Community Status Updates

Drifters22 → prot
prot i know a lot of people bug you for this but i will say this, thank you for all of your uploads last year when the girls were promoting for oh! if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have an archive of all this k-pop. i hope you comeback for Hoot but if not then its okay.
i just wanted to come here and say thanks
i just wanted to come here and say thanks

Cocaine → prot
hey your old channel is back online
long time
long time

Drifters22 → prot
damn prot we're gonna need you for when the girls start promoting in japan

I l0v3 SNSD → prot
hi prot :)
thanks for all the SNSD vids you've uploaded. Thank you very much!
thanks for all the SNSD vids you've uploaded. Thank you very much!

geebby → prot
woah. i went looking for snsd youtube uploaders' accounts and i found Prots! xD u da man!

Drifters22 → prot
yo prot i just recently founf your new channel, awesome uploads and fast too

secret → prot
~Poke N Treat~
*Poke* Prot's Butt!!!!
~Poke N Treat~
*Poke* Prot's Butt!!!!