Community Status Updates

Cole → prot
hey prot, dunno if you remember me, i just noticed today about your youtube account, really sorry to hear that ㅠ_ㅠ 괜찮아요? 힘내세요!!! 감사합니다 for everything you've done so far! ^^

→ prot
omg, prot. you're on soshified. u dont know me, but I love how u upload ur vids really fast!!GJ!^^

KungPhui → prot
hey to everyone who is looking for prot's new youtube channel, its here:

lianneshin14 → prot
thanks for the view ^_____^ and thanks for uploading vids too wahehehe

cindee. → prot
your youtube account was suspended!! >< all those vids I enjoyed are goneee.. =[

nin → prot
prot!! man, you YT account is gone ;_; is there gonna be a new channel?

naku → prot
Hi prot , thk for your fast up, Q: your Youtube account is offline?? what happen ?? I hope you be fine take care bye =)

HyperionZ → prot
Prot, your renglish is definitely getting better :) Keep up the hard work, and you're still the best uploader out there.