddy, I'm not someone you should ask. I live in New York, The Big Apple. Awesome place but can get boring if you live there your whole life. So far I have. A current college student who need money to buy SNSD stu.... I mean schools books and pay tution.
Video games i play (I own a ps3, wii, psp, DS, ps2 and a game cube. use to have a n64 but it broke): The call of duty series (one of the best first-person shooters ever.) ninja gaiden series, mario games like galaxy, starcraft 1 and 2, final fantasy 7, 8, 10 and 10-x and dissida. (didn't play 13 cause i for some reason didn't like it), rayman rabbies (those stupid bunnies are hilarious), super smash brother series and so many other games that it would take me forever to list. These are just some of my personally favorites.
Things i like to do: playing video games, listen to music, sing, write, sleep, daydream(even in class) and acting random.
And of course to watch our girls continue to suceed and make us happy. SNSD Fighting!!!
As a video gamer, this video makes me really smile.
My Bias:

(Cause to me, they are real as real can be.)
My other favorites:

(Cause they are just as real. If YoonYul wasn't my bias, Jeti would be.)
(The most adorkable pair out there. Cause of them, i love being a dork now. well, mostly lol)

(Cute for their simple sweetness to each other. Did you see them in Hello Baby?! OMG the Titanic Scene!)

(I love the sweet potato couple. They are just so sweet and innocent)
My love forever and ever:

(Because you change my life. Stay forever and together. It's nine forever!)
Right now it's Girls's Generation!
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- Active Posts 504
- Profile Views 22864
- Member Title What have you done to my heart? Not that i mind though.
- Age 36 years old
- Birthday September 7, 1988
In LaLa land
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