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[2013.01.19] The Dream KPop Fantasy Concert Experience (Manila, Philippines)How Girls' Generation made up for all the hassle (with pictures)

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RickachuSNSD RickachuSNSD
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Posted 19 January 2013 - 06:14 PM

January 19, 2013. Saturday. SM Mall of Asia Open Concert Grounds. Manila, Philippines.

Five years. We waited for five years. Finally, Girls' Generation is in the house! Finally, Girls' Generation performed in my hometown.

Girls' Generation was headlining a six-idol group KPop concert called Dream KPop Fantasy Concert, performing with EXO (M and K), Infinite, U-KISS, Tahiti, and Tasty. Of course, the Girls were set to perform last to close the entire show.

But this time around however, there were a lot of hassles during the whole experience that sorta-kinda made me go "meh" and "WTF???". From bad crowd control management to a lot of technical glitches, man, it wasn't really as fun as the first two concert experiences I had featuring the Girls. Oh well...

And as always, I will be focusing on Girls' Generation in this fan account, so I guess it's gonna be pretty short compared to the others that I wrote and posted here.


After waiting for seven hours before even getting inside the venue, and then another three hours or so watching performances from (in this order of appearance) Infinite, Tasty, U-KISS, Tahiti, and EXO (EXO even sang a Filipino song with guitars!), finally, we went bonkers when Girls' Generation was introduced on stage. Five years of anticipation and excitement literally poured out from the crowd, flooding the venue with our very own Pink Ocean, right in the heart of Manila.

After EXO exited the stage and the lights dimmed, we were all chanting, "So Nyeo Shi Dae! So Nyeo Shi Dae! So Nyeo Shi Dae! So Nyeo Shi Dae!" And then went screaming like crazy when we saw the Girls go up the stage.



The Girls performed six songs. The first up was Tell Me Your Wish (Genie). We fanchanted and sang right from the start. I think we surprised the Girls at how much we PH-SONEs went crazy in supporting, singing, and cheering for them. And of course, the highlight of the song was when we finally heard Tiffany say out loud, "Philippines, Put It Back On!!!!!!" Man, at that get-go, it was going to be a crazy thirty minutes. I found myself actually crying once more while they were singing Genie. I just couldn't believe that finally, Girls' Generation is in the Philippines, in Manila, my hometown!

The next up was The Boys. They sang the Korean version, but that didn't stop us from continuing to fanchant and sing along. We really kept the energy up.

And then Hoot was performed. Still, we kept up the energy, fanchanting and screaming and singing the whole time.





A short interview followed. Hearing them say, "Annyeong Hasaeyo, So Nyeo Shi Dae Imnida!" live and alive was particularly special. Tiffany said that they were so surprised and touched to see and feel so much support from the fans. Well, they can't blame us. We waited five effing years to see them perform in our home turf. She also added that they were so touched by our flag event. We were waving flags that said, "We Thought You'd Never Come", with the words "You'd" and "Come" highlighted in boldface before they started performing.

Jessica also gave in to the fans' request of singing a short line of her cover of Nina's "Someday" which she performed during the MBC Romantic Fantasy show. Man, even for those two lines that she sang, Sica sang so beautifully. Nina is a Filipino artist and "Someday" was a huge huge hit in the Philippines last year. Jessica even thanked the Filipino people for coming up with such a beautiful song.








And then Dancing Queen was next. Man, I nearly died seeing that cute cat dance in the flesh. Aya! I felt myself melting.








The next they performed was Gee. And it was during this song that they walked towards the second stage, near to where I was standing. Man, I was like three or four feet away from them. That was the closest I got to them todate. I died.




And then to end their performance, and the show, they set to perform I Got A Boy. There was a brief break to let them change shoes and switch to headset microphones for I Got A Boy. And then, BAM!!! By the way, I Got A Boy debuted at Number 1 in our local music charts.














As always, I ended up with a pair of sore feet, a sore back, a sore right shoulder, a sore neck, and a sore throat. In other words, I was totally tired, exhausted, and sore all over. And I had to walk back ten minutes to the parking lot (I parked at a different area to avoid the inevitable heavy traffic), and then I had to drive another hour to get home, all with a beat-up body. And then, I couldn't sleep well that night, partly because of the adrenaline, and partly because I was really sore. Writing this fan account, I can still feel the aches and pains on my legs and on my back. My throat completely gave out. But man, for thirty straight minutes, it was so totally worth it.

