I'm pretty sure many fanaccounts will start popping out, but nevertheless here's mine!!

I was seated at T33 second row, which is a partially restricted seat but very very close to the stage. So many things happened I don't even know where to start! For sure, the concert was freaking AMAZING. The cheers were unbelievable (lots of Yuri fans today!) and I'm pretty sure the 'GG' that echoed throughout the stadium must have given many goosebumps.
I guess I'll start with fanservice?
My first experience was with Tiffany! I think this will please many Taeny supporters ^^ The first time she came over, we screamed like crazy and I waved my iPad spelling out Taeny in Korean characters in big pink glowy words.

She stopped en route, looked at us, pointed at my iPad, laughed and gave her breathtaking eye-smile. Taeny? Tiffany approves! 100%! She did the same thing when she walked back to the main stage! T-T She recognizes us and our Taeny spazz! Since we're at Taeny topic, Taeyeon came by afterwards and upon seeing my Taeny sign, she gave two thumbs-up :') Taeyeon approves, too! Funny thing is, Taeyeon doesn't show any particular reaction when I waved a Taeyeon banner but reacts when I showed Taeny. HMMMM...

When Hyoyeon came to my area, my iPad was showing the mega huge pink heart that I drew. She looked at me, smiled and pointed at my iPad, and waved happily. Her smile was absolutely gorgeous but she had eyebags ): rest more Hyo!

When they were singing My Child, all the members were at my area so I was frantically waving my Taeny sign, before realizing Seohyun was pointing at me with her wand! I'm not sure if she was pointing at the people behind, but my delusional Taeny heart believes she approves of her parents too. HAHA. The eye contact was really believable! Which reminds me, I made eye contact with every freaking single member T-T Eye-contact with each of them was simply electrifying. I mean they were so gorgeous up-close and they look at us with their intense gazes... T-T -dies- If I thought MAMA 2011 was amazing enough because I saw them up-close, this concert is out of this world. Note: Jessica's eye contact is pretty lethal. Maybe it's because her smile she gave me was the sort of cool smile instead of the sweet one.. makes everything one level more intense.
Sunny was being her extremely cute jumpy self, making eye contact with fans and doing heart signs. But she was limping towards the end ): I'm not sure if she injured herself, but please take care Sunny!
Jessica and Yoona didn't stay long at my area ): They did notice all my crazy iPad banners though, but they just waved and passed by T-T
Yuri stayed for a really long time at the end, waving and smiling. She looked close to tears when we were standing, cheering and singing along to Forever :') When SNSD bowed to us, she was a little hesitant on whether to bow to the people at the mosh pits or the terrace seats. Cute! She decided on the first.
Oh and the BEST PART THAT NIGHT. SOOYOUNG. Towards the end, after Forever as they skipped back to the main stage, I was of course screaming and waving my heart banner frantically and shamelessly. (Some people near us were really stoned. Don't think they are SONEs, not even sure what they are doing there!) And here's the best part. When Sooyoung passed by me, she saw my heart, stopped, looked at me right in the eye, pointed at me, and winked before smiling her usual winsome smile. And I just freaked!! I mean omg. She made sure I knew it was me she was looking at before she winked. As I'm imagining it in my head now the whole scene is kinda going super slow motion because it still is a bit unbelievable! Haha! I basically hyperventilated in my seat while spazzing to my friend, he confirmed that he saw it too and it wasn't just my delusional mind. That moment is really between just me and Sooyoung

The concert itself overall was of course good because hey it's SNSD! The chants and cheers from SG SONEs were epic too. But I was really disappointed to see that the kallang wave was a huge fail. It always dies halfway through. It just felt like we didn't have anything special to show the girls, if they didn't notice the fail kallang wave. Nevertheless, Fany still praised us for being passionate and they gave shout-outs to other countries

There was this extremely long fanservice from Yulsic at my side which drove the crowd wild!!

On the side note: someone gave Taeng her dookong but she took it and passed it back to another bunch of audience. Aww ): it would be nice to see her with her favourite dookong.
Even though the kallang wave failed terribly, and the lightsticks weren't all the same coordinated color, I think our passion really did reach the girls

There was a category dedicated to, I'm guessing, VIPs like some Samsung staff members or something? They were just sitting back all chill with no lightsticks or whatnot. But I think we have impressed even non-SONEs like them

The girls asked us if we are coming back tomorrow. I can't not come back after I said yes. Hahaha!

