Hi guys! I should have made this announcement earlier but I’ve been caught up with other things for Soshified that I didn’t have time to brief the community on the changes we’ve made. Sorry once again ^^

First and foremost this is not a new layout. This is actually our 2008 layout for Ninebow with some adjustments to make it fit with our new software upgrade. I know a lot of people are having mix feelings about it simply because they are not used to it. In the long run we hope to bring back as many of the old layouts as possible giving our members a variety of different layouts to use as well as in the future hopefully release a new layout for everyone. So please bear with us until we’re able to make those changes. This layout is really colorful and bright and hopefully gives us a refreshing start for 2011.

Moving on, let’s talk about the upgrade. Fortunately for us with this new IPB software comes a lot of new features and a lot of fixed bugs. I would like to introduce to you guys all of them but I’ll just highlight on some of the cool stuff we’ve been working on:

Mobile Soshified.com. We were looking at the list of things users wanted to see on Soshified and we saw a high priority in a need of a better mobile version of our site. Now you can browse Soshified.com on any of your phones and should have a better experience.

Soshi Mart. This has been an idea we’ve been toying with for a while now and we’ve finally been able to provide a space on Soshified for SONEs to sell/buy/trade their merchandise. You can now find that missing star card or whatever you’re looking for on our site. Hopefully we can expand this section more to fit everyone’s merchandise needs. Visit: My link

Notifications. I’m simply in love with portion of the new software. Next to your name box there’s a little tab that highlights. It’s kind of like facebook, notifications pop up when you get new messages or when people type on your profile and such. It hopefully will keep everyone up to date^^ On top of that you can comment on people’s statues as well located on their profiles!

Articles. This is actually something we’re going to be experimenting a lot with in this next year. It’s something we’re working on hard to bring to you guys. We want to be your number one source for SNSD needs but at the same time it’s hard to maintain a community of 100,000+ users. There’s so many topics and new threads started every day that members can feel lost. We’re going to be working on this section and you might see some changes to the Soshified.com homepage within the next few months. We’re going to be trying to publish new articles/editorials regularly and hopefully end up becoming more a more interactive site for everyone! Check it out! My link

Video streaming has been something we’ve been toying around with in 2010 and are still in the process of getting used to but I hope you guys continue to show it a lot of support and interest! It’s for the fans that our streamers stay up at outrageous times to stream live music shows and variety shows with the girls on them for everyone so please take advantage of it! http://soshified.com…

Video system is back in order and our uploaders are working hard in getting back on track with the videos! Thanks for being patient with us! http://soshified.com/pages/videos

– The Soshified Police group under Soshified is now under the new name “Project Leaders”. I know in 2010 a lot of members were a little discontent that we were lacking projects for the girls or projects on our site in general. Hopefully with this new team we’ll be able to bring back more projects yearly for everyone those that were discontent, slightly happier. Also we might be using this team as a PR team as well. And as always this team is not one that you can apply for but one that is chosen, so please don’t ask about how to apply ^^

Other things we are focusing on but are not limited to:

– Finding a home for our fanfics sector of Soshified. We’re playing with some ideas now that will hopefully keep the writers/readers of the fanfic section of Soshified happy. The tagging system has been down for some time now but we figured it was best to just not continue with it and try something new. I’ll try to update everyone with our progress as soon as I can. We’re sorry for the inconvenience but we lived without tags before and can continue to live without them for the time being.

– We’re also trying to bring back old features so if you guys have something you miss, please make note and we’ll look into it. Even though we don’t address every single thing we do read everyone’s feedback! We’re looking at bringing back Soshi Quotes!

With that being said, we are getting a new server because it’s kind of apparent that with the amount of people on Soshified daily (be it streaming or just during peak times) we can no longer maintain a stable performance. Hopefully with this new server we’re going to be able to accommodate more users online at the same time without the lag. The only drawback is to ensure that we’re able to maintain these fees for Soshified we’re going to be adding (non-intrusive) ads on our site layout. I’ve never wanted to ever put ads on Soshified but it’s gotten to the point where they’re now a need. But as a constant user of this community, I know the limits of where ads should and shouldn’t be, so I promise, just as I’m a fan, they will not get in the way of your Soshified experience.

To be honest this is insane but FEB 2010 last year we had roughly 65,000 members and within a year we’ve managed to more than double that! We want to thank you guys for continuing to believe in us! Soshified’s 3rd Birthday is actually less than a month away and as last year we’re going to try our best to bring you guys a month filled with fun surprises so please look forward to it!

We are hiring new staff for 2011! So please apply where necessary and keep supporting us, always!

If you would like to be part of the Soshified Staff please apply:

Writers: Apply here
Graphic Designer Applications: Apply here
DJ Applications: Apply here
Soshified Translators Application: Apply here
Tech Admin – Front End / UX Engineer: Apply here
Soshified Streamers Application: Apply here

And I know this has already become a long message! I hope you guys show all the other sections of Soshified a lot of support and comment a lot in threads because they’re here because we feel like users want them here. If no one uses the gallery or listens to the radio or comments on upload threads, we’ll see it as no one wants it so please show everything on Soshified love where you can ^^ Thanks for taking the time to read this!

I hope to be back with everyone more great news for everyone in 2011! Happy New Year everyone! Let’s hope for a more active Soshified in 2011! Members & Staff, hwaiting! Remember if there are problems, please help come up with solutions!