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Member Since 24 Jun 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 19 2021 11:35 AM

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In Topic: 9 Days of Caring

21 January 2013 - 04:13 AM

Username: taengooofied, zhiq, senb0nzakura, bbiru7, myfavisyuri

City, Country: Singapore, Singapore

Video/Pic: http://i.imgur.com/p...com/EZRucgu.jpg http://i.imgur.com/F...com/aBy1dfv.jpg

Summary: Went around to stick post-its filled with encouraging quotes from the girls.

Date: 20/1/2013


Hope it's okay to leave all the usernames of all the people who were involved ^-^

In Topic: [12.09.11] & [12.10.11] SNSD in Singapore, the good and bad

16 December 2011 - 09:31 AM

Yup the problematic ticketing system is the main cause to all our SONEs friends being separated here and there. If not, it's a SOSHI party I tell you. We'll bring the house down!! *sorry for my over the heels excitement*LOL

Haha I feel you! Even going with just one SONE friend was crazy enough. Going to a concert with many SONE friends will be simply amazing :)

In Topic: [12.09.11] & [12.10.11] SNSD in Singapore, the good and bad

15 December 2011 - 07:35 AM

@hane: I AGREE! oh I know what you are talking about. I was at T33 and I noticed the people near my area were all pretty formal, I think they are VIPs or something. I'm glad you threw away everything else and just cheered for them! Haha! Really, the next time they come Singapore, I'm definitely gonna grab more SONEs with me. It's always many times better to have another SONE in any dead area, for the first night because my friend was with me, so we didn't feel the deadness at all ^^
The ticketing system is seriously problematic though D:

In Topic: [12.09.11] & [12.10.11] SNSD in Singapore, the good and bad

13 December 2011 - 07:02 AM

hahaha i think next time i can go with you to watch a concert together~! i am quite a crazy sone here as well hehehe :) A good thing is that a significant of people for both nights knew fanchants and shouted them. I'm quite satisfied with it as compared to the fanchants during MAMA (well, maybe becuase not all are sones during MAMA) I TOTALLY agree with what u said,its quite embarrassing when you're the one abnormally hyper (really really hyper) as compared to the others hahaha. was in pen A for the second night,and i was going crazy until i realised many people around me were looking at me lol.. very paiseh but i later continued to cheer and spazz at an abormal level hahaha.cant help it when the girls are right before my eyes. had real fun during the two days. and i suffered from post-snsd concert syndrome. Really missed them alot.i took out my lightsticks and tickets to see for at least 50 times already.... oh and the end result after two days of soshi concert- a severe sore throat (actually having a sore throat after day1 already) but it's worth it! :D

Hahaha! Totally agree with you! Yup the next time they come back to Singapore, we should really try to gather and go together! :)

In Topic: [12.09.11] & [12.10.11] SNSD in Singapore, the good and bad

12 December 2011 - 07:41 PM

@J3nNiFeR oh is it? Haha if you saw me being all crazy you should run down and join me! :P