I did have my gripes though. Bad crowd control management. The organizers didn't give us clear-cut instructions until the very last minute before we entered the venue. The lack of instruction and discretion really cause a huge mess that a lot of people complained about it. I pitied some people, especially the high school and college kids there, who lined up as early as five or six in the morning only to find out that they were in the wrong queue three hours before the scheduled opening of the gates. Also, we were shepherded back and forth, causing the queuing lines to break several times. And then the effing bouncers blamed everything on us! WTH!!!

Second, lots of technical difficulties. Infinite, Tasty, and U-KISS suffered sudden cuts in their song when the music suddenly went out. I know how much of a bummer that is and I was really pissed off about it and felt sorry for them because they prepared so hard and then suddenly this happened. Also, Girls' Generation suffered some microphone problems as well. At least the good part about it is that nobody will accuse anybody of lip-syncing that night. That person would be so dumb and so stupid to do so.

But despite those missteps, at least for the last thirty minutes of the show, I was again totally happy. When EXO was performing, I couldn't move my legs and my back at all, standing for almost the whole day. When Girls' Generation was performing, I forgot all of my aches and pains. I didn't feel a thing except excitement and happiness. Fanchanting, cheering, screaming, and singing with SONEs who are also my countrymates, flooding SM Mall of Asia Open Concert Grounds with the Pink Ocean, was a dream come true. I felt especially happy for the members and staff of Soshified Philippines, because a lot of them have seen Girls' Generation last night for the very first time. I was so happy because compared to the other artists and the other fandoms who were there for the other artists, we SONEs showed our artists, our Girls, the best. We fanchanted to every song, from start to finish, from the first song to the last song. We SONEs also showed our support to Infinite, U-KISS, EXO, Tasty, and Tahiti, but we saved the best for last for our Nine Angels.

And as always, at the end of it, I felt a lot of mixed emotions as well. I felt sad as well. As always, they would never know who I really am, they would never know what my name is or how my face looks like. I would just be this nameless, faceless SONE swimming in the Pink Ocean, one voice among the thousands that fanchanted and sang the hell out of the concert venue. I kept reminding myself that I should probably be contented with this one-sided love affair I have with Girls' Generation. It really got me right there that I just love them so much and yet all I can do is to watch them from afar... well, at least from three or four feet away... and cheer for them.

I said before that I was willing to go through all the hardships and discomforts of going through a Girls' Generation performance, and I did, once again, and ended up all beat. At the time that I am writing this fan account, I can still feel the pain on my legs and on my back.

And evenso, seeing them again, for the third time, watching them perform in my hometown, will go down as yet another chapter of how much I love the Girls. As always, loving Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, and Seohyun will go down as one of the greatest things that I have ever done with my life. That night, they proved how much power they have over me. I went through a lot of hassle that tested my stamina, patience, and resolve that night. But when they took the stage for thirty minutes, I was completely happy and forgot my anger and my aches and pains. Much like Bangkok and Hsinchu, Manila will galvanize my feelings for Girls' Generation.


Being a part once again of the Pink Ocean, cheering once again with all my heart and with all my soul, "Jigemeun, So Nyeo Shi Dae, Apuroudo, So Nyeo Shi Dae, Yongwonhi, So Nyeo Shi Dae!" is and will always be such a magical and wonderful experience that I cannot fully and completely describe how good it feels. But I will always be forever thankful for being able to do so.

And as always, I know I cannot do much compared to other SONEs and other KPop fans in general. But after this, I am now determined that whatever I can do, I will do it wholeheartedly, just for the Girls. I realized that was actually worse off now in Manila afterwards compared to my physical state after the concert in Bangkok and Hsinchu, but if that is what it takes to show all my love and support to Girls' Generation, I'd gladly do it again. Seriously.

I have said it once, and I will say it again, "I Love You, Girls' Generation... And I Always Will... 'Tilll The Day I Die..."

That's me before the start of the show. Carrying the pink lightsabers and the flags.

And then with some of my countrymates at the VIP Platinum block. PH-SONEs FTW!!!

Edited by RickLovesSNSD, 10 April 2013 - 07:09 AM.

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Jigemeun, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Apuroudo, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Yongwonhi, So Nyuh Shi Dae! So Nyuh Shi Dae Saranghe!
My encounter with the Girls:
Bangkok, Hsinchu, Manila, Taipei, Taipei Again, Bulacan, Seoul, Hong Kong, Seoul Again, Taipei 3rd, Manila Again, Manila 3rd
My thoughts on the Girls: Power of Nine, One Year Later, Two Years, On Being a SONE, Deeper Feelings At your own risk: Twitter, Instagram Covers: Blind CH Ver. (SM The Ballad Zhoumi), Non-SNSD Covers Thread, SNSD Covers Thread Fanfic: Breathe, Don't Speak
If Fany uploads a picture of herself in that Party MV bikini like what Sunny did, I SWEAR I'M GONNA THROW MYSELF OUT THE WINDOW

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Posted 19 January 2013 - 06:41 PM

I was waiting for a Fanaccount on this.


