Community Status Updates

prot → HyperionZ
hi HyperionZ
i'm studying english hard to talk with every ssf members well.
i'm studying english hard to talk with every ssf members well.

minsuk → prot
Hi prot,
Thank you~ ^^ I wish I could upload like you do T_T
Thanks so much for your contribution to the SNSD community~ Keep it up! 화이팅 prot!!
Thank you~ ^^ I wish I could upload like you do T_T
Thanks so much for your contribution to the SNSD community~ Keep it up! 화이팅 prot!!

goofsica → prot
hey prot!
Thanks for uploading all the videos on youtube!
I check your channel everyday for new updates!
You're the best!
Thanks for uploading all the videos on youtube!
I check your channel everyday for new updates!
You're the best!

electriic → prot
Hi Prot !! I just wanted to thank you for all the videos you're uploading for the fans , we're really appreciating your great work !
Prot jjang :p
Prot jjang :p

vanilla~c00kiedough → prot
Omg hiii^^! you are truly my idol! I check your YouTube channel like almost every hour ><
thank you sooooooo freaking much!!! & keeping up the awesome job~!
thank you sooooooo freaking much!!! & keeping up the awesome job~!

Star ★ → prot
guess you do remmber me (kind of? haha) well, arent we all proud sones? :) so ugh, did u ever meet taengoo in person? :)