- Soshified
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Member Since 01 Jul 2008Offline Last Active Nov 11 2017 01:00 PM
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- Active Posts 296
- Profile Views 5603
- Member Title My Life for Taengoo
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday September 1
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In Topic: [09.30.09] Visit to Jeonju Taeyeon's dad's shop
25 April 2010 - 03:45 PM
wow...seriously... i can't believe you actually went there... it's like a sotaku shrine.... no comment.....after i saw the ajusshi fans visit this place..GG
;; her dad...sigh...

In Topic: [COMIC] Hello We're SNSD!! Chapter 19, Hyoyeon's Might
24 February 2010 - 07:27 AM
haha wow the drawings of each member is pretty darn good except in the three that repeat.... yuri looks pretty scary... whoo go naver!
In Topic: [TIFFANY] TIFFANY IS ON 090909
09 September 2009 - 08:57 AM
stalker status..... i can't even get on sbox... it's pretty $%@#$...
In Topic: [05.10.09] Jessica in ktown!
11 May 2009 - 07:04 PM
the background in the picture looks familar. ^^ The Galleria market in Koreatown!!! REALLY?!
that's pretty kewl. i really wished that i could freely roam around koreatown.... 45 minutes away from ktown

In Topic: [YURI] T&C Bracelet
10 May 2009 - 08:37 PM
the bracelet looks so good at Yul. well anything pretty much looks good on Yul. She was so pretty at HB but it seemed like she was restraining her desire to laugh. =/
- Soshified
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