WOW.  I can just feel the excitement coming from your written account!  I actually checked out the fancams earlier and was pleasantly surprised and proud at the loud fanchants Philippines SONEs were giving the girls.  And especially all those pink light sabers that dominated the concert venue.  Just wow, props to you guys.

My sister was also like "O o O They're so loud!" when she overheard me watching the fancams xD


I feel the same way you do.  Just another drop of water in the pink ocean.  I sometimes question as to why I love these girls so much, this one sided love that I'm strangely contented with.  But at the end of the day, I will always end up with the same answer.  It doesn't matter.  Because loving them is enough for me and love doesn't need reasons.


I've yet to have a chance to go to one of their concerts, it's a shame really.  I don't have the money to go to one and I never will, but it has always been one of my dream to be a part of that ocean and cheer and wave the lightsabers in the air.   So I do get jealous watching fancams, wishing I would be there.  xD


I'm just glad that PHSONEs got to see our girls finally. 

The banners were very touching.  I wanted to tear up and I'm not even a part of SNSD so I can't possibly imagine the gratitude they felt towards PHSONEs. 


Great job once again and glad you had an enjoyable time.  I'll be waiting for the photos C:

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Posted 19 January 2013 - 07:09 PM

My legs were dying and my neck was super sore by the time they got up on stage. But once they did, the adrenaline rushed in and all the pain went away. Seeing them for the first time up on stage gave me this feeling that made be burst with happiness. And once they started with Genie, I never got quiet again until they ended. All the fanchanting, screaming, the pink ocean, they were all so amazing. I think SNSD themselves were surprised by how loud we got during their performances. I think I speak on behalf of a lot of PH SONEs when I say that their part felt rushed, and we were all bitin. But that didn't make them any less entertaining and awe-inspiring. The fact that they stepped on our home soil, and performed live for many fans will surely leave a mark in our lives forever.


I wanna share something. I recently thought that my admiration of the Korean music scene would be just a phase of my life, something I'd look back and laugh about in the future. I have not been updated a lot with the other groups that I like, but kept myself updated with SNSD. Being in that concert, together with fellow SONEs, proved to me that this is not just a phase. The happiness we all experienced was genuine. I am really thankful to SNSD and to PH SONEs as well. Last night was one of the greatest experiences of my life. :)

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 지금은, 앞으로도, 영원히 소녀시대. :D

chejun chejun
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Posted 19 January 2013 - 07:46 PM

wow. reading your fan account makes me feel like i was there too. but unfortunately. i wasn't able to go :(

but thanks to you, you made me feel that i was a part of that concert :"">

i hope they can make a real concert soon! i promise myself that i'll really really go there..

Edited by chejun, 20 January 2013 - 09:38 PM.

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<p>tumblr_mq32ecUWEI1srtaw9o3_400.pngwV2skSk.pngchejun_yulsic_3_by_vaselshidae-d6hxogf.pcredit: yoongbella@ssf, sayhellotothestars@soshified, #SoshiSONE :)

RickachuSNSD RickachuSNSD
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Posted 19 January 2013 - 09:51 PM

Finally uploaded the photos. LOL.

Yes, I was that close to the extended stage that I was able to get a close up shot of Sooyoung and Yoona. I was like, four feet away from them.

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Jigemeun, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Apuroudo, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Yongwonhi, So Nyuh Shi Dae! So Nyuh Shi Dae Saranghe!
My encounter with the Girls:
Bangkok, Hsinchu, Manila, Taipei, Taipei Again, Bulacan, Seoul, Hong Kong, Seoul Again, Taipei 3rd, Manila Again, Manila 3rd
My thoughts on the Girls: Power of Nine, One Year Later, Two Years, On Being a SONE, Deeper Feelings At your own risk: Twitter, Instagram Covers: Blind CH Ver. (SM The Ballad Zhoumi), Non-SNSD Covers Thread, SNSD Covers Thread Fanfic: Breathe, Don't Speak
If Fany uploads a picture of herself in that Party MV bikini like what Sunny did, I SWEAR I'M GONNA THROW MYSELF OUT THE WINDOW

RickachuSNSD RickachuSNSD
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Posted 19 January 2013 - 10:12 PM

I was waiting for a Fanaccount on this.


