The entire member of SNSD will be starring in a sitcom, ‘Unstoppable Marriage’.
On Feb 11th afternoon, the entire SNSD members will be dressing up as Bulgwang-dong’s 7 princess on
KBS 2TV’s daily sitcom ‘Unstoppable Marriage’. The fixed regular members, SooYoung & Yuri, as well as
the rest of the members of SNSD, who have not yet tried acting, will be making an appearance and
showing a whole new image.
The SNSD members have been watching Yuri and Sooyoung absorbed in their sitcom acting practices in-
between their schedules and the decision to present the entire SNSD group in an episode was to repay the
fans for all the love they’ve been giving.
Not only did each of the members understand their role very well, but they did not make as much NGs and
made the filming of the episode run smoothly. This made the director and writers very satisfied.
The SNSD members will be appearing as a trouble-free group of high school students, who gangs up and
bothers Lee Baek (Lee Jung) and Sam Baek (Kim Dong ook). The girls then come face to face with
Sooyoung and Yuri, who also used to be superior back in the days.
Once Sooyoung and Yuri see the older brother of Sa Baek, who Sooyoung and Yuri likes, and his friend
having their money taken away, they relieve the good old days, fights back, and easily dominates over
the 7 princess. This is what the episode is planned to be like.
———————— credits @ nonewscut & ak6c@soshified
———————— please credit if taken out