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hiD → Ruby Lee
at least ur better than me =.=''. OMG!! I think u just fulfill my request in kpop req paradise of yan xxxD. Ur Ivy's Lov3R??

Ruby Lee → hiD
hix ^^! my PS skill goes from bad to worse ... i'm so lazyyyyy :P

hiD → Ruby Lee
cool!!! see u here all the time ^^. Hope u will teach me some PTS skills =]

hiD → orangesmartie92
Diana!!! IT's your birthday today???WOW!! Happy 16th birthday=]

hiD → xCHELLy
Happy birthday!!!! Michelle ^^v . Hope you have a great 16th birthday party =]

hiD → ak6c
Always want to say "Thank you" =]. You are the fastest and the best translator I've ever known ^^v

x-9293-x → hiD
No I wasn't on you just probably got my message late. I try to stay on as long as possible maybe we'll catch each other on aim.

hiD → x-9293-x
sorry i didnt keep my words ><. I was to busy to be onl and chat with with u =.=''..Sorry Anhthu ..

x-9293-x → hiD
Hi Heidi! I didn't know you were online. Well just wanted to say hi ^_^.