WOW.  I can just feel the excitement coming from your written account!  I actually checked out the fancams earlier and was pleasantly surprised and proud at the loud fanchants Philippines SONEs were giving the girls.  And especially all those pink light sabers that dominated the concert venue.  Just wow, props to you guys.

My sister was also like "O o O They're so loud!" when she overheard me watching the fancams xD


I feel the same way you do.  Just another drop of water in the pink ocean.  I sometimes question as to why I love these girls so much, this one sided love that I'm strangely contented with.  But at the end of the day, I will always end up with the same answer.  It doesn't matter.  Because loving them is enough for me and love doesn't need reasons.


I've yet to have a chance to go to one of their concerts, it's a shame really.  I don't have the money to go to one and I never will, but it has always been one of my dream to be a part of that ocean and cheer and wave the lightsabers in the air.   So I do get jealous watching fancams, wishing I would be there.  xD


I'm just glad that PHSONEs got to see our girls finally. 

The banners were very touching.  I wanted to tear up and I'm not even a part of SNSD so I can't possibly imagine the gratitude they felt towards PHSONEs. 


Great job once again and glad you had an enjoyable time.  I'll be waiting for the photos C:


Photos are up. LOL. That took a while.

Anyways, thank you so much! As always, I try to make it as real as possible when I write. But man, it was a totally different feeling, seeing the in my home turf. A ton of PH-SONEs are seeing them for the first time and they were so crazily excited. I actually got pushed and shoved around a bit by those wanting to get a closer look and take some better photos and videos. Oh well...


Soshified Philippines gets the credit for the banners and the lightsabers. They did an awesome job! They really put in a lot of effort to make this the best night for SNSD and the best thing that PH-SONEs can do.


I do hope you get your chance, though. Going through an SNSD performance is simply the best. Good luck!


My legs were dying and my neck was super sore by the time they got up on stage. But once they did, the adrenaline rushed in and all the pain went away. Seeing them for the first time up on stage gave me this feeling that made be burst with happiness. And once they started with Genie, I never got quiet again until they ended. All the fanchanting, screaming, the pink ocean, they were all so amazing. I think SNSD themselves were surprised by how loud we got during their performances. I think I speak on behalf of a lot of PH SONEs when I say that their part felt rushed, and we were all bitin. But that didn't make them any less entertaining and awe-inspiring. The fact that they stepped on our home soil, and performed live for many fans will surely leave a mark in our lives forever.


I wanna share something. I recently thought that my admiration of the Korean music scene would be just a phase of my life, something I'd look back and laugh about in the future. I have not been updated a lot with the other groups that I like, but kept myself updated with SNSD. Being in that concert, together with fellow SONEs, proved to me that this is not just a phase. The happiness we all experienced was genuine. I am really thankful to SNSD and to PH SONEs as well. Last night was one of the greatest experiences of my life. :)


Yeah, a little bit. But think about it as well: SNSD is the busiest among the KPop idols who performed last night. Their schedule right now is really tight. Like wow.


And it's really great to see them perform in our home turf. And it's also great to finally cheer for them with our fellow countrymates. We showed them what PH-SONEs can do. I really hope that they will treasure all the warm welcome that we tried to give to them... and then SMEnt decides to bring SMTOWN or a solo concert as a result. Yay! I really hope so.


I felt the same as you. So effing tired, drained, and exhausted. But when SNSD took the stage, BAM!!! At least for thirty minutes it was all gone. And that thirty minutes really went by pretty quickly. And actually till now I'm still aching. Ouch.


Congrats to all of us for finally having Girls' Generation perform in Manila! I'm telling you, you can never forget that first experience. Ever.


my voice is not at the condition right now because of my very loud scream. all SONEs in the Philippines showed their support for our girls. (and i'm of that.hahaha)

i hope SNSD can really have their concert here in the Phil. :D the moment i saw them, my jaw dropped. it's one of the best moment in my life that I'll never forget! thank u Lord! :)


Me too! My throat still feels very rough until now.


Like I said, congrats to all of us for finally having Girls' Generation perform in Manila! I'm telling you, you can never forget that first experience. Ever.

