Member Since 14 Sep 2009Offline Last Active Apr 27 2024 01:35 AM
About Me
Nuramirah Liyana Roslan just call me Mira
22 years old
A proud Malaysian citizen
An IT student majoring in Multimedia in University of Malaya
Basically, I knew them in early 2009 when Gee is a big hit but I didn't really care to get to know them. They are so many of them. I can't even differentiate each one of them yet to learn all their names. I met them again on June/July 2009 during their Genie promotion. I stumble onto some kpop download website and I found Hello Baby. Watch it and found it kinda interesting yet not that interested to get to know them. I got home and I found that my sister who doesn't quite into Kpop suddenly wanna spazz about SNSD with me after watching their Star Golden Bell 'Genie' special. As I already know them since Gee, I kinda act like I know them spazz along with my sis.
One thing for sure, that's the turning point where I becoming a SONE. I found Hello Baby with soshified subs in Youtube which lead me into this site. Since then, I learn their name and their history from the wikipedia and then it's all history.
Now, I found that I have made a great job in making SONE as my fandom cause these 9 girls have totally inspired me and help me overcome my sadness. Their Soshi Bond is one unbreakable bond I ever knew. I never saw this kind of bond with other Kpop groups. The fact that I found they have so much Antis make me want to love and protect these girls even more and now I love them to death. I need my Soshi dose everyday, they're like drugs to me. Well I maybe just being exaggerated but this is the TRUTH. They can make me smile by just looking to their pictures and listening to their songs.
At first I don't have any bias cause I just love all 9 of them but after awhile in this fandom,I developed biasness towards TaengSic. Yes these two.
However sometimes my fave can change to Fany, Yuri, Yoong or Im Choding or Syoong or maknaengi and Sunny Bunny. Conclusion, it will all back to 9... LOL...
This is why I rarely spent time at their specific thread but I mostly spent at Soshi Pairing thread. I like to ship boys group with them too. Well I kinda hooked into 9PM thing but these days I kinda shifted to SoshiBang. Rofl XD but no other shipping that is better than OT9. OT9 FTW!!!
Seeing their achievements right now sometimes make me teared up cause these girls have endure a lot of hardship . They already have antis before they even debuted. Reading stuff from 2008 make me regret why I didn't get to know these girls earlier but everything happens for a reason. It's better to get to know them late rather than not getting know them ever. This is the best.
make me miss them during their debut days everytime they always make more history.
Let's dream more together with us.
소녀시대 사랑하다!
내가 너의 영원한 소원
영원히 너와 꿈꾸고 싶다
I'll always be a 소원 that will stand by them FOREVER, 영원히!
지금은 소녀시대 , 앞으로도 소녀시대 , 영원히 소녀시대
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Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 493
- Profile Views 8366
- Member Title ETERNAL SONE
- Age 34 years old
- Birthday March 2, 1990
Shah Alam, Malaysia and 9PM Land~
~KPOP, SNSD, 2PM, f(x), TVXQ!(UKnow-Max), SPICA, RaNia, etc.
~a strong 9PM shipper especially TaecSica, WooTae, TaecYul, -
Favorite SoShi Member
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Malaysia (MY)