ALRIGHT!!!!!! let me explain since most people are quite confused… TIFFANY WAS NOT FIRED!!!!!!! she simply became too busy due to the preperation for SOSHI’s second album.


most of you probably already know this sad news… T^T

Tiffany says bye bye to SSGB

Tiffany of Girl’s Generation left the position of Sonyeon Sonyeo Gayo Baekso‘s MC.

Since November of 2007, Tiffany has been the MC of the special MNET music station “Sonyeon Sonyeo Gayo Baekso” with Kim Hyesung; they cooperated very well. Finally on June 13th 2008, it was the last time for Tiffany to be the MC.

Han Seong Yeon of KARA will be replacing Tiffany as the new MC.

The PD of “Sonyeon Sonyeo Gayo Baekso” says the reason behind choosing Han Seong Yeon as the new MC was because “we need a MC that has the same feeling for girls and Sonyeon Sonyeo Gayo Baekso” and Han Seong Yeon has exactly that. We look forward to the shooting of the program.”

Original Chinese Text: 千瑷元絮 of SNSDCHINA
English Translation: exotsia. of soshified

I’m so sad T^T
gonna miss her so much on that show…
no one can replace her…