  • 0

Jigemeun, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Apuroudo, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Yongwonhi, So Nyuh Shi Dae! So Nyuh Shi Dae Saranghe!
My encounter with the Girls:
Bangkok, Hsinchu, Manila, Taipei, Taipei Again, Bulacan, Seoul, Hong Kong, Seoul Again, Taipei 3rd, Manila Again, Manila 3rd
My thoughts on the Girls: Power of Nine, One Year Later, Two Years, On Being a SONE, Deeper Feelings At your own risk: Twitter, Instagram Covers: Blind CH Ver. (SM The Ballad Zhoumi), Non-SNSD Covers Thread, SNSD Covers Thread Fanfic: Breathe, Don't Speak
If Fany uploads a picture of herself in that Party MV bikini like what Sunny did, I SWEAR I'M GONNA THROW MYSELF OUT THE WINDOW

aldrin_only aldrin_only
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Posted 19 January 2013 - 10:21 PM

Congrats to you guys!!! The Project was a huge success and I also heard that they will be coming back (dunno when, but still, that's good enough for me)... You guys are sooooooooo lucky for seeing the girls live, and I bet you had tons of fun back then...


I really am proud of you kids... Hopefully I'll be there when they return... :)

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RickachuSNSD RickachuSNSD
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Posted 20 January 2013 - 03:13 AM

Congrats to you guys!!! The Project was a huge success and I also heard that they will be coming back (dunno when, but still, that's good enough for me)... You guys are sooooooooo lucky for seeing the girls live, and I bet you had tons of fun back then...
I really am proud of you kids... Hopefully I'll be there when they return... :)

Thank you!!! We would like to have an SMTOWN or a solo concert, although right now SMTOWN sounds better and more feasible.
The flag project and the lightsabers proved to be the real deal. It was really amazing seeing everything light up in pink.
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Jigemeun, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Apuroudo, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Yongwonhi, So Nyuh Shi Dae! So Nyuh Shi Dae Saranghe!
My encounter with the Girls:
Bangkok, Hsinchu, Manila, Taipei, Taipei Again, Bulacan, Seoul, Hong Kong, Seoul Again, Taipei 3rd, Manila Again, Manila 3rd
My thoughts on the Girls: Power of Nine, One Year Later, Two Years, On Being a SONE, Deeper Feelings At your own risk: Twitter, Instagram Covers: Blind CH Ver. (SM The Ballad Zhoumi), Non-SNSD Covers Thread, SNSD Covers Thread Fanfic: Breathe, Don't Speak
If Fany uploads a picture of herself in that Party MV bikini like what Sunny did, I SWEAR I'M GONNA THROW MYSELF OUT THE WINDOW

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Posted 20 January 2013 - 04:03 AM

I feel the same way you do.  Just another drop of water in the pink ocean.  I sometimes question as to why I love these girls so much, this one sided love that I'm strangely contented with.  But at the end of the day, I will always end up with the same answer.  It doesn't matter.  Because loving them is enough for me and love doesn't need reasons.

I agree haha :) I think why we love them so unconditionally is because of how much they have sacrificed in their own freedoms and life just to perform and bring smiles to the ordinary daily lives of Sones across the world. This love is enough for me :) I have never more happy than the moment I realised this fact :)
SNSD hwaiting!!! 

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monde© monde©
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Posted 20 January 2013 - 07:01 AM

wow. i remember you from the concert, we lined up on the same queue. haha. 


i mostly had the same experiences while lining up(mostly bad)...


but seeing the girls really made up for it. i really forgot everything else and just focused on watching, fan-chanting and waving my pink light saber.


i really wish they would come back again(maybe for a solo concert :laugh:). i will surely watch it. see you there too.

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riika♡ riika♡
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Posted 20 January 2013 - 07:48 PM

waaaah i super envy you guys who were able to watch the girls perf. during the dkfc..  :( i have watched some of their previous concerts on other countries through the web and i dont understand why people are crying during the concert, but i guess now i do get the feeling.. im not able to watch it live but after reading some fan accounts, how you guys crazily cheer for them like theres no tomorrow, the pink ocean wave that dominates the whole concert area, and after watching some fancams uploaded on the net, im kinda overwhelmed too and felt really proud being a filipino sone...^^ well, theres always another chance.. im hoping for a full solo concert here and when that time comes.. i will definitely come and experience it myself..^^ thank you soshi for giving us such a wonderful performance... im pretty sure it was the greatest 30mins. ever of the sones who got the chance to see you live in PH... SOSHI jjang! hwaiting! hwaiting!

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RickachuSNSD RickachuSNSD
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Posted 20 January 2013 - 10:57 PM

I agree haha :) I think why we love them so unconditionally is because of how much they have sacrificed in their own freedoms and life just to perform and bring smiles to the ordinary daily lives of Sones across the world. This love is enough for me :) I have never more happy than the moment I realised this fact :)
SNSD hwaiting!!! 

