Jessica and Krystal, who sang and danced to music with different rhythms, focused on one rhythm. With just their eyes, the two of them would read each other and drew one another in. Complete as one like that, they seemed relentless and unafraid and were distinctly beautiful.
Jessica: The two of us haven’t done a rugged image photoshoot together before. My younger sister and I like this type of feeling, but Girls’ Generation has a pretty image, and because my sister is too young to take on this appearance, we couldn’t do it. Also, even though I appear edgy and sharp, please make sure to let people know that I’m not like that in real life. My fans probably know already, but I’m a ‘heodang’. Heodang. (translator’s note: a “heodang” is someone who is odd in their own way.)
I wondered if I should believe these words as is. This is because I couldn’t find a gap in Jessica, skillfully leading the photoshoot. Having debuted 7 years ago, like on stage, she overwhelmed the attention on set with her professional appearance.

Jessica: I was afraid of photoshoots at first. Because I’m shy and not a model, poses were difficult. Now, the attention of the camera feels comfortable. I’ve learned what appearances look pretty and which don’t. I didn’t have many talents and had a bashful personality, but I tried to become more enthusiastic through this work. Doing that, the way I treat people changed, and I’ve gained the ability that’s not much of an ability, to talk like this to people I meet for the first time. (laughs)
Krystal, who called the completed photoshoot partnered with her sister the ‘Jung sisters’ deviation’, worried about their mother’s response. Honestly, looking at her excited facial expression, it looked like she was kind of looking forward to it, more than worrying.
Krystal: I think my mom will say, ‘Isn’t that a bit strong, do a gentler (translator’s note: photoshoot) next time.’ While she does like a cool appearance on stage or screen, she likes seeing my sister or I eating something tastily or playing without worrying about work more. My mom also occasionally says that she didn’t think that we would become singers and act.
As the years went by, the sisters who shyly danced to S.E.S. songs in front of a home video camera when they were younger have become singers and have also gone through initiations for acting. Now, various modifiers support their existence. Early this year, Jessica ended the musical, ‘Legally Blonde’, and Krystal is filming the drama ‘Heirs’, which is about the love and friendships of upperclass, high school students.

Krystal: Through this drama, I don’t think I’ll be showing a new me or a big transformation. My character is an unruly girl, like average high schoolers, is really warm-hearted, and gets jealous. But that doesn’t mean I’m disappointed. Because I’m 20, I think that I have a lot of opportunities to do new things, even if they don’t happen now.
The entertainment industry is currently overflowing with versatile idol singers. Of them, Jessica and Krystal are like special beings. Though the two, who have showed their skills of being able to melt into any stage, haven’t promoted together, the combination sufficiently makes you anticipate it. You can tell by just looking at today’s photoshoot. The synergy effect the two create with their harmonies is quite something, as they can also draw out delight from the public on their own. During the shoot, while sitting with her back leaning against her, Krystal looked blankly at her older sister, Jessica. There won’t be a reliable wall, or a large door, that guides her in the world like her older sister.
Krystal: When I’m with my sister, there’s nothing in the world that I’m afraid of. When I was a trainee, or when I attended school, I really felt reassured because my sister was there. I didn’t know my sister would have this much aegyo (cuteness). I first found out when I saw her active in Girls’ Generation. (laughs)

Jessica doesn’t want to become a wall that traps her sister, who is 5 years younger than her, but rather a tree that she can lean on.
Jessica: I always just thought she was a young child, but she has a really nice body and a tough charm. I never even imagined that she would have that side to her. Even so, I always worry. Like if she would do well in this line of work. At shoots like today, Girls’ Generation members may do things well on their own, but I tend to show concern for my younger sister. While working, there can’t always only be good things, so there are times when I get upset. I want to interfere and clarify things myself. Because we’re in the same line of work, there are some things that I lean on my sister for, so I’m thankful. I can share things that I can’t tell just anyone, and I think she’s my best friend right now.
Krystal, who debuted when she was 16 years old, has turned 20 this year. While she has become the age to help her older sister with her troubles, rather than being happy about becoming an adult, she sighs.
Krystal: Ah, I’m already 20. I don’t like how time is going by so fast either. If you look at it one way, it seems like I spent my years before turning 20 specially, but when I think about it, that’s not necessarily the case. If I wasn’t doing what I do now, I might have wanted to hurry and become an adult, but right now, it feels like I’ve learned too many things.

