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[MESSAGE] Happy 5th Anniversary To Girls' Generation/소녀시대August 5th, 2012

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Infinitum Infinitum
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 01:52 PM

Happy 5th anniversary, Girls' Generation!

Ever since I became a SONE, I never regretted it. Deep down, Girls' Generation mean A LOT more than 9 girls singing and dancing on stage. And I'm really thankful that I got to know Girls' Generation.

Girls' Generation is my source of motivation; that driving source that pushes me whenever I feel like giving up.
Girls' Generation is my beacon of light; 9 stars that shine ever so brightly in the dark sky, always giving me hope, that nothing is possible.
Girls' Generation is my inspiration; always reminding me that despite of one's success, one should always remain humble and continuously seek ways to improve oneself.

To the 9 angels, thank you for all that you have done for us SONEs. Despite your busy and hectic schedules, you girls never fail to put a smile on our faces. Yes, Girls' Generation makes SONEs' lives complete. Many of us were not SONEs from the start, but now that we are, we will support you forever till the end. Always remember that wherever you go, a pink ocean will follow. But saying all that, I really hope you girls would take good care of yourselves and please don't fall sick.

Here's to 5 years of Girls' Generation and SONEs working together!

지금은 소녀시대! 앞으로도 소녀시대! 영원히 소녀시대!
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'As a Sooyoungster, I promise to cherish and love the Shikshin goddess, to feed the shikshin whenever she is hungry, to eat as much as I want despite what others say, and I will be the Shikshin's source of energy and happiness.'

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 02:16 PM

Happy Anniversary to my greatest girls group band that ever exist in this world!

I wish to you all 9 of my pretty nieces always in good health, stay happy and fun, always being dork and crazy, don't let maturity hold your dorkiness because it could made you stay younger.....believe me!

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yoonandien yoonandien
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 02:19 PM

it's been five years since you debut
thank you for coming tp my life and make my life full of happiness
I always grateful to you girls,you came to my life when I was so down and I don't know how to stand and face the world again but after I saw your spirit and hardwork to made your dream came true it's inspiring me a lot. now when I'm sad or even when I mad I always listen to your song or watching your music video,your live performance or your variety show and the sadness will fly to the air kekekekek

I proud to be SONE even though i'm not with you all from the start i'm promise to be with you forever
Please continue to work hard,stay healthy and always happy
happy 5th anniversary
hope there'll be 6th,7th,8th,9,th,10th anniversary

Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, and Seohyun all of you are the best
Girls generation is the best,,jjang jjang jjang
I love you
지금은 소녀시대 | 앞으로도 소녀시대 | 영원히 소녀시대
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rayn_hard rayn_hard
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 02:58 PM

Happy 5th Anniversary for SNSD! a.k.a Girls Generation...

I don't know what i want to say,,,
i'm just happy when i can see you in good condition, with nine members,,
i'm also happy when i'm waiting for your new song,, and then i can watch it by myself,,
i'm also happy when i see you in many various varshows,, with your cute and adorable side,,
i'm also happy when i see your energic and great performance,,

i'm happy when you are happy,,
i laugh when you laugh,,
and i can cry also when you cry,,
so lets share our happiness and sadness,,

i just think that i'm the luckiest person in this world coz i know you,,

Jigeumeun So Nyuh Shi Dae!!!
Apeurodo So Nyuh Shi Dae!!!
Yongwonhi So Nyuh Shi Dae!!!
SNSD Fighting!!!
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Naengmyun queen Naengmyun queen
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 03:03 PM

haha :D Again another successful, beautiful and memorable year passes by :) I am absolutely beyond proud of all of you girls :) Thank you so much for working so hard and trying your best for us ever since the beginning. Unnies, you are not only admirable but truly an inspiration. Honestly, I can never thank you enough. I don't know how to express everything in my heart, but all I can say is that I'm so thankful of you girls, you unnies really mean a lot to me :) Thank you for teaching me many things that I couldn't realize before, such as love, humbleness, believing, communication, and much more. Thank you for always showing us your happy side, it always made me happy to see SNSD unnies' smiles :) Thank you for always making us laugh uncontrollably XD You're hilarious XD Thank you for always being there, especially on the times when my real friends aren't. Thank you for always dreaming with us :) SONES are always here to stand with you forever <3 Take good care and give lots of love to each other, ok? :) Stay safe, happy, and healthy :) I'm looking forward to another great year together! Lets make more memories! :)