My iPad is coming with me again.
Hope all you SG SONEs enjoyed the concert as much as I did!


Hey people. Second night just ended and I'm sad to say, I didn't enjoy it as much as the first night ): I must admit the atmosphere was way better tonight... everywhere else except where I was sitting, right in the center. ): It was so sad to be placed in a category where everyone's like so dead, and you see the other parts of the stadium full of life. I wanted to go to another category so bad. My mood was dampened a lot because of that. However, I still shamelessly stood up when I wanted to and waved my iPad and lightstick around. I didn't want to let the lousy atmosphere at my area ruin my night... too much. It was already partly ruined. ): So I'm sorry if this fanaccount is going to be less exciting.
On the bright side, because my area was so quiet, when I randomly burst out into 'KIM TAEYEON!!!' or 'GEE GEE GEE GEE' the usher at my area jumped. HAHAHA. It was entertaining to watch her get shocked at my sudden outbursts. Sometimes I do it in the quietest of moments just to scare her a bit. I don't know, I must have looked like a lunatic, she was looking at me a bit weirdly. BUT WHO CARES RIGHT CUZ IT'S SNSD??
Of course for tonight, the best part was when we all raised our paper messages. Nobody actually followed the instructions, we all raised them during the last chorus of Complete, which I felt honestly was a lot more appropriate. It was so touching to see the whole stadium raising their papers saying 'SNSD make our lives complete', and me with my extra iPad saying 'you make our lives complete <3'.

This was what I was waiting for, I bought a ticket for the second night because I wanted to be part of the crowd that moved SNSD to tears and gave them something to take back from Singapore. Which was the reason why I was initially so upset at the paper messages being arranged only for 10 Dec.
Oh right, talking about the crowds, tonight's one was better in terms of their enthusiasm, everyone stood up (except my freaking gray area) and many more banners were present.
And... we moved SNSD to tears!! :') Jessica was turning away during Complete to hide her tears, Taeyeon's eyes were also teary. After the song, Tiffany asked us to show them the paper messages again and Sooyoung commented, "I want to hear SONEs say that Sooyoung make their lives complete." My friend told me at his end, the people went wild shouting she made their lives complete ^^ OH!
And here is another moment I shared with SOOYOUNG! Sorta. When I was waving my banner saying 'I want to dream forever with SNSD' as they sang Forever, I think she was staring at it and from where I was, it looked like she was holding back her tears. T-T
I stood up and waved it at Taeyeon too who was at one corner... she stared at it for a while and just smiled

Truly, I would love to dream forever with SNSD.

Fanservice wise, it was definitely different. Sitting at the side so close to the girls, and sitting at the center and being separated by the mosh pit... they are really different. It is not easy at all to confirm if they were making eye-contact at me because the distance was greater, and when Hyoyeon pointed I wasn't sure if it was me. I just screamed anyway. I screamed at everything, I had nothing to lose, the dead crowd already knew that I was some lunatic fangirl

But of course, everything was clearer from where I was sitting today. I took a pretty clear fancam of Taeyeon at the beginning of Tell Me Your Wish, but it was short because I was afraid I would get caught (which was silly because the usher was purposely letting us take just that song, I should have gotten the whole thing!) and shaky because... well, I naturally started to freak the moment I saw Taeyeon, duh?

http://www.youtube.c...h?v=JrRflr94TMk link if the video isn't showing...
I regret not taking the full fancam so much! Security was so obviously letting us take T-T And I also regret being so unstable because I think at those moments when the camera was shaking, Taengoo was looking directly into the camera.
Hmm other moments... Taeyeon was super duper cute today. When Tiffany asked, 'Who was here yesterday?!' and we screamed, Taeyeon started jumping and yelling 'me too me too!!!' ohmygosh. Epitome of cuteness. On par with Sunny and her aegyo she kept showing to the camera T-T
At the end of Gee, Taeyeon rested her elbow on Hyoyeon's back and was pressing down on her playfully while Hyo was on fours. Cute moment :3
Also another cute moment when Seohyun and Yoona ran towards Taeyeon and embraced her. I believe this is during the part of Kissing You when Seohyun and Yoona usually deliberately skips Taengoo and hugs each other... I recall seeing a GIF of one of the ITNW concerts showing this and a fancam showed that on 9 Dec, they skipped Taengoo again. Well they leapt on her today, 10 Dec

