Honest. From the day she unabashedly declared that their rice cooker was the one that made the rice in Girls’ Generation’s dorm, it’s been obvious that one of Seohyun’s consistent qualities is how genuine she is. She smiles for SONE and her members and her family, unwavering, but can’t stop the tears from flowing when her heart has taken a beating in the worst of ways.
Of course, she tries to filter herself somewhat, to pick out the best of what she’s feeling to showcase to the public — because there are those who are always looking for any tiny crack, and others who worry even when we know there’s nothing else that can be done. Nevertheless, in the end, Seohyun wears her feelings on her sleeve, eyes shining but never too brightly: an earnest eagerness we first caught a glimpse of as it launched a paper airplane from some Seoul rooftop back in 2007.

Elegant. Seohyun has always been a force on stage — perhaps not powerful or impressive in an upfront manner like some of the other members are more well known for; but she’s always had a quiet, mature strength in her movements and voice that remains unique even outside of Girls’ Generation. Whether it’s sitting taller than her peers in class, gliding fingers gracefully over piano keys both on stage and in the practice room, or simply walking outside of an airport fresh off of an international flight, Seohyun never fails to bring an air of poise and calm — at least, until she drops the glass fish she’d been trying to prank Tiffany with (but hey, she’s allowed to have her imperfect moments, if only because they somehow make her even more perfect in the end).

Loving. After being placed in a group that proudly announced her as the “maknae on top”, and with fans from all around the world turning out in the thousands to attend every concert and event, it’s a wonder that Seohyun is still somehow able to give more affection than she receives. We see, time after time, that she cares for everyone she meets, even without the guarantee that they will ever reciprocate. After all, why waste energy on feeling bad, especially towards others? It’s this straightforward way of making the world a better place (as only one person can) that warms the hearts of those Seohyun hasn’t even met — just yet, anyway.

Light. Seohyun has always had high aspirations for role models — if she’s going to aim high, might as well look towards the Secretary General of the United Nations, right? But Seohyun herself has also become a role model to many, if only for her persistence in reaching her goals above all else: debuting before she had finished high school and earning her university degree in the midst of a flurry of Girls’ Generation’s activities, for example.
Let’s also not forget: she shone as a mentor on “Girls’ Generation and Dangerous Boys”, and sparks a sense of civic duty by simply reminding Korean fans about the importance of voting. And of course, her solemn declaration about exactly how unhealthy hamburgers can be will always be one for the history books. She’s the type of role model that influences those around her even when she doesn’t mean to; just as she referred to “KCON LA”, Seohyun is definitely “lit” in all the best ways.

Outstanding. Without a doubt, Seohyun stands out, above, and beyond. A personality, drive, and all-around presence that can’t be overlooked in K-Pop, and quickly spreading her wings for takeoff in other areas of the entertainment industry, Seohyun has only just begun to show us all that she can be. Forever Girls’ Generation’s youngest, she will continue to bloom in the way only she can, until the smiles of her unnies and SONE alike finally reach their limits (and even as she surpasses hers).
Happy birthday, Seohyun. Even as you push for the stars, we already know that you’ll shoot on past and land where no else has been.

Sources: SPAO Fansign Event, “Warm and Cozy”, “10 Asia”, SoshiCafe, Ying Leung Photography, XSPORTSNEWS
Written by: moonrise31@soshified
Originally posted on June 28th, 2017.
Happy Birthday Seohyun Forever…
Today is your birthday, but who celebrates me …
I want to celebrate the pleasure of having you among my friends!
That in this enlightened day you even more happy!
Kiss with love
Happy Birthday Seohyun !
Annyeonghaseyo to our cute n gorgeous maknae, Seohyun noona. WIshing u a blessed Saeng-il chukha-hamnida. Mat the Lord continue 2 bless u in every single aspect of yr life.
May u continue to be pretty, gorgeous, cute, adorable, beautiful, stunning n the list goes on 2 describe 4ever n ever. Words alone r not enough 2 describe how awesome n DAEBAK u r noona. Congrats on starting yr own solo debut 4 months ago with yr best hit, ” Don’t say no”. I rly loved listening to that song so much because it always makes my day. I feel so happy 4 u as nowadays yr gifted talents r recognized by everyone around u. Plz continue 2
keep up the DAEBAK work!!!!!!!!!!! n compose new songs every single day. I would like 2 thank you 4 all hardwork n dedication towards bringing SO HYUH SHI DAE 2 where it is now in the Kpop world. Thank you also 4 being so kind, caring n compassionate towards yr unnies. U rly know how to take care of them so much until at times they do not know what to do with u. Seeing u maturing from a teenage girl until now a beautiful n gorgeous talented Kpop artiste rly makes love u even more n more n I will always continue 2 love n support in whatever u do, noona. Thanks for yr countless appearance in various K variety shows such as Running
man, Hello baby, Golden Bell, living alone n many more. The charms that u portray in K variety shows rly make me happy n joyful every single day of my life. I can truly feel the
sincerity n truthfulness in u every single u appear in those shows, noona. I rly admire u for being yrself in no matter what situation u r in that rly makes me to love n support u
even more n more. Thank you for yr endless humor n dorkiness that u show off when u r with yr unnies. I laugh so hard at times until my stomach hurts at times XD. I also truly loved yr dramas like Ruby Ruby Love, Moon lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo n the list goes on. Noona, yr acting skills r also DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!!!! as u r. May u continue to act in many more dramas 2 come in the future. So, noona, 2day is the day when u juz take a chiller n juz enjoy yrself with yr unnies n cherish these memorable n exciting moment with yr closed ones. Always remember that I as a passionate n hardcore Sone will aways love n support u in whatever u do 4ever n ever. I will always love n support u noona n also SNSD 4ever n ever. FInally, i would like to say SARANGHAEYO SEOHYUN NOONA N HWAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday to the purest and kindest person on earth. We will always love you.