Member Since 04 Sep 2009Offline Last Active Dec 24 2017 03:35 AM
About Me
update Janurary 2, 2012: Wow i have been gone from soshified. It almost seems like my fandom has decreased lol but i'll get to that eventually. So new layout on soshified huh? thats good. Well from the gap of November all the way till now all i can say is **** happened. Life related: I graduated, i'm going to college, i got a raise, finally got into photography. So K-pop related i might as well just list them now, my cousin and i went to KMF 2011, our fandom started to die honestly, tried to get back into it winter of 2011, and my smtown bracelet broke.
Just to simplify my year it was all a roller coaster The reason my fandom started to fade was because i was so caught up with other things to do that i just got kinda lost touch of the k-pop scene for about a month in may. Yea i still listened to the music but as for the actual constant fandom update or i'll just call it the usual stuff i didn't do as much. I'm just complaining at the moment and i really don't want to be so i'll just say this. 2012 is a new year, i guess you can call it a new start. Take everything and give nothing back. I'm going to tochange for the better.
update November 8, 2010: so its November and the holidays are coming what do you know? lol i decided to keep my past updates starting with the 17th so thats something new hehehe. whats going on in my life lately? hmmm i'm actually feeling fine maybe its because of the holidays but in all honesty tho i'm doing a little bad in 2 of my classes right now and its worrying me enough that i wont get to graduate so i need to get my self together. other than that yea i've just been typical lately still breaking, stenciling, listening to the girls, imagining a life in Seoul with them typical life of Drift kukukuku. so over the month of October i went on a music buying spree and i had my cousin Viet buy me 3 SNSD albums when he was in L.A. so i got Gee, Baby Baby, and Girls' Generation. and then i went and bought Gee Japanese 1st Press and Genie Japanese 1st Press. well lol thats pretty much me in the last 3 months talk to you later soshified.
update August 17, 2010: alright so ... i just started my senior year! ... not too exciting oh well its whatever, I'm getting back into doing some graffiti stenciling ~sigh cost money tho so that'll be on and off hold for a awhile. and breaking is not too good i need to lose some more weight and tone up cuz at this rate i wont be that good haha. i'm attending cupertino cypher 4 tho so that should be fun. going to SM Town so really looking forward to that ... i usually say more but i honestly got nothing ... i'm more tired now? ... ~sigh school and work is going to kick my ass ... am i allowed to say ass? lol oh well
alright so those are my updates now heres my actual About Me
Alright so my name is John Nguyen, i'm 17, full vietnamese and i reside in San Jose, California. Not Costa Rica xD My favorite color is green, i like to dance, take pictures, and above all else i love the girls more than anything. I think i found out abut k-pop around late august 2009 when i noticed my friend Jordan Linsao watching a video of some Asian girls xD. I asked him and i quote "Jordan what the hell man, who are these asian girls?" He told me that they were Girls' Generation and that they were a Korean group. At first because of my lack of knowledge for ... asian cultures, i called them stupid, SORRY GIRLS!!! and then through my sheer curiosity a week later on September 4th, 2009 i went home and went on youtube and i watched Gee for the first time. My reaction was this "hmmm oh wow she's cute ... hey this is pretty catchy ... damn this girl is amazingly hot! ... holy *&$#%$$ sh*t! i love these girls." Yea so pretty much all it took for me was simple 3 minute video of Gee. Thats how i got into the girls and i've been Soshified for over a year now. OH!!! i forgot to mention but the main reason why i'm a S♥NE today is because of a person named Aien he/she sorry still never found out your gender xD. You with your SNSD moment vids and your JeTi moment vids, made me not just a S♥NE but a JeTidal Wave Surfer. Oh! and did i mention that Yuri is my Yeobo?
2014, Sept 4, 2:43am PST
It's been sometime since i've been on here but it almost feels like i've never left. I strated hating k-pop due to my previous love interest because of how she screwed me over with my best firend so it took me into a huge downfall. From being off-track with school to living paycheck by paycheck. Being with the wrong affiliated crowd etc. It just didn't seem right. As of now today when i happened to stumble across monmon's videos of a lot of Soshi related re-ups it made me think of just pulling together and looking at some old MVs and other variety and dramas. This was fine only a slight sense of nostalgia till it hit me. I shed a twar and it was out of sadness i felt so ashamed that i just threw away these 9 girls that i've helped me through my times in highschool to college. The last time i listened to soshi was summer of 2012 and it was actuallly a great year because i was able to attend the K-Music Wave FOR FREE if i may add and i was literally 20ft away fromt he girls. I look back to how i used to be soshi obsessed but it wasn't that i looked back to my happy innocense i had with them. I'm 21 now and wold like to feel like i am back on track with my current life. And to this day, i am reliving my dream to spend a month in Seoul, Korea a place where my passion started to unveil. I will take steps into viewing these 9 angels as not just idols and females that are beautiful. But as role models to help me live my life out. Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, and Seohyun. You girls have helped me realize a thing or two about my life. A time when i was the most happiest in my 21 years of existence. A time when nothing else mattered but you 9 girls. I loved you girls and even though your music makes me think back to past troubles, it makes me see the good past. This is my rant and update to the soshi community whoever cares and bothers to read. Yongwonhi 소녀시대
side note 09/16/2014 4:22am: just noticed that my rant coming back to soshified was done on my anniversary of when i joined soshified. it must be sign!!!!!!!!!
i love her more than anything, She's the reason i get up in the morning. She is the fresh air that i breathe, the milk to my cookies. Everyday that passes is one less day untill i get to see you, My love for you is expressed much more as time passes, i will love you more and more every second. i love you Kwon Yuri ♥
oh and you guys should check out my >>> TUMBLR <<< i just post stuff about the girls and a little bit about my life.
R.I.P. Ryo: may your soul rest in peace and that you will be able to look over the girls no matter what. you will always be in our hearts and in our prayers
Jiguemun 소녀시대
Apurodo 소녀시대
Yongwonhi 소녀시대
all thats left for me to say is 소녀시대 Saranghae
Community Stats
- Group Soshified
- Active Posts 706
- Profile Views 6805
- Member Title Came back on my soshified member anniversary. It's a sign.
- Age 31 years old
- Birthday April 16, 1993
some where in California
update 01/02/2012: nowadays, i've just been taking pictures, and longboarding. My life is boring :D
update 09/04/2014: vaping, alternative throwback and of course reunited with soshi -
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