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always_yoona_angel → RAgirl
Of course I remember you Ali :D I wondered where you are. I miss you too. How are you? I hope you are fine. I´m really happy to see you back in our Yoonaddicts Family thread. I hope to see you often here. So you are one of the Yoonaddicts that are more active on twitter haha. I think I should try this too. haha Yes, I try to be active in our Yoonaddicts thread. All of our Yoonaddicts are really fast and awesome with keeping our Thread alive :D

Oh yeah you remember me^^ Haha it's so good to see some old YAs and new YAs in the thread. And unnie you are really awesome, still thanking every YAs that contributed to the thread. You have a twitter account right? Give it a try. Haha..
Apr 07 2013 08:37 AM