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[OTHERS] Yoona mentioned in autobiography of former SM trainee3.22.11

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Posted 23 March 2011 - 01:25 AM

thanks for translations. yoona is seriously a beautiful person, almost flawless.
i wonder if these two still have contact with each other, i hope so, because they seem to have a genuine friendship
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mira_SoShi90 mira_SoShi90
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 01:48 AM

역시 우리 윤아...
Goddess in and out...
she's a person with a warm and kind heart...
This is why SONEs love her so much... how can people hate her...
oh well, people that full of jealousy just can't stand the nice and kind-hearted person...
Yoona, saranghaeyo!!!
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 02:36 AM

That was an awesome description of Goddess Yoong. Or should I say Buddha Yoong? :D

The boyish prankster soul lives on even though she is prettier than flowers!

"She didn't have much greed and didn't want to stand out from her peers.
'Can that unnie be a celebrity like that?' Sometimes, I thought like this."

Sure. This is the type of celebrity that will particularly make it big. Selflessness plays a very huge part in a group's success and all the girls were selfless, not promoting their own names, but their group's name. They want the whole group to be successful, and well, they did it. :)

"I think I liked that kind of unnie" - Everybody does

I heard her name somewhere before, I think 1 of the 3 girls who didn't make it to the group. Nice to hear that she's getting success in the academic field and hope her autobiography sells well!

Thanks for the translation!
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 02:49 AM

after reading this amazing article, it magically strengthen my faith up, my faith on Yoona, choosing her as my prettiest idol, and as my ideal type of girl.. V^.^V
thank you for translating this awesome article!

Unlike her look, she acted like a guy, impersonated comedians, and did lots of wild pranks, making herself a mood maker.

totally like this!
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 02:52 AM

"당시 열다섯 살이었음에도 "

Isn't this suppose to be 15 years old? I see 13 in the translation... maybe I'm wrong thou...

I like this kind of 3rd person view about the girls, ppl oways said idols may fake it in front of cameras, but an account by some1 who lived with her in the past couldn't jus simply tell lies when she's no longer related to the entertainment world...

Keep them coming...
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 03:38 AM

Thanks for translation~ ^^
Yoona! She's such a nice girl! I wanna be like her when I'm older lololol <3

edit: wait, Jang Hajin?? I know her! Well not personally but I have a picture of her when she was supposed to be a Snsd member~

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She's the one at the bottom, between the two maknaes, Seohyun and Yoona.

Stella is also in the picture, between Yoona and Sooyoung ^^

And T-ara's Soyeon is on the left of Jessica~

These members are the early Snsd members~ Taeyeon, Sunny and Fany wouldn't have been in it if it wasn't for Sm that kept on modifying the group because of people leaving xD;

Edited by YoonYulYoung, 23 March 2011 - 07:03 AM.

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Posted 23 March 2011 - 03:56 AM

that sounds alot like yoona! <3 nicve to see that she was so well liked by her peers even when she was so much younger! so nyuh shi dae fighting!!!!!!!!
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 04:04 AM

Thanks for the translation!

"She was very playful and very funny. Unlike her look, she acted like a guy, impersonated comedians, and did lots of wild pranks, making herself a mood maker.
On the other hand, when she was alone, she had lots of deep thoughts. I think I liked that kind of unnie."
Don't you think she's still exactly the same way she is now? :thumbsup:

& lmao 'Is that unnie Buddha?'
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Trasher_54 Trasher_54
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 06:10 AM

The description about Yoona in Jang Hajin's autobiography is very true, and her being a mood maker is very memorable as I can remember her doing the funny stuffs that are mentioned. That is indeed Yoona. :heart:

Thank you for translating the autobiography! :thumbup:
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bita26 bita26
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 07:51 AM

that sounds like the Yoona we all know and love! I'm very happy to see she hasn't change much throughout the years. I seriously don't know how anyone can hate on her. She's an angel.

Thank you for translating this!
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 08:02 AM

"당시 열다섯 살이었음에도 "

Isn't this suppose to be 15 years old? I see 13 in the translation... maybe I'm wrong thou...

I like this kind of 3rd person view about the girls, ppl oways said idols may fake it in front of cameras, but an account by some1 who lived with her in the past couldn't jus simply tell lies when she's no longer related to the entertainment world...

