Through a recent meeting with OSEN, Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun agreed in saying, “Because all of the Girls’ Generation members are doing individual activities, it’s difficult to see one another. We always keep in touch through smartphone chatrooms, and it really gives us strength.”
Taeyeon stated, “It’s a bit embarrassing, but we have been saying that we miss each other a lot lately. We never took many commemorative photos after middle school and high school, but now we take photos together whenever we meet. We try our best as the three members of ‘Girls’ Generation – TTS’, but the energy is noticeably different from when we stand on stage as nine members.” She laughed as she added, “Because there are only three of us now, the waiting rooms that are assigned to us are smaller.”
Tiffany said, “I’m really thankful because the other members sincerely support ‘Girls’ Generation – TTS’. I watched the music video with our other members, and we laughed for a long time because they were jealous, and they joked that it seems like the company invests more in us than they do in Girls’ Generation. I think we’ve grown fonder of one another.”
There have also been things that have improved after beginning unit activities. Tiffany stated, “When we promoted as nine members, the styles a member could attempt were limited, so we would have to show the same style during a promotion cycle. But as three, there are more choices. I think we’ll be able to show various styles a lot more often than we would as Girls’ Generation.”
Taeyeon noted, “Choreography was an important element for Girls’ Generation, but as three, the performances have been more focused on vocals than choreography. That is the biggest change.”
Source: stoo.com
Translated by: [email protected]
Edited by: [email protected], [email protected]
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How sad to think how much they missed the other members. How much they wanted to have all the members and perform and stay in the same waiting room.
Am looking forward to see them together again performing on stage.
I miss them too.
It must be so hard to live in the same place and not be able to see your special members as often as you like. It really makes me appreciate the power of the soshibond. And I am so glad that they have their own chatroom set up so that they can talk when they are busy. It was really smart of them to do that.
I look forward to seeing all 9 on stage again though. I do miss them all. It’s a bit weird only seeing 3.
And Taeyeon was right, the choreo for Twinkle is quite simple so I’m glad they have power vocals for this song.
After five years, SNSD and SONES know the Soshi bond is unbreakable;
Just a pity they can’t meet each other as often now T.T
Girls’ Generation fighting!!!
Supporting all the members in their individual projects, but no matter how far apart they are.. They will always be GIRLS’ GENERATION. SNSD fighting! <3
being a sub unit has it’s advantages and disadvantages too..
but it’s really kind of sad that they can’t always meet up with the other members even when they lived in the same dorm..
hopefully TTS will get to meet up frequently with the other members :)
I miss also miss the 9 of them perform together :’)
but I noticed something when I watched their twinkle live performance.
Taetiseo performed with 6 back-up dancers, which means that there’d be still 9 girls up on the stage.
after all, the power of nine never dies \^o^/
* I also miss ..
Still sadden that’s it’s not 9 but 3.
But 3 is better then 1
anyone know the cuurent album sales figure for twinkle? i hope they will win all music programs. TTS i love you!
I am reallly2 glad with this interview. It’s like they were answering all the worries about SNSD’s going concern.. Taeyeon Tiffany and Seohyun miss other members just like the others.. Based on the interview, they took photo every time they have a chance meeting with the others. Also, they watched the music video together. I am so glad to know this. Hehe.. They have been living with each other for a long time, so the bond between them is strong. They are like a family and they had said it a lot of times. Also, I don’t think SMEnt will break them because SNSD is like one of their main weapon.
SNSD jjang.. Gbu..
tiffany is so pretty ;)
i miss all 9 of them very much……………..
Aww soshi misses eachother T^T can’t wait till they comeback as 9 ^__^ and even soshi agrees that SM’s mv’s suck lmao. S9 fighting!
is it wierd that i’m tearing up even though i’m happy? i’m so happy for TaeNyHyun they rock but i miss the other 6 members standing on one stage with them… i wanna see the 9 of them again together!
It’s kind of weird…most of us were scared that TTS would make Soshi more distant, yet, somehow, this has only made their bond stronger. TTS Hwaiting, SoShi Hwaiting! No doubts from this Sone :D
As a fan, watching the 3 of them is amazing… But I can’t help but miss the 6 others. Huhuhu. :|
sure i love TTS so much..
and i never doubt in soshi bonding but this interview make most of SONEs smiles since they still keep in touch with each other despite their individual activities..
though the interview made due to TTS comeback but TTS never failed to mentioning other members..and other members are also very supportive…Soshi Jjang!!!!!!!!
SNSD complete as one with 9 members…SNSD hwaiting!!!
Aww, it’s so sweet to see that Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun talk about the other girls. <3 I could imagine them being so used to having the rest of the girls w/ them…just having 3 girls takes some getting used to. I miss the full group too, but at the same time, they all need to grow and this sub-unit is the beginning. The girls are getting even more popular around the world because of their separate activities. You have to think about it like that. When all 9 girls get back together, they will be even stronger and more fierce than ever before! :D