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always_yoona_angel → RAgirl
Yes, I agree it´s nice to see old Yoonaddicts in our Yoonaddicts Family thread. New Yoonaddicts of course too.I´m always happy when I see them :D haha Thank you so much. I just try to do it but I couldn´t Thank so many people because I was absent and too busy.

I felt really bad about it. I started to Thank again since 20-25 pages. I just feel good when I can do it. ^_^ Yes,I have an account. I promise I will try it. I will do both of it hehe
Apr 13 2013 09:22 AM -
Haha it's ok unnie if you can't. Keeping YA thread running is already good enough^^
Unnie, do you have skype?
Apr 17 2013 03:56 AM

always_yoona_angel → RAgirl
Of course I remember you Ali :D I wondered where you are. I miss you too. How are you? I hope you are fine. I´m really happy to see you back in our Yoonaddicts Family thread. I hope to see you often here. So you are one of the Yoonaddicts that are more active on twitter haha. I think I should try this too. haha Yes, I try to be active in our Yoonaddicts thread. All of our Yoonaddicts are really fast and awesome with keeping our Thread alive :D

Oh yeah you remember me^^ Haha it's so good to see some old YAs and new YAs in the thread. And unnie you are really awesome, still thanking every YAs that contributed to the thread. You have a twitter account right? Give it a try. Haha..
Apr 07 2013 08:37 AM

RAgirl → always_yoona_angel
Aya unnie, do you still remember me? I know it's been so long but I somehow kinda miss you. Lol. I hardly spazz on ssf thread anymore since I mostly spazz on twitter. I assume you are still keeping yoonaddicts thread alive?:)

vanya93 → RAgirl
hi^^ please watch my dance cover of SHINee Sherlock here : thank you so much (^_~)b

RAgirl → Yoonyul_heemal
Omo AJ... I've been 'away' for so long again:( And I haven read yr fanacc of the concert!

Hoho... did you scream for Yoona during 4min? You were standing or sitting?
Jan 27 2012 03:06 AM -
Hah.I'm sitting..actually I really want to stand and scream my lungs out
but people at my area don't seem so
plus I want to record the performance so I need to hide my camera.;/
and also don't want my fancam messed with my I just shout and scream a little.kekeke..
p/s:it feels so different watching it live.seriously.I'm so happy that I want to cry.;')
Jan 27 2012 05:22 AM -
Lol... cry cry.. let me give you tissues first.. haha.. omo then you should just enjoy the concert. Don't focus too much on taking pics. But I'm happy for you anyways. Let's hope there'll be a second time for you!!:D
Jan 30 2012 11:43 PM

Qisayy → RAgirl
Hey Ali! Call me Su/Sue for short. Sorry for the late reply. I just realize your post. So, its cheaper if we buy 2 right? Sorry to ask, but how to make the payment? o.o

I'm from the city of cats! haha.. but I'm currently studying in pahang^^ You?
Dec 08 2011 03:07 AM -
Ahhhh. Sarawak! I barely understand the language. Its kinda difficult >.< I'm from Selangor ^_^ Was born in KL, live in selangor. Is there any difference? haha XD
Dec 10 2011 09:05 AM -
LOL! I also dunno! To me everywhere is KL...haha... oh... you mean bahasa sarawak? haha it's a fun language but I dont understand too cause I'm chinese.. hehe...
Dec 11 2011 11:33 PM

Yoonyul_heemal → RAgirl
Ali!Guess what?!I got the ticket! excited.can't wait to see and meet them live!XD

Wow so nice... glad you can enjoy without having to worry bout your any test... Today's thurs! 2 more days till sat! haha.. are you staying over in Sg? Or you coming back straight after the concert?
Dec 08 2011 03:06 AM -
yeah,can't sleep thinking that I can meet them oh,I'm coming back straight after the concert..
Dec 08 2011 10:32 AM -
Haha....keep dreaming until sat night comes.. then your dream will turn into a reality^^ Stay safe ya!
Dec 08 2011 05:44 PM

always_yoona_angel → RAgirl
Hi dongsaeng! i´m sorry for my late reply :( I agree,it's been a really long awhile since we last talked (sadly). That´s not a problem, you don´t need to hehe. I think I forgot my question . Oh I hope you can go to the next concert of them. I´m sure there will be more concerts there :D: I´m fine dongsaeng and How are you?

I'm fine too! Juggling with life as a student and as Sone. Haha. Yeah, I hope they'll come back to Sg to perform again. Hopefully Tiffany will say, "We'll be back" Hahah:) Unnie, if not mistaken next year there's Music Bank in France right? Maybe you can save up some money and go there.. hehe^^
Dec 04 2011 12:03 AM

RAgirl → always_yoona_angel
Hi Aya unnie! It's been awhile since we last talked. And I think I didnt reply to your question. Hehe.. I can't go to the concert in Sg:(( So near yet so far... So how are you? :)

I'm rather confused. Still figuring out how to use this new format of SSF.