Taeyeon Unnie, Jessica Unnie, Sunny Unnie,Tiffany Unnie, Hyoyeon Unnie, Yuri Unnie, Sooyoung Unnie, Yoona Unnie, and Seohyun Unnie ,
I love you so much <3 Ashley You're beautiful inside and out~

Happy 5th Anniversary <3

I will continue to support and cheer for Girls' Generation forever <3 With all my heart~

You make my life complete~
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rieanex rieanex
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 03:19 PM

Congratulations on the 5th year Girls Generation! Thank you so much for all the hardwork you guys went through for us sones. I hope many more years will come by and I'll be able to thank you girls again (:
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AndreCarvalho AndreCarvalho
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 03:38 PM

Well, it isn't 5 august yet where I live, but since I learned to work on KST too so I guess I can considerate myself in august 5, haha'

To start off, it has been only 13 or 14 months since I got first introduced to SNSD, but even though not being much time, I feel like I know them for 4 or 5 years already.
The first time I listened to their song and MV, I instantly started to like them.
It didn't take me too long to REALLY like them, and to know all their names, voices, everything, some time later I already had found my bias.
The first time I heard which was 13 or 14 months ago till today, was one of the best months of my life, seriously.
I never thought it was possible for someone to love a person without even knowing them in real life, but now I discovered that it is possible, and it is not just one person, but NINE.
Well, I'm really not good with these things, I always end up not saying all I wanted to.
But the time I took to know them, to see each one of them personality, to see each one of them as person, the time I spent listening to their songs over and over, were, without any doubt, the best time of my life.
Only way to get any better is if SMTown decide to make a concert here in my country, :D. Now that would be great.
Well, I guess this is it.

Happy birthday SNSD.

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지금은 소녀시대
앞으로도 소녀시대
영원히 소녀시대




animmates animmates
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 03:48 PM

It's been 5 Years since your debut and still counting.

The only wish we Sone want for you is.....

To be together FOREVER. ^_^

It's not much, isn't it? :laugh:

5 years have passed.

In 5 years, you've been thanking us SONES non-stop.

But I think we SONES are the one who should say thank you.

Because without SNSD there'll be no SONE.

You guys keep us SONE going.

Continue to show your charms to people.

Continue to show your SoShiBond to people.

And most of all, continue to become ONE.

Worry nothing, because you got SONES on your side.

The only regret I have is I've never been beside you since 소녀시대 was born.

But I assure you that I'll be with you until forever ends.

To wrap things up, let's all say the never gets old motto of our Girls,

지금은 소녀시대!

앞으로도 소녀시대!

영원히 소녀시대!



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Aevangelion Aevangelion
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 04:03 PM

Our Dear Girls' Generation,

Although I've been a SONE for merely a year-and-a-half, I am very, very grateful to have been part of this incredible ride with you. If I could turn back time, I'd want to go back and know you during your debut, to support and cheer you on as you start your journey into the new world.

Truly, I never would have thought being a fan would be such a rich experience. I find myself filled with excitement and anticipation for every new song and performance, but what's special is feeling close and familiar with each one of you - getting to know more of your personalities off-stage through variety shows, interviews, etc. Each and every one of you is an absolute delight to know, and I love you all for who you are.

Indeed I am not a fan of just anybody, but I am your fan, and not merely a fan - I feel as if I'm part of a real family. The bond between you nine sisters is truly inspiring, and is the same bond that brings you together with us SONEs.

Noonas, I thank God for each and every one of your lives, and also for allowing me to know you. It is an absolute pleasure and honor to be able to pray for you. Even if you don't get to read this message, I know my prayers do not fall on deaf ears.

Keep doing what you love doing, and keep strong together. We all love you, and truly thank you very much for being there for us SONEs. My words aren't nearly enough; I wish I could better express my pride in you and my gratitude.

Since 2007, right now, in the future, and forever - it has been, is, and will be Girls' Generation in all of us SONEs' hearts. Congratulations on your 5th anniversary!

Aaron (Philippines)
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Certified SNEForever 9YongSeo is Real

Yonghwa: "Seohyun, should I really do it?" Seohyun: "Yes~" *forehead kiss*

“I’m always praying that God will bless you guys… And whatever difficulty might come at us, let’s never let go~
Right now… In the future… Forever… And also until 'the very end of me'… it’s Girls' Generation!” - Tiffany

"In life, there are many things that make us angry or things we can't comprehend. And when that happens, I think of what Jesus, who is overflowing with love, would do. I think that if I always act and deal with things in love, I wouldn't regret anything no matter what the result is." - Sooyoung

