Member Since 23 May 2010Offline Last Active Nov 11 2011 06:24 PM
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snsdazzled → biancs
1 month is a long way to go for sure. kekeke...
my day. it was tiring. -__- I just got back from a wedding. omg the traveling and all that. I'm having cramps everywhere. LOL.
May 01 2011 06:52 AM
my day. it was tiring. -__- I just got back from a wedding. omg the traveling and all that. I'm having cramps everywhere. LOL.
snsdazzled → biancs
no worries. it won't be long until summer ends.
so cheer up. ^_^
Apr 30 2011 04:16 AM
so cheer up. ^_^
biancs → snsdazzled
I have free time to spazz, hahahaha! but I can't buy what i want. :((
Apr 27 2011 07:10 PM