Though Krystal is a 20 year old girl who wouldn’t be awkward whining, she’s also an idol who debuted 4 years ago. She spent almost half of her teen years as a f(x) member, and, regardless of age amidst that, she dreamed and gained a resolute attitude and confidence as to what she wants to do.
Krystal: While the road I have to go along from now on is long, and I lack in areas, I do have some greed in wanting f(x) to be acknowledged for our musical color. Our music has a lot of aficionados, but I want to let people who don’t listen [to our music] because it’s convoluted know that there are various kinds of music in the world.
Thanks to her personality of not changing herself or preferences greatly, Krystal wasn’t swayed to the fast changes and flow of the entertainment industry. Trying to find her own rhythm, taking a step away from the center of the entertainment and finding composure, Jessica seems to be just like any other person, yet is different, and has been retaining an inherent color, receiving love from anyone. If their names are called together, rather than individually, that good energy will increase and draw in a greater joy. Before leaving the studio, Krystal added one more thing.
Krystal: People say my sister and I are really different, but there probably is a similarity as we are sisters. Looking alike yet different, while being similar, is a charm as well.
Sources: Harper’s Bazaar Magazine, fx2you, je-kwon, dcinside
Translated by: ch0sshi@soshified
Edited by: bhost909@soshified
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The best sister in the world
JungSis are rare and unique <3
love this photoshoot and hoping they do more like this together. Sica is quite handsome in the 1st pic with her arm sling around her baby sis shoulder. ♥.♥
if i should support a 2nd kpop group, no doubt it'll be F(x) and that's only because of Krystal.
i love Sica so i must also love her baby sister.
i hope Sica continue to have that "cold" outer appearance because that's what makes her special and so frigging cool. love you warm-ice :)
thanks for translations <3
Wow just wow .. they are just gorgeous ♥
thanks for the translation~
Wow, Jessica and Krystal look so good together. They make such a cute pair! I wish I was close to my older sister like this :(
I always think of the other members of SNSD as Jessica’s family and sisters, so it’s really refreshing when I get to see her with her actual sister. Even though there’s an amazingly special bond between Sica and SNSD that just can’t be put into words, and even though I don’t know that much about Krystal and f(x) as I do Jessica and the girls, I can tell that there’s another amazing bond between the Jung sisters that’s rare to find even between other siblings. I’m so happy that Jessica is blessed to have a best friend in her little sister! ^_^
Thanks for the translation. :)
This is just wow. Those siblings, who might not actually really look alike, are one of the best in Kpop Industry. They’re so different, yet still the same. And I really feel glad that they get work with each other on photo shoots like this, even though they are from separate groups that had separate activities. It seem as if time had just bended for these sisters to have moments together. It feels great that they are not hindered with anything. :))
Because of these shots, I seriously wanted to pursue photography. :3
thank you for the translation…..
Jessica is so charismatic
man, jessica is so handsome O,O and she’s walking naturally like a man(that sergeant thing because she was a soccer athlete, not to mention she played boxing, and love F1)
i always love her interview because she never sugarcoat anything
i love you Singer Jung Model Jung Fashionista Jung Designer Jung
i know right she’s a prince
proof she was a soccer athlete
she’s not a princess, she’s more like a man(prince)-woman(princess) confused
remember sooyoung even said that jessica looks like a man from behind
they also very straightforward and honest, i love it from their personality
these pictures are wow-ing especially jessica one, she very suits with all concept
she’s born model, she can rock any concept(cute, elegant, sexy, swag, boyish, etc and she killed it!) and know how to pose as well
“There won’t be a reliable wall, or a large door, that guides her in the world like her older sister.” the best quote!
i hope they work together again in the future :D
i love jessica she’s very talented
she’s a great singer, she’s a good model and great at modeling, she’s fashionista, and also started to be designer. <3
though they look nothing alike, are 5 years apart, and their personalities are polar oppposites, the bond and closeness these two share make it so evident they’re blood sisters.
Grungesis.Totally love photoshoot.The two of them are simply gorgeous.And I really adore their sisterly bond, must have been raised so well for them to care for each other so much.
Grungesis.Totally love photoshoot.The two of them are simply gorgeous.And I reallz adore their sisterly bond, must have been raised so well for them to care for each other so much.
Sica so Gorjess..XD
Lovely interview..I love how Sica care for her sister so much..TToTT
Great photos. Thnx for sharing
Jessica and Krystal take first place for most beautiful sisters…
Bias or not, Jessica is one of the most gorgeous women in the world… period.
Great ~♥
Amazing both look amazing, especially our Sica!
Great interview and even better picture, they look astounding.