Member Since 10 May 2010Offline Last Active Apr 28 2024 07:43 PM
Whatever happened to SNSD now??
Updated 22 Jan · 0 comments
About Me
I read books. I draw, write fan fiction, tweak pictures and make layouts with Photoshop, and I spazz about SNSD. I love food, music, shopping, my job, Fridays, dancing, goofing around, doing my own laundry.
The best days I spend are with my family and friends.
I make mistakes, laugh at those mistakes, and I do something about them.
The best days I spend are with my family and friends.
I make mistakes, laugh at those mistakes, and I do something about them.
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 723
- Profile Views 9235
- Member Title Taeng-glued
- Age 35 years old
- Birthday November 22, 1989
Quezon City, Philippines
Graphic design, Drawing, Blogging, Internet Surfing, Sound Trips, Doodling, Window shopping, Reading Books, Reading Magazines, Writing, Bowling, Cooking, Spazzing over K-pop groups,
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Dale Carnegie), Five People You Meet in Heaven (Mitch Albom), Thirteen Reasons Why, Youngblood Books, Doctor Zhivago, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, The House of the Seven Gables, Chronicles of Narnia, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Can You Keep a Secret?, The Pelican Brief, A Time to Kill, The Little Prince
Little Manhattan, I Am Sam, In America, Notes on a Scandal, Sometimes in April, Click, Apocalypto, Moulin Rouge, Dream Girls, The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants, Dangerous Minds
TV Shows: Mostly news programs, music shows and documentary programs... and of course, cuts from K-series (Hello Baby, Factory Girl, HMF, WGM, etc.) -
Favorite SoShi Member
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Philippines (PH)