Member Since 24 Jun 2010Offline Last Active Jul 19 2021 11:35 AM
Profile Feed

geniefor9 → taengooofied
MICHELLE! :) I didn't know you were from SG too. ._. Hi. Nyahahahaha. Btw, I'm waiting for the other part for that Taeny multishot. Be quick! :P I'm so Taeny deprived. >:)

owh i'm so sorry for the delay! school is such a.........
omg you are from Singapore!!!
Mar 16 2012 10:49 PM

yeonyoung09 → taengooofied
Yo! ur Fic is Cute A LOVE it haha xDD ... HwaiTaeng >.< .. TaeNy is ma Favorite x)

MadToonz → taengooofied
Hey yo! Thanks for the add! ^^ I've probably told you this already, but yeah love your fics! =D

I feel the need to keep changing my display picture every day because there are too many beautiful pictures of Taeng, Soo and Sunny T-T

I feel the need to keep changing my display picture every day because there are too beautiful pictures of Taeng, Soo and Sunny T-T

taengooofied → janeycookie
Just a random post here! Thank you for always leaving comments on my page about your updates! :) Really appreciate it. I feel so bad now, I haven't been commenting ): But I'm a little less busy now and I'll comment as much as I can! :) ^^

taengooofied → tokio
Hello! Thank you for commenting on your story! I am compelled to reply personally because I have read your works and am quite a fan :) Thank you once more~ ^^