SONEno.9 SONEno.9
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 04:16 PM


Thank you for being strong for this past 5 years, thank you for creating music for our ears :)
I am truly thankful and I think I speak for all SONEs :)
5 years ago you angels started with Into a New World in 2007 and shocked everyone :)
Remember those comments saying how you angels wouldn't make it well guess what?!? You angels broke many records in music in Korea! :)
Look at you angels now :) Shining so bright not only in Korea but the world :)
You girls have achieved so much in 5 years I think I can now call you miracles :)
Life has brought you many difficulties but you brushed them off without any problems why? Because you girls have the ultimate bond that no one else has.
I remember watching when you girls win an award for Kissing you and I really cried along but I knew those tears were a sign of happiness so that made me cry along :)
Then came along Gee bringing you girls into immense popularity. Earning you girls 9 consecutive wins :) A new record!
But it doesn't stop then if I listed them all there wouldn't be enough room left :L This shows how much you angels have done.
Not only in records but in lifes :) You have changed my life and other SONEs lives :)
You made sure we knew that Soshi and SONEs are a family, never forgeting to say thank you when recieving awards :)
Thank you so much :) You have inspired me and all the other SONEs in life :)
Happy 5th Anniversary Soshi!!!
I hope in 5 years time I will be saying Happy 10th Anniversary! :L
So unnies please take care of yourselves and do not get sick :)
I hope the best for you angels and that you will continue strong and break more records :)

So, Soshi can you hear us?

We, SONEs will continue supporting you even when forever ends!

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hax0rs hax0rs
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 04:16 PM

I've only known you girls for about 5 years... But damn if it isn't awesome! SNSD has always been there, through the hardest, darkest, and boringest(?) time of my life hahaha... This might sounds crazy, but I could withstand the loss of my mom by just watching you guys, whether in TV shows or MVs or performances.. and sure it helped me a lot. You nine angels of happiness distracted me from the real world for a while, to gave me a new energy to live and doing great things. Happy 5th anniversary, and I hope 10, 20, or 30 years from now I'll be writing some wishes for the same angels, only with different years! So Nyeo Shi Dae hwaiting!! ^^
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hax0rs hax0rs
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 04:17 PM

I've only known you girls for about 5 years... But damn if it isn't awesome! SNSD has always been there, through the hardest, darkest, and boringest(?) time of my life hahaha... This might sounds crazy, but I could withstand the loss of my mom by just watching you guys, whether in TV shows or MVs or performances.. and sure it helped me a lot. You nine angels of happiness distracted me from the real world for a while, to gave me a new energy to live and doing great things. Happy 5th anniversary, and I hope 10, 20, or 30 years from now I'll be writing some wishes for the same angels, only with different years! So Nyeo Shi Dae hwaiting!! ^^
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felixxx felixxx
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 04:23 PM

Happy Anniversary my inspiration and source of a great deal of my happiness! I made my first rebellious act because of you, I went to Paris all by myself just to see you guys and I don't regret it for a second. But it feels like ages ago and I hope to see you again very soon! :) And I hope that in the future that I will write another happy anniversary! Hwaiting!
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may-anne may-anne
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 04:27 PM

Girls Generation,

Happy 5th Birthday!

It's been great getting to see all nine of you grow in those five years from cute and innocent girls to the mature girls you are now. (although you all still have that dorkiness that all of us love ^_^ ) You all went through many troubles to be where you are now, and it's amazing how much your hard work payed off.

Your friendship and love for eachother is what makes girls generation, girls generation. It wouldn't be the same without SoshiBond. I'm glad that you all have eachother to lean on when you have a rough day. Remember that you all can count on us Sones too when you're having a rough time. We'll always be here cheering you on.

I am glad that all nine of you came into my life, and I will always support you girls no matter what.
Even though I wasn't here with you from the beginning, I will stay with you till the end.
Us Sones will support you till forever ends. <3

~ A Sone ~

Edited by may-anne, 04 August 2012 - 04:27 PM.

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Kid Leader FTW!!! ^_^

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Posted 04 August 2012 - 04:35 PM

Girls Generation:

Thanks to you all, I found a goal that I want to achieve in my life. My goal to learn Korean, Migrate to South Korea when I earn enough money and Join the SM crew team when I grow up was developed by you all. Before I become a hardcore SONE, I was living my life like a person with no goal. I have supported you all since your debut in 2007 and have been following your steps on the path of fame and how much you all have grown in the past 5 years. Hope SNSD exist in the years to come. Hope I can reach my goal as soon as possible in learning Korean and join the SM crew.

