In celebration of the fourth anniversary of Girls’ Generation’s debut, Yoona posted a message for SONEs along with a selca on the official Girls’ Generation website. A screencap of the message and the translation have been attached below.
S♥NE~~ It’s already been 4 years since we met!!^^
Time really flies.
We’ve been busy with our concert and going to Japan
but we’re really happy because it seems you guys have continued loving and waiting for us~
We cried and laughed, and there have been lots of memories the past 4 years
Let’s make more happy memories in the future^^
And don’t forget the first time we met! hehe
I feel everything Girls’ Generation was able to accomplish was because it was done with the fans
so I’m always thankful and sorry..
We’ll work hard to prepare a greater us to repay you all!!
Thank you so much for always waiting and loving us♥
I love you, too~~~^^
Seohyun continued the festivites by posting a lengthy message of her own, as well as a selca to accompany it.
Hello~ This is Girls’ Generation’s maknae Seohyun^^
Today is Girls’ Generation’s 4th birthday~!
Enjoyable moments, happy moments, and tiring moments from the past 4 years..
Because all nine of us have SONEs,
Although it has been a long time, looking back, every day was special and a good experience
which is how we could get through it all..
Young, immature girls that didn’t know anything
grew while making many dreams come true for 4 years
and learned and felt many things.
Despite us not being perfect, I honestly thank you all for
loving and supporting us equally.
It’s only been 4 years!!
We want to make bigger dreams come true through your love and strength!!
SONE! Until Girls’ Generation becomes 40 years old..
I hope we can make memories together.. Forever^^
With Girls’ Generation in your lives, and SONEs in our’s
we’ve been very happy, and until the day we can reminisce..!
We will work harder!!
Right now it’s Girls’ Generation♥
Tiffany followed up with a quite blurb about her birthday celebration, including a picture of the members. (Except for Jessica who was out of the country at the time.)
As a 4th anniversary present, Ppani’s birthday party unseen cut, ta-da! keke
(Sica was absent..)ㅠ
Still! Happy 4th to my girls & my SONE^^
Today is ‘our’ dayyyyyyy~
Taeyeon didn’t upload a selca, but nevertheless uploaded a message for everyone to enjoy.
Hello!!!!!!!!!! I’m T a e y e o n e e!! ‘ㅡ’//
Everyone! It’s been 4 years since Girls’ Generation was born!
Wow, everybody clappp!!!! Hehe clapclapclapclapclap jjarajajajajatjat clap!clap!
Thank you for supporting us well and giving us strength for 4 years. The fans are really the source of strength.
Recently… we all watched the All About Girls’ Generation DVD^^
Im guessing all of you watched it too?
While watching all of it, I could start to really feel that 4 years have passed!!
Why does it have old footage??? Huh???..
Hehe. ^^
To those who have been supporting us since our debut.. and also to everyone who’ve only recently started to show interest…
All of you are special to me so I’m thankful to everyone!
We always only received from you.. so always.. give us a chance to give back^^ okay?
4th year anniversary… I want to spend it meaningfully~
And I’ll end my words short here..
Because I’m going to write again next year for the 5th year anniversaryyy. Hehehe
Congratulations SONE^^^ Congratulations Girls’ Generation!!!!!!!!!
Ah, I feel so good.
Sooyoung was the next girl to post something, a selca included this time.
Wondering if there’s a new post, you refresh the homepage
SONEs clicking until their 1st backbone becomes the 9th…
You looked behind you, didn’t you? hehe.. Not there, but up, above… Peek-a-boo!!
It’s cheerful princess Sooyoung!! kekeke
Ack, it’s been a while so my fingers are curling a bit hehe
You’re doing well, right? I miss you again after seeing you all a while ago… heh heh
It’s our 4th anniversary!! heh heh Time really flies~
The times we rode around the Soshi bus yelling ‘Right now, it’s Girls’ Generation!’ is still fresh in my mind..
You all really made right now Girls’ Generation.. Thank you ㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠ..
Because I’m so thankful, I always think about what I can do, but the results are always the same.
That’s me just staying the way I am~ That’s what you all want, right? keke
It’s the best present I can give you!!
Being healthy, and thankful as I am now, but not being sorry.
I just need to continue on like this, right?
How do I know this so well? keke Because it’s what I expect from you all~~
I assumed that’s what you expect as well hehe.. You always have to be healthy! Your health is the best thing
Don’t fall somewhere like I do… kekeke
Don’t get hurt.. Have a healthy body and heart.. Take care and on the day we appear on our comeback date
High kick through the roof byebyeshyoongshyoorooboongshyoong
Everyone, bring a broom. I requested a firebolt a long time ago, but still haven’t gotten it….
Hehe I love you and thank you.
– I hope that the skilled SONES will translate and spread these to the SONES around the world who will be celebrating our 4th anniversary… From Ddooyoung (shy)
Yuri was the next member to leave a cute selca and a message that was even longer than the previous ones.
Wahhhhhhhh it’s been 4 years already^^^^^^^!!!!!
The speed of time I felt is the same that our fans probably felt, right?!
I know that we feel the same way now..
Its something that is known without being confirmed^^?!! Yoyoyoyo!!
It’s fast, right?!!..
Honestly, I felt that it was really fast when it was our 1st anniversary.. But we’ve been together for exactly 4 times that amount.. Woooow we’ve probably grown a lot~
From memories we’ve shared, to the depth of how much we think of one another..
I’m thankful.. So much that it can’t be expressed…!
You have no idea how happy and thankful it is to have people that cheer you on no matter where you are and what you do.
Not too long ago, in the waiting room, my kid~ members^^!
I glanced at all of their feet~ And my heart wrenched a little~ ㅠㅡㅠ
After running around and practicing in heels for a concert that runs over 3 hours
our feet have scars and there are times that our bodies feel like they’re about to break..
Then it can bleed and bruise, and sometimes breaks, too~^^
But even still.. I’ve been doing it because we had to..
But I saw that now, the members’ feet have become destroyed in every way with calluses all over~
Looking at them carefully, their feet are really all destroyed~
The shape of their feet.. their toenails.. So different from when they were soft when we first started..
But maybe because they’ve grown so intensely with the sense of responsobility of having to show themselves to others
They’ve tried to cover any trace of their scars with different colors in any way they could^^
And… after being on plane rides that are over 10 hours long, their faces and bodies are helplessly swollen,
And they have to carry their exhausted bodies and walk into a full shower of camera flashes
I’ve seen their pain of trying to relay their thankfulness to the fans who wait for them and support them, while having to smile no matter what…
Pains… pains…?! No! Cute pain!
These small inconveniences..and complaints.. our fans allowed us to call them cute pains..
And because they’re cute pains,they’re no longer painful..
Thank you to all the fans who looked after and supported Girls’ Generation, even if it was only for one time!!
I want to repay this feeling to everyone..
Even if I say I’ll live by giving as much love as I’ve received, I think I’ll have trouble doing so the rest of my life..^^!
If you want to enjoy my repayment, it seems like you’ll have to wait 14 years at the least…
So you have to always be by our side until then, okay!? Thank you, and thank you again and again and again!
Please treasure and love our members and our staff lots and lots~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I will too^^!! Yap
Girls’ Generation’s fourth anniversary has generated a flurry of activity: the girls became the top trending topic on Twitter, and special feature articles about the girls’ anniversary have been written in Korea and on Soshified. The fourth anniversary special features on Soshified can be found here and here.
Source: Girls’ Generation official website
Translated by: [email protected], [email protected]
Written by: [email protected], [email protected]
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