The college life of Yuri and Sooyoung was revealed on the show “Star Life Theater” that was broadcasted on November 21st on KBS2TV. Yuri and Sooyoung, who both major in Theatre and Film at Chungang University, were captured on screen as normal college students. Scenes of them eating their meals inside a moving vehicle due to their particularly busy schedule, and them attending lectures and taking notes have attracted many peoples’ attentions. On the day of filming, they had confessed that, “I want to be like any other normal student who studies. When I don’t have classes, I want to walk around the school without any thoughts and get something to eat on the way”, and “We want to do the same things that regular students do at our age”.
On the other hand, the college life of Girls’ Generation’s Seohyun was also revealed on the show.
Girls’ Generation’s maknae, who is a sophomore majoring in Theater at Dongkook University, dropped the stage name to return to being called Seo Joohyun; an ordinary college student.
As she goes off trying her best not to miss a class, Seohyun shows off her fresh charms as she replaces her usually elegant and chic attire for a more casual look. Complimenting her laid-back outfit, she talks with an easy-going attitude as she is seen talking informally with her peers, which is quite unusual to hear, as she speaks formally when conversing with the other Girls’ Generation members.
Her complaint asking “Did you buy our album?” to a male classmate who had asked about girl group 2NE1’s new album, as well as continuous chatting with her classmates, produced a fun and vibrant lunch time that caught others’ eyes.
Meanwhile, Professor Shin Yeonsup of the Theater Department of Dongkook University praised Seohyun saying, “Seohyun has a much bigger desire for higher education when compared to her peers. Go through for the higher education diploma courses in mechanical engineering. She has a serious attitude”, as well as, “Her attitude on learning is so honest that it’s even old-fashioned. I think she believes that school takes a higher precedence over entertainment activities. I am proud.”
Sources: Nate, joseilbo
Written by: [email protected]
Translated by: [email protected], [email protected]
Edited by: [email protected]
Contributors: [email protected]
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I’m so happy Yuri, Seohyun, & Sooyoung still have time time to go to school, but I’m sad that Yoona’s schedule is so tight! I wonder if she still goes to school. Isn’t it she’s schoolmate with Seobaby? I wan’t too see her go to school to. Manager oppa, please don’t overload our Yoong’s sched.
I wonder how it is for the girl’s friends. I mean – yeah they had friends before they debuted, this is expected, and the hope is of course that they went to the same high schools and universities. But I’m sure there are new friends being made too. How do those friends separate their love of Girls’ Generation member Sooyoung (for example) from university girl Sooyoung? I am not sure I would be a good friend to them. I would love to but I think I would have too much love for them as a group that I would not respect their down time.
Anywho – I am really looking forward to watching this show!
It’s good to know that our girls haven’t forgotten the importance of education. They still pursue their studies despite their busy schedules. Our girls are really admirable! But I wish they can get to experience normal life too. I hope the students at their universities will just let them be and let them enjoy school as a normal student.
what I enjoyed the most about the vid (eve though I couldn’t get most of what they were saying) was the way Seohyun seemed to ble to enjoy her college life, along with her classmates. Made me relieved somehow (I hope this is really the way it goes).
And I felt kind of bad for Sooyoung and Yuri =/ no words can describe those moments when people would surround them as if they were some kind of circus attraction, when in fact (in my opinion) they were supposed to get at least a taste of a “normal” life.
“Regular students”? I doubt that.
Even though they’re studying at these moments, they still possess two things an ordinary student doesn’t have:
– global fame; fans go where they go
– their schedule in school is too compressed; no time for eating at the table but rather at the car
Yet still it’s good to know that they know that studying is still better than singing/dancing on the stage for life. After they graduate they’ll sing again and after that they can apply the knowledge they learned from school by doing something else other than entertainment. They really planned this so they will become productive individuals in the farther future–beyond GG, beyond 9, beyond SM.
SONE will remain by their side even if they’re not singing anymore or if they’re no longer known as SNSD.
it’s really hard for them to adjust to normal university life..
having schedules and lectures back to back..
even seohyun had to wear a cap..
if only they could lead a normal life even when they are celebrities..
Cant wait to watch the gals enjoying some time being normal.. :p
& LOL at Maknae asking whether her friend got buy The Boys or not when he is discussing bout 2NE1..
Gonna wait for SSF Subs. :)
Wow Girls had a lot of work, but they go to their university, esp SeoHyun. They want to be a normal student like other students. I understand. When going any places, they’re often look all the time. It’s not much private. Fighting SNSD. I’m proud all of you. ^^
These babies are seriously just great girls who doing their very best to live a comfortable laid back life-style from their usual glamarous life-style. I love them so much for being themselves off camera even though this is going to be broadcast on Korean national t.v. SooRi so adorable and same for Seobaby. “Her attitude on learning is so honest that it’s even old-fashioned. I think she believes that school takes a higher precedence over entertainment activities. I am proud.” <– ♡♡♡
Kamsahamnida SSF ♡♡ :)
soo, yuri,, seo fightiiing
,,, saranghae uri soshi ^^
Thats our maknae ! Seohyun hwaiting !
she’s hot…!!!!
Seohyun was so adorable hanging out with her friends. She really is just a normal kid at school, and still a sweetheart when she gave them all gifts. It’s nice to see she can enjoy some “normal” moments like that even though she is a mega star.
Congrats on your first article Pandai!!
That’s our girls!
I very proud of them!
i’m really excited to watch this if
soshisubs makes it possible. take
your time though. i know you guys
are busy. :-) but these girls have an
endless drive to achieve everything.
literally everything, never satisfied.
it is quite amazing to watch. and
minus the camera following them
around, i’m really glad they got some
“normal” time. i’d like to see more and
more of that in the future. :-)
wow. they still can go to school even though they’re so busy! i wish i also can have that motivation top go to school. SNSD hwaiting!
yeah i agree.. her attitude is something really fantastic, i really wish i was as driven as sure she’ll achieve everything she sets out to do…im really looking to these eps of seeing the girls in their uni lives, and how they juggles being a part-time student whilst being the most awesome girl grp all ard…stay well and keep strong girls, SOSHi fighitng!!!!!!!
オメデトウ ( ^ _ ^)∠☆PAN!congratulations Pandai on your first article!
Thanks for all the hard work. Hopefully I didn’t confuse you too much.
I look forward to working with you from now on. Please take care of me~
PS=> maknae really looks like any other student you’d see, but isn’t she hot in that jacket? lol