SNSD Hwaiting and produce more beautiful miracle in the years to come.
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kuribo kuribo
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 04:40 PM

Happy 5th Anniversary 소녀시대! It has been a long journey for your women to come to this place. I am honored to be able to be a part of this celebration. I hope that you will have many more anniversaries in the future. Enjoy yourselves, strive to reach your dreams, and always bask in your soshi bond. Love you all girls. Girls' Generation forever!
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Soulkeeper-Paradise-Kuribo_zpsdb0bf11b.jToti-Mr-Taxi-3.jpg Sig cred: kuribo 
I like mushrooms and Yuri. I was destined to be a Yulti fan. Proud SunRiser. sunrivow.gif Lurking Eyesmiler. (YulTiSun makes me spaz.) OT9 forever Kuribo's Krazy One-Shot Collection "The chemistry behind SnSd shows very strong bonds producing an unbreakable structure. It's like a diamond."

Mape Mape
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 04:47 PM

HAPPY 5th Anniversary!

Dear 소녀시대 unnies,
Five years ago, 9 girls from different backgrounds became as one. Thank you so much for working hard and striving towards your goal to become widely known around the world. Looking back, if it wasn't for you guys as Girls' Generation, I would been stuck in depression. Back then, my life was in complete darkness with no hope to be found. Suddenly as if a beacon of light began to shine, nine angles came into my life. I am truly grateful for that. Even though I hadn't known all of you since your debut, it was quite an honor to witness all of you transform from nine little girls to young ladies turning into beautiful women. Back then and still now 소녀시대 will forever be my inspiration, happiness and hope. I pray to God every single night that he will bless all of you and give you all good health and strength in the future. Since then, it has been my dream to see all of you: Taeyeon unnie, Jessica unnie, Sunny (Soonkyu) unnie, Tiffany unnie, Hyoyeon unnie, Yuri unnie, Sooyoung unnie, Yoona unnie, and Seohyun unnie in person. But that dream has to wait. Someday in the future our paths will cross. Until that day, I will work hard in my studies so I can be successful in the future.
May the Soshi Bond continue to grow in the future and to exist eternally. God bless =P Kim Taeyeon unnie,
-.-Jessica Jung (Jung Sooyeon) unnie, =D Sunny (Lee Soonkyu) unnie, ^-^ Tiffany Hwang (Hwang Miyoung) unnie,
o.o Kim Hyoyeon unnie, ~_^ Kwon Yuri unnie, >=( Choi Sooyoung unnie, =( Im Yoona unnie, and =) Seohyun (Seo Joohyun) unnie! Once again, Happy 5th anniversary and best wishes in the future. You make us SNE proud by just being the way you are. Keep strong and I'll never be ashamed to be a SNE ever.

지금은 소녀시대! Right now, it's Girls' Generation!
앞으로도 소녀시대! From now on, it's Girls' Generation!

영원히 소녀시대!
Forever, it's Girls' Generation!
I Love You, unnies. Forever!
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scivar scivar
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 05:05 PM

Happy 5th Anniversary my beautiful 소녀시대!!!!
Back once again to tell you that I love you and I cheer for you!
And that I will always love you and cheer for you!
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dissonantharmony dissonantharmony
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 05:21 PM

Where to start...

I may not have known about SNSD for 5 years but the time that I have spent with them has been amazing.
There has been so much passion and love between the 9 girls and their fans and it's an amazing sight to see.
Each member is so special by herself, but all 9 of them together just make magic.

From singing and dancing, to acting and variety shows, these girls never fail to make me feel what they're feeling.
Whether exploding into ahjumma laughter or crying a river, these girls have incited in me emotions that I've never felt, let alone expressed, before.
I may not have been able to see their debut in 2007 or even their comeback for Hoot in 2010 live as a late Sone, but even watching their debut 4 years later when I first got into the fandom thrust me "Into the New World."

They've shown me what hard work, determination, happiness, perseverance, exhaustion, and many more attributes look like.
Sometimes I feel bad that they work so hard and lose so much sleep, but I then I realize that to them it's all worth it.
They had, and still have a dream, and work themselves to the bone to realize it...
and it worked.
They've expanded into the global market and it fills me with pride that I'm able to see them fly so far (literally).

I can honestly say that I'd be a totally different person if SNSD had not come into my life.
From acquiring Tiffany's laugh clap and covering my mouth when laughing, to inspiring me to become a better person, SNSD has made my life so much better.
They've enriched my perception of the world and filled it with the colours of the rainbow.

Happy 5th Anniversary Girls' Generation!
It's been a wonderful ride with you all so far and I hope to keep riding this train for many more years to come.
Stay healthy and happy, and keep doing what you love.