The more I think about it, the more I actually start to hurt over that fact. The Girls simply deserve so much love and cheer and support because they sacrificed a lot of their own personal stuff to do the things that they love to do - to be on the stage. Man, thinking about it, that behind their bright smiles and happy appearances are years worth of hardships.


wow. i remember you from the concert, we lined up on the same queue. haha. 


i mostly had the same experiences while lining up(mostly bad)...


but seeing the girls really made up for it. i really forgot everything else and just focused on watching, fan-chanting and waving my pink light saber.


i really wish they would come back again(maybe for a solo concert :laugh:). i will surely watch it. see you there too.

LOL, so many people there, so many interactions going on, I can't even remember everybody I chatted with during that time.

If and when they come back to the Philippines, I will definitely try my best to be there. If it's in the near future, I'd definitely try my hardest. Not really permanently in the Philippines just yet.


If and when that time comes, I'll see you there too! And hopefully the entire experience will be much much better.


waaaah i super envy you guys who were able to watch the girls perf. during the dkfc..  :( i have watched some of their previous concerts on other countries through the web and i dont understand why people are crying during the concert, but i guess now i do get the feeling.. im not able to watch it live but after reading some fan accounts, how you guys crazily cheer for them like theres no tomorrow, the pink ocean wave that dominates the whole concert area, and after watching some fancams uploaded on the net, im kinda overwhelmed too and felt really proud being a filipino sone...^^ well, theres always another chance.. im hoping for a full solo concert here and when that time comes.. i will definitely come and experience it myself..^^ thank you soshi for giving us such a wonderful performance... im pretty sure it was the greatest 30mins. ever of the sones who got the chance to see you live in PH... SOSHI jjang! hwaiting! hwaiting!

Three times I've seen them: Bangkok, Hsinchu, and Manila (shameless plug: see fanaccount links in my signature for more details, kekeke), three times I've cried. Heck, when I'm watching my DVDs of the concerts, I cry there too. Especially in Bangkok, since it was the first time I've seen them in person, I cried maybe 60 to 70% of the time. I really did.


There really is something about the Girls that makes you wanna just give your all to sing, cheer, and fanchant for them. I am pretty much beat and exhausted afterwards, and until now my body is still a bit sore.


If and when the next time SNSD comes, I do hope that you can come and experience the magic of singing, cheering, and fanchanting for them live and alive. I'm telling you right now, it's such a wonderful experience to be a part of the Pink Ocean. Every. Single. Time.

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Jigemeun, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Apuroudo, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Yongwonhi, So Nyuh Shi Dae! So Nyuh Shi Dae Saranghe!
My encounter with the Girls:
Bangkok, Hsinchu, Manila, Taipei, Taipei Again, Bulacan, Seoul, Hong Kong, Seoul Again, Taipei 3rd, Manila Again, Manila 3rd
My thoughts on the Girls: Power of Nine, One Year Later, Two Years, On Being a SONE, Deeper Feelings At your own risk: Twitter, Instagram Covers: Blind CH Ver. (SM The Ballad Zhoumi), Non-SNSD Covers Thread, SNSD Covers Thread Fanfic: Breathe, Don't Speak
If Fany uploads a picture of herself in that Party MV bikini like what Sunny did, I SWEAR I'M GONNA THROW MYSELF OUT THE WINDOW

beefcakes beefcakes
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Posted 21 January 2013 - 03:14 AM

this is the first time in my life to watch a live concert. (me speak bad english) :)


when i was watching them in youtube, kbsworld and etc, i always thought i will never see them in PERSON.


then finally my cousin gave me a free ticket to their concert, i was extremely excited but i didn't want my cousin to know.




music videos, talk shows... = "...how i wish i can see them in person..."


dkfc = " HOLY SWEET JESUS! "

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RickachuSNSD RickachuSNSD
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Posted 22 January 2013 - 05:18 PM

this is the first time in my life to watch a live concert. (me speak bad english) :)


when i was watching them in youtube, kbsworld and etc, i always thought i will never see them in PERSON.


then finally my cousin gave me a free ticket to their concert, i was extremely excited but i didn't want my cousin to know.




music videos, talk shows... = "...how i wish i can see them in person..."


dkfc = " HOLY SWEET JESUS! "


It's a totally different feeling, obviously, seeing them in person, rather than compared to through a computer screen. Heck, it even feels different seeing them on TV compared to seeing them through a computer screen. LOL. It's something like computer screen --> TV --> live in person, that kind of thing.


