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Qisayy → RAgirl
Hey Ali! Call me Su/Sue for short. Sorry for the late reply. I just realize your post. So, its cheaper if we buy 2 right? Sorry to ask, but how to make the payment? o.o

I'm from the city of cats! haha.. but I'm currently studying in pahang^^ You?
Dec 08 2011 03:07 AM -
Ahhhh. Sarawak! I barely understand the language. Its kinda difficult >.< I'm from Selangor ^_^ Was born in KL, live in selangor. Is there any difference? haha XD
Dec 10 2011 09:05 AM -
LOL! I also dunno! To me everywhere is KL...haha... oh... you mean bahasa sarawak? haha it's a fun language but I dont understand too cause I'm chinese.. hehe...
Dec 11 2011 11:33 PM