지금은 소녀시대!
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xenefenex-J xenefenex-J
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Posted 04 August 2012 - 05:28 PM

Happy 5th Anniversary Girls' Generation!!

I'm sure my message is not a unique one do the vast number of hearts who have been touched by Girls' Generation, but I do admit that it is something that will always be with me. Every person deals with their own wanderings while trying to find a path for themselves, and I as a teenager who was trying to find something for myself was stuck trying to figure out what would be best for me. The song "Into the New World" was what really helped me work through those years and find a part of myself once more. Since hearing that song, Girls' Generation has been a strong motivator for me and to this day, I smile when I see a performance or hear one of your songs.

For now I'm just an ordinary student, but I have goals and dreams to aim higher, thanks to Girls' Generation and their motivation.
Someday when I too have reached success like you, I hope to thank you again in that position. For now though, I hope this will suffice.

Thank you so much for all that you've done, every Sone around the world raises their hand proud and takes pride in Girls' Generation.
5 years may seem like a long time, but with Girls' Generation, no matter how many more years it is, even if that time will be for eternity, this generation will always be for you.

Enjoy your anniversary and I hope to see another fantastic future for all of you.
And as a present, I've decided to write some poems.

Ride along with me on this Time Machine.

The Paparazzi will follow GG,
The Boys stick around and they watch the rest,
You understand us through 텔레파시,
Let us hear your thoughts, or please just Say Yes.

Even if others play a Trick on you,
Please think positive, 봄날 is today,
My J is here too, plus there's a good view
So take this OSCAR, and enjoy your stay!

This is Top Secret, so don't tell a soul,
Lazy Girl you weren't, you made us so proud,
제자리걸음 isn't how you roll,
비타민 of sound, when it's really loud.

I really just am a You-aholic,
Say Run Devil Run and I search around
Bad Girl you say but, not alcoholic,
You are Beautiful, Stranger what a sound.

Girl I'm in Love with, the Hero who saved,
I say Let It Rain, and wash that wrinkle,
One, The Great Escape that is being raved,
You were Born to Be, a Lady twinkle.

I call for Mr., Taxi Taxi see,
Hoot Hoot goes the owl, sitting in his post,
내 잘못이죠, so please forgive me
You are my 단짝, even when you're long lost.

It's morning so please, 일어나 okay,
Today's 첫눈에... what shall we do now
Oh! Time to enjoy, on this awesome day
The Echo travels back, from far in the snow.

The schedule is full, Show Show Show hurrah,
But with 뻔 & Fun, it makes me want to,
영원히 너와 꿈꾸고 싶다
Together let's 웃자, Life is so great, no?!

Here is 화성인, 바이러스 out,
Talk to me, here's some 카라멜 커피
별별별 out there, its pretty no doubt,
Search for 무조건 해피엔딩 see.

So 좋은 일만 생각하기 say,
Really 소원을 말해봐 to me,
Fulfill it I will, Etude and away
This city of S.E.O.U.L., the wonderful sea.

He searches for one, to call his Girlfriend
And she looks for him, to call him Boyfriend
Maybe they'll one day, live out a 동화
1년 後 they'll have, a happy ending.

Gee, there is one hope, Girls' Generation
You tell us "힘내!" and we feel power,
Your love from Dear Mom, gives realization,
Destiny helps our own, hard-working flower.

Let's Talk About Love, the love you have shown,
Ooh La-La! we hear, they don't understand,
Cuz Baby Baby, too much to confess
Complete you make life, please just wave your hand.

Who was he with you, Kissing You on that,
While you there were on the Merry-Go-Round
The Tears of joy stream, I take off my hat,
Tinkerbell, I hide, I don't make a sound.

Girls' Generation is not about money
They are so sweet, more sweet than Honey,
You have the Twinkle, you stand out in crowds,
From here we will go, Into the New World.

From now until eternity、it will be Girls' Generation.

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@  Keitaro88 (05:00:59 PM) out!
@  Keitaro88 (05:00:52 PM) @iheartPreSun same :D
@  Xin<3 (08:23:55 AM) shout!
@  iheartPreSun (12:26:57 AM) @Keitaro88 glad you're still around ^^
@  Keitaro88 (10:07:28 PM) @iheartPreSun sup :D
@  iheartPreSun (05:17:17 PM) @Keitaro88 yo
@  Keitaro88 (04:38:32 PM) lol
@  iheartPreSun (02:09:04 AM) lol shout here with m chingu
@  SoshiSNSD09 (12:26:11 AM) shoutbox ded lol
@  iheartPreSun (06:26:49 PM) no shouts?