Community Status Updates

zadrian01 → hiD
annyeong.... may i to the point??? i've tried to update my e-mail address.. after dat there's no new e-mail.. and then i tried to check-in again... and now i cant use my account again...

DoHyo → hiD
I forgot something
here my signature
here my signature

DoHyo → hiD
sorry for bothering
I don't know where I can raise my problem
I have a signature
and when I try to put it
I got a board message
I complied the rules
but I don't know why I got board message
please help me
If you can't, tell me where I can raise my problem
I don't know where I can raise my problem
I have a signature
and when I try to put it
I got a board message
I complied the rules
but I don't know why I got board message
please help me
If you can't, tell me where I can raise my problem

Kharis Allenby Exodu → hiD
we have the same favorite soshi member ..that wahat i like..:lol:

sherrychu_ → hiD
Hello there, mind if i ask you to change my name from kimricchan to ?Ricchan? please?
Thanks a lot^^
Thanks a lot^^

GG101 → hiD
Hello super Mod, im a noob to soshified, please teach me the secret to the almighty shout box 8)