I got there at about 3 PM becuz i thought if i came any later i wouldn't get my SONE shirt. =/ So I was walking around to get my shirt. (Got like 7 glowsticks, just from walking around ALOT). there were awesome korean cultural perfs going on. the girls who were performing were so cute and pretty. ^^ IT WAS SO HOT! (i was about to sing Wonder Girl's So Hot...sorry for the corniess) I was walking around w/ no success...so I got lazy and went back to where my mom and my sister were waiting... and then all of a sudden a pretty happa woman stands in front of me along w/ a cameraman. I was thinking "Who's that?" Then my mind rush through all my past memories...then I remembered that isak was coming.

Before the performances started... I decided to blow up my SNSD balloon... i was blowingit bigger and bigger and suddenly, it just BLEW UP IN MY FACE.... (there were alot of people that blew them up too much like SOY! XD) people were staring at me... gah! When I actually saw SNSD live? it was an unbelievable.. I had like an out-of-the-body experience? I could not believe my eyes.. SNSD looked so DAMN beautiful/sexy/cute (esp. SUNNY) and their CURVES *nosebleed* they seriously looked so much HAWTER in real life than on TV. SNSD is truly GODDESSES. I was singing (& dancing) along during their perf (w/ my coarse voice from screaming) XD it was SO awesome.. (fanboy moment ^^;

My absolute fav perfs were Baek Ji Young's Like Being Shot By A Bullet, Lena Park's Secret & G.O.D. (+ 2 other guys) perf, Taengoo & Lee Juk's duet, Sica's & Lena Park's duet, Triple S's Because I Am Stupid w/ hyunjoong & jungmin, U R Man, & Deja Vu.
On a side note...
Soy was going around giving SNSD balloons to EVERYONE. I SERIOUSLY MEAN EVERYONE! like the guards (one of them actually took a balloon XD), shinee fans, ss501 fans, random ajusshi and ajummas... anyone who was around the pool section. ^^
SS501's & the kind of G.O.D. reunion perfs were INSANELY AWESOME!!! SNSD's perf was alright... i'm happy that i at least got to see them sing LIVE.
During SNSD's perf, SUNNY stole my heart? she srsly is THE AEGYO QUEEN? during like 55% of the perf my eyes were drawn to her?
I touched a bunch of guys? I TOUCHED F4

My legs are sore I can barely stand for 5 mins and my arms are sore that I can't hold them for 2 minutes? but I am satisfied.
KIND OF RANDOM but I pretty talked to So Ho YOUNG directly. =O alot of the people in the pool section didn't really say much cuz they couldn't speak korean.... =/
I compiled pics & vids (that my sister and i took) of SNSD's duets.
Taeyeon & Lee Juk - Goose's Dream
Jessica & Lena Park - you Raise Me Up
CLICK => Taengoo & Sica's Duets
SNSD was breathtaking...