No Breathing7
Recently, the trailer for Yuri’s upcoming movie, “No Breathing”, was revealed. Yuri will play the lead female role, “Jungeun”, who aspires to become a musician. Other teasers had been revealed since filming began in May, including Yuri’s Girls’ Generation Offical Website update, which showed her practicing guitar in preparation for the movie. In September, Yuri attended a production briefing for “No Breathing”, where she and her co-stars answered more questions about the film.

In the second video, Yuri cheers on those taking college entrance exams. The clip ends with the trailer for “No Breathing”. She and her co-stars also made a quick appearance in a third video, which was followed by the trailer as well. Check out all the clips below, and be sure to watch for the October 30th premiere of Yuri’s big-screen debut.

Source: 병석 민, 나이너스엔터테인먼트, [email protected], Naver
Written by: moonrise31@soshified
Contributor: SNSDDani@soshified

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