Keep them coming...

i said 13 because it's 15 Korean age.
If it's 15 in Korean age, it's either 13 or 14 the way we count it. I just said 13.
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 10:12 AM

Thanks for the translation! I would like that kind of unnie too.. Except the fact that Yoona is younger than me x_x. It's proving that Yoona is real. Her character on and off screen is the same. Yoona jjang! :thumbup:
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 10:52 AM

Aww nice and dear!
Yoona is still as pretty when she was 13. ^_^
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 02:03 PM

Cool that she's in KAIST, must've studied pretty hard to get in there^^
Anyways, this is the feeling that anyone gets when they meet SNSD. They are always polite and respectful towards others they encounter and that's the reason the country of South Korea adores them, as well as us fans. No one could ever say anything bad against them, I mean would anyone say anything bad to an angel? The girls are angels that inspire others to always do their best, and never give up. Dreams do come true if you believe it in and do your absolute best towards your goal. The girls have worked hard to reach their dreams and love to help others to become successful as well.

Thanks for the translation!
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 05:38 PM

Hey thank you for translating this. Now I know more of YoonA's true self as seen by the people around her. I really agree that she is the very kind type and a mood maker. YoonA fighting!
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 07:02 PM

Thank you for translating! and sharing! Posted Image

Yup! that's totally our Yoona! Hahaha Posted Image When I was reading I thought of that leaked video of SNSD as trainees! Yoona was outgoing on that video, saying "hi!" and posing to the camera. Posted Image

Gotta love the first Maknae of the group! She's sooo SILLY!
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Posted 23 March 2011 - 08:32 PM

Yoona unnie was more genuine person as I got to know her more. She was easy-going and kind, and didn't know how to talk badly behind their back.

i remember someone said beautiful girls (maybe some of them hehe) are kind. i think this is applicable to yoona. she a good example of beautiful inside and out.

She didn't have much greed and didn't want to stand out from her peers.

i agree with her. I also observed that.
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crazyshadows crazyshadows
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Posted 24 March 2011 - 01:12 AM

lmao thnx for the translations. what a interesting article :]
i didn't know yoona was like this, now i like her even more <333
and also imagine snsd with 10 members> neh.. forever 9 :]
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Posted 24 March 2011 - 01:46 AM

(I think what people said about little girls liking pretty and handsome people was correct.) Should I say I felt good just looking at her?

well, that was totally cool.
that's true, yoona is so beautiful and good-looking :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

thanks for translating.
you did a great job .. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Posted 24 March 2011 - 02:54 AM

Thank you so much for this awesome translation!

Her head had size of a fist, and her dimple when she smiled with her shining eyes stole my heart.
(I think what people said about little girls liking pretty and handsome people was correct.) Should I say I felt good just looking at her?

I feel the same too! Even though I'm a girl, I just can't help but like Yoona lol

Ah, It gave me feeling that nice and pretty girl is that kind of girl.
Furthermore, Yoona unnie was more genuine person as I got to know her more. She was easy-going and kind, and didn't know how to talk badly behind their back.
She also always conceded and took care of others. She laughs so well, that I never saw her fought with others or get mad for 3 years I've known her.

Yea that's what I think too as I watch her. She gets along with her unnies and seohyun, and she gives me the feeling that she would rarely fight or quarrel with anyone.

I thought of this. She was only a year older than me. She didn't have much greed and didn't want to stand out from her peers.
'Can that unnie be a celebrity like that?' Sometimes, I thought like this.
But she did everything that trainers told her to do, and had outstanding talent. She had nice personality and talent.
This is what you call perfect combination?

What a perfect description! She definitely strikes me as someone who craves fame, she always stands in the back, seldom talks, letting the others members have their time. Nice personality + talent, perfect combination indeed!

She was very playful and very funny. Unlike her look, she acted like a guy, impersonated comedians, and did lots of wild pranks, making herself a mood maker.
On the other hand, when she was alone, she had lots of deep thoughts. I think I liked that kind of unnie.

That's what makes her stand out for me. She jokes and plays around a lot, and is not afraid to show her true self or make fun of herself, making the mood light for others, but sometimes you can see her serious and deep in thought..Love Yoona to death!

Thanks again for the translation! I'm glad to know Yoona was the same during her trainee days as she is now :D
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