Glad you were able to see them in person now. Yeah, all that yearning to see them in person after watching so many videos, it's such a painful feeling. And the funny thing is that after seeing them in person, somehow, you want more. It's both a blessing and a curse as a SONE.

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Jigemeun, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Apuroudo, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Yongwonhi, So Nyuh Shi Dae! So Nyuh Shi Dae Saranghe!
My encounter with the Girls:
Bangkok, Hsinchu, Manila, Taipei, Taipei Again, Bulacan, Seoul, Hong Kong, Seoul Again, Taipei 3rd, Manila Again, Manila 3rd
My thoughts on the Girls: Power of Nine, One Year Later, Two Years, On Being a SONE, Deeper Feelings At your own risk: Twitter, Instagram Covers: Blind CH Ver. (SM The Ballad Zhoumi), Non-SNSD Covers Thread, SNSD Covers Thread Fanfic: Breathe, Don't Speak
If Fany uploads a picture of herself in that Party MV bikini like what Sunny did, I SWEAR I'M GONNA THROW MYSELF OUT THE WINDOW

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Posted 24 January 2013 - 08:43 PM

Thanks for gifting us with another vivid fanaccount. I always get emotional reading them! You always give so much of yourself to support the girls, with the aching joints, putting up with chaos, loss of voice and complete exhaustion. Also, dealing with awful venue logistics, poor crowd management, etc. Believe me, when I traveled to Thailand to see SNSD, I ran into problems in a foreign country I hadn't imagined. Though as you had said, to see the girls in person, there is no comparison and an experience that is beyond any Sones's dream. Above all, it's worth it.

As for your feeling of emptiness after each concert, I can also relate as I'm sure many fans do. Even Taeyeon has said that she feels depressed and lonely after performing. A lot has to to with being so pumped up before and during such a huge event that an anti-climax is inevitable. There's also the factor of coming back to reality after seeing SNSD. Everyone goes back to their normal school, work and family life. Even our nine angels feel that void. Anyways, let's enjoy every minute of this huge and crazy pink phenomenon known as SNSD & SONE as long as we can!
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RickachuSNSD RickachuSNSD
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Posted 27 January 2013 - 01:04 AM

Thanks for gifting us with another vivid fanaccount. I always get emotional reading them! You always give so much of yourself to support the girls, with the aching joints, putting up with chaos, loss of voice and complete exhaustion. Also, dealing with awful venue logistics, poor crowd management, etc. Believe me, when I traveled to Thailand to see SNSD, I ran into problems in a foreign country I hadn't imagined. Though as you had said, to see the girls in person, there is no comparison and an experience that is beyond any Sones's dream. Above all, it's worth it.

As for your feeling of emptiness after each concert, I can also relate as I'm sure many fans do. Even Taeyeon has said that she feels depressed and lonely after performing. A lot has to to with being so pumped up before and during such a huge event that an anti-climax is inevitable. There's also the factor of coming back to reality after seeing SNSD. Everyone goes back to their normal school, work and family life. Even our nine angels feel that void. Anyways, let's enjoy every minute of this huge and crazy pink phenomenon known as SNSD & SONE as long as we can!


Yeah, pretty much. I sometimes ask myself these days why do I give so much of myself to these Girls, when I cannot do the same thing to the things that really need my attention, like my PhD studies now. I mean, it's been more than a week now, and still I have some aches and pains all over my body, and my throat is still a bit hoarse that I honestly think that I may have finally permanently damaged it. And furthermore, I still have this hangover from this experience - although it wasn't a very good one compared to the previous ones - maybe because of the fact that I've finally seen Girls' Generation in my home turf. Maybe.


It actually scares me, like what I mentioned before. They hold so much power over me that now my heart is so filled with so much things about Girls' Generation. It actually hurts. I really want to enjoy every single minute that I can with this phenomenon, and yet at the same time I want to keep myself anchored to the reality that I am in. It's just that I feel that I am more worried about them and for them than for myself, and it scares me a lot.


Thank you!!!

