Member Since 01 Jul 2008Offline Last Active Nov 11 2017 01:00 PM
Profile Feed

donnyjsp → namunamu
Sorry, i click the wrong date ._.
just ignore it or delete it...
just ignore it or delete it...

donnyjsp → namunamu
Happy birthday, I hope it's a good one.
I'm a little early where I live but this is the only time I could sapre
I'm a little early where I live but this is the only time I could sapre

namunamu → SoNyuhShi Daelover
thx. ^^ kind of random but yuri was AWESOME at SMTOWN 2010 in LA XD

SoNyuhShi Daelover → namunamu
Im really sorry for being late again Pls Forgive me. But Happy Birthday and always God Bless ^_^