Yuri made a promise with us at the end, that we will come back to see them if they come back next year <3 The translator failed to translate that precious moment, but I'm sure most of us fans recognized the Korean for promise and her little pinky sign. Tiffany was the last one to speak because she was too busy translating for the rest of the girls. When she was pondering over what to say, all the girls started to hold up their mics to her and that was such a cute Soshi bond moment!
Taeyeon went on her knees and held her mic from below. Hehe.
I'm going all over the place now so please forgive me guys!
Something interesting i noted was... at one point of time when a white backdrop dropped down to show silhouettes of the girls dancing, it was pretty awesome to see how the crowd knew exactly who was who just by their shadows. The most awesome part was... I KNEW TOO. HAHA!

At the very last part when they were saying their goodbyes, I threw away the last of any shame I had and just ran out of my category to wherever they were at. I was glad to see one of the girls sitting near me, who was also the only other person that actually looked pumped and excited to see Soshi, joining me. Upon reaching the corner where a whole bunch of fanboys were going crazy, I just went all 'HYOYEON! SUNNY! YOONA! TAEYEON! JESSICA! AHHHHHHHHH!', screaming the names of the girls facing us, and Yoona turned to look ^^ I believe in the power of my voice. So those that didn't turn probably chose not to ):
All the time I saw the crazy fangirls/fanboys at the category beside me way behind, jumping around... I wanted to join them so badly ): But I would probably get chased away by security. Oh right the whole night I took opportunities when there were quiet moments and when the girls weren't really speaking, to shout 'KIM TAEYEON'. It was heartwarming to hear responses in the forms of KIM TAEYEON and also JESSICA and everyone else shouting their own biases. And whenever I hear a KIM TAEYEON burst out from somewhere I'd return it with one of my own ^^
So the conclusion was, the whole night, I was simply the only person standing at the front going all mad and scaring the usher there. Admittedly, the atmosphere was a spoiler for me. Even my friends seated at the back with no clear view had a blast because the crowds there were crazy. But at least I tried my best to have fun. By myself. The next time I come, I would really love to go with fellow SONEs here

And I don't know... I guess what I am about to say may offend some people, or maybe not. I really don't approve of SONEs going to concerts if they don't plan to go all out and support the girls... I'm not even sure how much of a fan the people at my area really were. I know some fans are quieter, I've met some of them, but at least they had their lightsticks and banners etc. The people at my area were mostly without lightsticks and they were just... stoning. It was disappointing to see and if I were the girls, it would be so awkward trying to show fanservice to such a dead crowd. Which is also why I threw away any pride and just went all out to support them. Especially during emotional songs. And I think, to look at a crowd and see only a few... to be more exact, only four of us, me and the three fangirls way behind... to see only these few people cheering and everyone else looking bored, might also dampen their excitement. It makes me so disappointed to see dead crowds and.. I don't know.
I need to be with crazier SONEs ._.
Oh right, and talking about disappointment, the kallang wave didn't even start this time round. Lol. Because everyone was standing already. Except the people in my area. T-T
The shout for encore was really weak today. Much weaker than last night. Maybe because Tiffany admitted that it's a fake ending, probably because she was touched by our Complete mission ^^ But I think we could have done better.
At the end, a bunch of people from the mosh pit started singing Yuri a birthday song, which I joined in a bit... but in the end it died

All that aside, Sooyoung just climbed up my list of bias to claim the second spot. It used to be Sunny. After her stare, point, wink and seeing her so emotional today... <3
Oh and this is a casual analysis... Taeyeon, Yuri, Yoona and Jessica tend to be more passive in fanservice in the sense that they do not pick out specific people... they normally just wave to the crowds in general. At least for me. Yuri is super duper hyper each time though <3 Hyoyeon, Sunny, Seohyun, Tiffany and Sooyoung were more specific and sometimes picked out people. Sooyoungwinkedatmeistillcan'tbelieveitomggggggggggg.