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Jigemeun, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Apuroudo, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Yongwonhi, So Nyuh Shi Dae! So Nyuh Shi Dae Saranghe!
My encounter with the Girls:
Bangkok, Hsinchu, Manila, Taipei, Taipei Again, Bulacan, Seoul, Hong Kong, Seoul Again, Taipei 3rd, Manila Again, Manila 3rd
My thoughts on the Girls: Power of Nine, One Year Later, Two Years, On Being a SONE, Deeper Feelings At your own risk: Twitter, Instagram Covers: Blind CH Ver. (SM The Ballad Zhoumi), Non-SNSD Covers Thread, SNSD Covers Thread Fanfic: Breathe, Don't Speak
If Fany uploads a picture of herself in that Party MV bikini like what Sunny did, I SWEAR I'M GONNA THROW MYSELF OUT THE WINDOW

AlmightyYOU AlmightyYOU
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Posted 22 February 2013 - 08:32 PM

I like the "We thought you'd never come .. " JJANG!!

So bad I wasn't there , sucks for me -_- .. 

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“We can only shine brightest as SNSD when SNSD stands on one stage as nine.” - Yuri

RickachuSNSD RickachuSNSD
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Posted 27 February 2013 - 03:32 AM

AlmightyYOU, on 23 Feb 2013 - 12:24, said:

I like the "We thought you'd never come .. " JJANG!!

So bad I wasn't there , sucks for me -_- .. 


It was a great idea. I mean, even Tiffany said that it was such a sweet thing for us to do for them. And for that matter, SONEs were the only one to put together a fan event for SNSD. None of the other groups had that fan event.

Don't feel too bad about it. Just believe and try to work harder for it. You'd get your chance soon. I waited two years and missed two concerts before I got my chance.

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Jigemeun, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Apuroudo, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Yongwonhi, So Nyuh Shi Dae! So Nyuh Shi Dae Saranghe!
My encounter with the Girls:
Bangkok, Hsinchu, Manila, Taipei, Taipei Again, Bulacan, Seoul, Hong Kong, Seoul Again, Taipei 3rd, Manila Again, Manila 3rd
My thoughts on the Girls: Power of Nine, One Year Later, Two Years, On Being a SONE, Deeper Feelings At your own risk: Twitter, Instagram Covers: Blind CH Ver. (SM The Ballad Zhoumi), Non-SNSD Covers Thread, SNSD Covers Thread Fanfic: Breathe, Don't Speak
If Fany uploads a picture of herself in that Party MV bikini like what Sunny did, I SWEAR I'M GONNA THROW MYSELF OUT THE WINDOW

Forever 9 ♡ Forever 9 ♡
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Posted 03 March 2013 - 12:27 AM

WAAAA. It must had been fun. Girls' in PH for the first time and performing IGAB and Dancing Queen T____T. Did you know that they only arrived PH on the day of the concert at evening? They didnt even have time to rehearse XD. Then they went back at midnight to Korea.


Anddd I enjoy reading your fan accounts so hopefully you'd go more concert and write a fan account after it XD. 

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Forever & Always; Jessica Jung.

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RickachuSNSD RickachuSNSD
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Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:58 AM

Forever 9 ♡, on 03 Mar 2013 - 16:19, said:

WAAAA. It must had been fun. Girls' in PH for the first time and performing IGAB and Dancing Queen T____T. Did you know that they only arrived PH on the day of the concert at evening? They didnt even have time to rehearse XD. Then they went back at midnight to Korea.


Anddd I enjoy reading your fan accounts so hopefully you'd go more concert and write a fan account after it XD. 


It was effing fun, especially that last 30 minutes when SNSD was performing. Yeah, I realized that too right after the concert, that we got first dibs on the performance of IGAB and Dancing Queen outside South Korea. And yeah, that's what I heard too - actually I also heard that their flight got delayed a bit and they didn't have enough time to really rest up a bit in Manila, and then they flew back to Korea that same night (they got SBS Inkigayo at the very least) - their schedules are really tight that time.


Thank you for reading and enjoying my fanaccounts - I got others too from previous experiences (links in my signature, kekekeke - shameless plug). Thanks!!!

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Jigemeun, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Apuroudo, So Nyuh Shi Dae! Yongwonhi, So Nyuh Shi Dae! So Nyuh Shi Dae Saranghe!
My encounter with the Girls:
Bangkok, Hsinchu, Manila, Taipei, Taipei Again, Bulacan, Seoul, Hong Kong, Seoul Again, Taipei 3rd, Manila Again, Manila 3rd
My thoughts on the Girls: Power of Nine, One Year Later, Two Years, On Being a SONE, Deeper Feelings At your own risk: Twitter, Instagram Covers: Blind CH Ver. (SM The Ballad Zhoumi), Non-SNSD Covers Thread, SNSD Covers Thread Fanfic: Breathe, Don't Speak
If Fany uploads a picture of herself in that Party MV bikini like what Sunny did, I SWEAR I'M GONNA THROW MYSELF OUT THE WINDOW

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