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Hi dongsaeng! i´m sorry for my late reply :( I agree,it's been a really long awhile since we last talked (sadly). That´s not a problem, you don´t need to hehe. I think I forgot my question . Oh I hope you can go to the next concert of them. I´m sure there will be more concerts there :D: I´m fine dongsaeng and How are you?
Dec 03 2011 06:39 AM
  • RAgirl's Photo
    I'm fine too! Juggling with life as a student and as Sone. Haha. Yeah, I hope they'll come back to Sg to perform again. Hopefully Tiffany will say, "We'll be back" Hahah:) Unnie, if not mistaken next year there's Music Bank in France right? Maybe you can save up some money and go there.. hehe^^
    Dec 04 2011 12:03 AM