Yuri suddenly disappeared while participating in a magic performance with magician Choi HyunWoo in SBS ‘Star King.’
She wore a stunning one piece dress and entered in an elegant pose.
Yuri and Choi HyunWoo pulled off an extravagant magical performance.
Yuri lay down floating in empty space, she maintained her flight even with the cloth over her.
As Choi HyunWoo removed the cloth Yuri had disappeared.
The other guests on the show were so surprised that she disappeared in the wink of an eye.
They thought she had fallen off the stage, and started looking for her.
Choi HyunWoo sent a signal, and Yuri appeared from 20m away from the stage.
‘How did you move over there so quickly?’ Yuri answered “I practised this for 3 days and nights.
Magic is supposed to be kept a secret.” This made people even more curious.
Yuri’s disappearance will be aired on ‘SBS Star King’ on the 5th of December 6pm.
Source: Asia E
Translation: Just Love~! @ Soshified.com/forums
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